Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Alright, i've begun building the installer .exe for Fixt (which will allow Weapon Drop and Invasions to be optional & customizable, among other cool things)
Sduibek said:
Alright, i've begun building the installer .exe for Fixt (which will allow Weapon Drop and Invasions to be optional & customizable, among other cool things)

Good to hear Sduibek. :clap:
Teaser time!

good there will be a installer, dont forget to try all the compression methods with inno setup to compress the files in the best way possible. ;)
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
The red force field emitters can be destroyed, sort of. I tried for several hours to find a way to fry the actual red field itself, but no luck. So for now, if you want to you can blow up the emitter thingy but the red field still exists and causes damage. Yeah, it looks stupid visually but I like it. Always pissed me off that an already-damaged device couldn't be damaged by HIGH EXPLOSIVES lol. Anyway, if you don't like the change, don't use explosives on them! ;)

Sorry but this looks wrong - the map shouldn't remove the wall piece just to accommodate the force field - the force field itself should be removed, or at least the scenery blocker that prevents the PC from walking through them. Sorry Sduibek but I think it breaks the believability of the game using this method.

I can build a new wall piece for the blown wall emitter, but still just removing the force field would work best. How about extending the timer on the removed force field (the repair skill method), but reloading the map could effect that...:confused:
NOW FIXED, will be included in next version of FF.

Details: damage to the emiter/field causes the red field to dissapear and the player no longer receives damages walking through that square. This does not reset on map update or map load. As far as I know, this damage must come from TNT or Plastique, although I suppose in theory a stray grenade in combat could do it? Anyway it's the same code that doors use for when you blow them up.

Hooray for my increasing skills in scripting and map editing! 8-)
I've fixed the "frozen bodies" issue. Feels pretty good since every source says it's an unfixable engine bug :D

Turns out the issue was that invalid numbers were getting passed to Kill_Critter, thus unintentionally randomizing the resulting frame. Quick and messy code below that turns the critter a random direction and then chooses from the valid death frames and kills it.

procedure start;
procedure KillMe;

variable AnimFrame;
variable Killed;

procedure start
	if Killed!=1 then begin
		call KillMe;

procedure KillMe
	variable LVar0 := 0;
	Killed := 1;
	LVar0 := random(0, 5);
	if (LVar0 == 0) then begin
		LVar0 :=tile_num(self_obj) - 400;
	else begin
		if (LVar0 == 1) then begin
			LVar0 :=tile_num(self_obj) - 202;
		else begin
			if (LVar0 == 2) then begin
				LVar0 :=tile_num(self_obj) - 198;
			else begin
				if (LVar0 == 3) then begin
					LVar0 :=tile_num(self_obj) + 400;
				else begin
					if (LVar0 == 4) then begin
						LVar0 :=tile_num(self_obj) + 202;
					else begin
						LVar0 :=tile_num(self_obj) + 198;
	anim(self_obj, 1000, rotation_to_tile(tile_num(self_obj), LVar0));
	AnimFrame := random(0,20);
	if AnimFrame==0 then begin
		kill_critter(self_obj, 54);//bullet holes - full auto partial hit
else begin
[[[snipped here for sake of the length of this post]]]

kill_critter(self_obj, 57);//face down burnt - Flamethrower
kill_critter(self_obj, 56);//cut in half - Laser Rifle, Gatling
kill_critter(self_obj, 53);//head gone - full auto
kill_critter(self_obj, 59);//exploded - Rocket Launcher
kill_critter(self_obj, 63);//generic facedown - w/blood
kill_critter(self_obj, 49);//generic facedown - w/o blood
kill_critter(self_obj, 60);//melted - Plasma Rifle
kill_critter(self_obj, 53);//head gone - full auto
kill_critter(self_obj, 51);//side blown out - Eyes/Torso CRITICAL
kill_critter(self_obj, 48);//generic on back - no blood
.Pixote., what do you think of this as a talking head background?

Would of course be for cave-type maps -- I simply took the one from Fallout 2 and recolored it. Does it look "Fallout 1 cave blue" enough?

Sduibek said:
.Pixote., what do you think of this as a talking head background?

Would of course be for cave-type maps -- I simply took the one from Fallout 2 and recolored it. Does it look "Fallout 1 cave blue" enough?


Yeah - very nice...will you darken the cave lighting like in the RP?
Yeah that's been implemented since like .995 :P

Should the talking head backgrounds be random?

For example, both the Hub and Necropolis and Raider could work for Necropolis maps (at least to my eyes) -- so should I stick to the canon and use only the Necro background, or make things more visually interesting by randomizing it each time dialog is entered?
Sduibek said:
Yeah that's been implemented since like .995 :P

Should the talking head backgrounds be random?

For example, both the Hub and Necropolis and Raider could work for Necropolis maps (at least to my eyes) -- so should I stick to the canon and use only the Necro background, or make things more visually interesting by randomizing it each time dialog is entered?

No stick to best practice - keep all the original background locations. Otherwise things will get messy.
First of all thanks for the great work you have done with this mod Sduibek. I've been enjoying it greatly so far, At the moment I'm in post-mutant invasion Boneyard but I have a problem; Every single time I enter the Followers of Apocalypse map the game instantly crashes to desktop alongside this error:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Sure, this can be easily avoided by skipping the mentioned part of the game but i really want to see what's new and kill the mutant bastards in that map. So can you people offer a solution for my problem, or maybe point out the reason that it occurs?
I'll test this today.

Canakin said:
First of all thanks for the great work you have done with this mod Sduibek. I've been enjoying it greatly so far, At the moment I'm in post-mutant invasion Boneyard but I have a problem; Every single time I enter the Followers of Apocalypse map the game instantly crashes to desktop alongside this error:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Sure, this can be easily avoided by skipping the mentioned part of the game but i really want to see what's new and kill the mutant bastards in that map. So can you people offer a solution for my problem, or maybe point out the reason that it occurs?
Here are potentials for when talking to Tandi on Mountain maps -- taken from Fo2 and recolored.





In all honesty I think this image is lame, I wish we had another to choose from.
Almost done with the installer, it should be available for download this week, or by the end of next week at the latest.

Feel free to commence drooling. Haha ;)

Would someone with the German version of Fallout 1 please send me your fallout.cfg file? You can either PM me a download link or email it to me (button is below, address is falloutfixt@gmail.com

Again this is for the file fallout.cfg only, from the GERMAN version.

Would someone with the German version of Fallout 1 please send me your fallout.cfg file? You can either PM me a download link or email it to me (button is below, address is falloutfixt@gmail.com

Again this is for the file fallout.cfg only, from the GERMAN version.

One question about FIXIT - why are there so many options with the invasion - isn't it better to have just a yes or no...but the key dates are critical.

The game allows 150 days to save the vault, with an extra 100 days if you buy water from the merchants - so thats 250 days. Maybe the invasion should take place after 200 days...starting with the Necropolis - then every 10 days moving to the next location - so by day 250 only Vault 13 is left.

I personally don't like the new orange numbers - they look out of place. :hide: Introducing new elements to a loved game like F1 is always tricky. If people don't recognize that something is new to a game, then you know you've suceeded. :wink: