Resident Schizo Poster
That is a sign of a mature and responsible PR Manager.Fallout 76 is so bad it made Pete Hines stop using Twitter.
That is a sign of a mature and responsible PR Manager.Fallout 76 is so bad it made Pete Hines stop using Twitter.
"out of sight, out of mind"That is a sign of a mature and responsible PR Manager.
Bethesda's refund policy has recently changed (https://hothardware.com/news/bethesda-reportedly-renegs-on-promised-fallout-76-refund-offers). Now you can get a refund if you already paid for it, but not if you have already downloaded it. Too bad Fallout 76 is not on Steam. At least then there would be a 3rd party to offer a standard policy on the matter.Coincidently, just finished watching ItsaGundam's latest little video on it. Choice topics: Bethesda offering refunds for PC,
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454044830Steam said:You may request a refund for: A single copy of game purchased on Steam: For as long as you have bought in within fourteen days and played it for less than 2 hours.
Yeah, you definitely have good points about why games aren't (always) art. I think some games are art, I think some are more entertainment without the artistic aspect, and some are made for sports-like entertainment.It is a tricky discussion because people have NEVER agreed on what defines art.
"As someone with experience in game development, the points you make about getting the game to work in multiplayer are just.... odd. The programming the creation engine is written in C++, which has a veritable cornucopia of information on how to implement such a system. (http://www.codersblock.org/blog/multiplayer-fps-part-1 "just an example") What you are basically telling everyone is that the Bethesda Games Studios' programming team are not up to the task. You describe a system that needs to handle the logistics of player data, that conundrum was solved a long time ago.There are also open source methods available online that are not protected by patents which means they're public domain. I get you like the game, however don't defend poor work by painting it in the light of a developer's prospective when it's clear you yourself are unaware of how to approach such a system. You also assume a lot of details when you speculate about "what if" features that are not included in the game. I watched the entire video, and yes your perspective is biased."
I saw a video on Youtube.com the other day where an individual with self professed experience in the game development industry basically defended Fallout 76.
As someone who does have experience (myself) as well a fan of modifying games I found his video to be just unfiltered biased detritus.
I even posted a comment about it basically debunking his odd position with Fallout 76.
No matter how anyone looks at Fallout 76, it is not worth the price it's being sold at, nor is purchasing it a wise idea since it will only promote future titles of notably poor quality.
Felt fallout 4 was crowded? XDDDDDDDDDBest thing about F76 so far is the cringe in the comments, no matter where you look.
Doesn't even matter if they're pro or anti towards the game.
My favourite so far are
"F76 is more fun with friends? Well, so is prison"
"I've heard, if you collect enough trash off the ground in 76, you can craft he next Fallout game"
And ofc the positive comments on MetaCritic.
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Talks about misinformation - says it runs better on consoles.But I started to really run out of breath at the lore part.
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Well, not gonna be able to accuse him of lying there I guess
can't really sum up most of the positive comments in my own words, I'll have bender do it for me. also note how Leela is the perfect description of fanbois inability to have in-depth views on F76.![]()
Meh, I am sure Arnust will defend Beth on the Discord by calling the rest of us NMA'ers fedora wearing hipsters that hate anything that is popular.Apparently, Bethesda is being sued.
I personally doubt that the case will go anywhere, but what does NMA make of it?
Really? That could have been such an interesting quest! Too bad it was written by a company whose quest-solutions boil down to "kill x" or "fetch y". I guess fetching them didnt make enough sense.By the way, apparently there's a quest where you need to kill a bunch of Protectrons or something because they're on strike and want worker rights. Robots want worker rights.
Well, have you already tried checking the alignments of skeletons on the ground for important bits of the story yet?I had a chance to play it and the first thing that stood out to me was just how lifeless everything felt. I'm talking Canada levels of empty lifeless wasteland of nothing here.