Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

IGN and Gamespot reviews are in. 5/10 ("mediocre") and 4/10 ("poor") respectively.
Knew they were giving it low scores because of the unusual delay in putting out their reviews. Sure Beth avoided a few cancellations because of it but it's still pretty bad.
It takes one awful outing to financially damage a franchise in the long term. You are going from definite sales on the name alone to folks paying more attention to reviews in the future. Bonehead decision any way you look at it.
Should have gone with another Obsidian Fallout.
Knew they were giving it low scores because of the unusual delay in putting out their reviews. Sure Beth avoided a few cancellations because of it but it's still pretty bad.
It takes one awful outing to financially damage a franchise in the long term. You are going from definite sales on the name alone to folks paying more attention to reviews in the future. Bonehead decision any way you look at it.
Should have gone with another Obsidian Fallout.