Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Pike said:
Unfortunately neither LAADYTUM.SAV makes any difference (I also tried using them with multiple pre-Boneyard saves), when I go there everyone is still dead. Thanks for trying though.

I also found that one of my 0.9661 saves from outside the Brotherhood causes a CTD with Alpha 1 if I try to travel to the Boneyard. Strangely, it works fine if I click a different destination first and then immediately click the Boneyard
For the CTD on the world map, just rest for 10 minutes before leaving the map :D

As far as I can tell this is the game not liking that something's changed since you loaded, but it's something minor enough to not make the game refuse to load the game.

So yeah, during playtesting I would just rest for ten minutes, then exit onto worldmap and good to go.

EDIT: Here's a hack/fix for disabling invasions in an already-running game. Useful for those playing v99961 or earlier and don't want to make a new character for Alpha 1 ;)

DOWNLOAD: [[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]

INSTRUCTIONS: [spoiler:2ae1ce48f8]==INSTALLATION==

[[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]

1) Based on what you want, copy one of the provided .int files into your Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS folder:

* "RESET Default"'s obj_dude.int will reset all invasion dates to their default values
This means Boneyard will be invaded 90 days after running this hack, and so on.

* "Turn OFF"'s obj_dude.int will set all Days Left tickers to 64000, effectively disabling all invasions.

2) Once you've copied the version of obj_dude.int you would like into the Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS folder, run your game

3) Hold-click on the hero (yourself) and select the Binoculars

4) You will get a system message and floating message advising that the change has completed

5) Go into Pipboy and rest for 10 minutes

6) Save your game

7) have fun ;)


This will NOT reset towns that have already been invaded. To do that, you will need to obtain a copy of the map from a save slot where it's uninvaded.
For example, getting LAADYTUM.SAV from a savegame where Adytum's residents are still living.
Then you would copy that into the game you're wanting to run this hack on, then run the hack.
So basically you are restoring the town and then disabling it from being invaded again.


Here's a hack/fix for disabling invasions in an already-running game. Useful for those playing v99961 or earlier and don't want to make a new character for Alpha 1 ;)

DOWNLOAD: [megaupload data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]

INSTRUCTIONS: [spoiler:f8b6665690]==INSTALLATION==

megaupload data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now

1) Based on what you want, copy one of the provided .int files into your Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS folder:

* "RESET Default"'s obj_dude.int will reset all invasion dates to their default values
This means Boneyard will be invaded 90 days after running this hack, and so on.

* "Turn OFF"'s obj_dude.int will set all Days Left tickers to 64000, effectively disabling all invasions.

2) Once you've copied the version of obj_dude.int you would like into the Fallout/DATA/SCRIPTS folder, run your game

3) Hold-click on the hero (yourself) and select the Binoculars

4) You will get a system message and floating message advising that the change has completed

5) Go into Pipboy and rest for 10 minutes

6) Save your game

7) have fun ;)


This will NOT reset towns that have already been invaded. To do that, you will need to obtain a copy of the map from a save slot where it's uninvaded.
For example, getting LAADYTUM.SAV from a savegame where Adytum's residents are still living.
Then you would copy that into the game you're wanting to run this hack on, then run the hack.
So basically you are restoring the town and then disabling it from being invaded again.


When Boneyard/Adytum is invaded by mutants (if invasions were enabled) the Deathclaws at the Ripper map do not get killed.

What do you guys think, should the Deathclaws get killed because everything is wiped out by the Invasion Mutants, or should even Super Mutants avoid them for fear of their legend?

Another thing to consider is that they'd have to pass by the Deathclaws to inhabit the Gunrunners map, at least assuming they took the same Exit Grid path the player has to take...
Sduibek said:
.. or should even Super Mutants avoid them for fear of their legend?
Muties are too dumb to fear anything except the Master. They are armed with hi-tech weaponry, so I guess nothing can stop the invasion. I vote for a supreme mutant overrun. :twisted:
Is it just me or is the fight between Sheriff Greene and Decker impossible now? And no, I don't mean "How I do it good?" I mean Greene and his men die before I even get a second turn most times.

The fuck.

Balance, it is gone?

EDIT: Just tried it again, died before I got a second turn. AWESOME!!

EDIT2: You've got to be fucking kidding me. Within 3 turns (before I even got to my third turn) an entire caravan was destroyed by a few mantises. Dude. What the fuck is this? Yeah. Let me guess. I can't uninstall this mod without corrupting my savegame too, right? Totes awesome.

Bah. Uninstalled. I can't get down with this mod unless some semblance of balance is restored.
Shiiiiiiit, that sucks, I'm sorry :(

I'm pretty sure I know what's causing this, I'll get it fixed for version Alpha 2.
No problem. I was really impressed with everything up until then, man. The NPC's dying/weird unbalance though...yeah, that needs to be fixed. (sorry for the ragequit)

EDIT: I'll also suck your dick for a "Take All" button and a scrollable inventory. 8-)
I didn't like getting the same post-Invasion message at every location, so I added some others so that the game can choose from them randomly. Feedback please and thank you:

*-- Before you lies a silent town, filled with corpses and carnage. Something horrible has happened here.
*-- This town is silent and ominous, littered with dead bodies. Something terrible has happened here...
*-- The stench of death here is almost overwhelming. Super Mutants patrol the area.
*-- You arrive at your destination only to find death and the desert wind.
*-- You see the scene of a slaughter. There appears to be no survivors, although you can here the faint sound of movement.
all of them are pretty good except desert wind, "and the sound of the wind blowing through your ears" sounds better. ;)
I installed the FIXT Alpha 1. Here is some feedback:

If you uncheck the option not to install those colored numbers (in the right corner), they get installed anyway. I also checked with a new installation that if you check them, they get installed, so checking or unchecking does nothing, it always installs them.

I read from Per's journal that the perk Skilled does not work, does not give extra skill points. Is this still true?

For balance reasons, I would suggest that the Alien Blaster encounter would not occur so early. It can occur at level 1. Once I left the Vault 13, and even before Shady Sands, I encountered it and got one of the best weapons in the game at that point. Perhaps level 9 would be better? This was a game long time a ago, FIXT was not installed.

Also, originally the developers intended that the Vault 13 would not be invaded within 500 days: they regretted that they set it in 1.0, and removed it in the 1.1 patch. This potentially restores it, which is kind of strange, since it adds something the developers did not want.

About the installer: perhaps you could let the users select the resolution at install time, default would be 640x480, but others could be chosen.

Another installer idea: perhaps users could set options such as game difficulty in the installer.

And modifying the .cfg file during first run through a .bat file is somewhat clumsy, installer could handle it. EDIT: I noticed that the .bat file does not work correctly if fallout.exe has not been started at least once. The file does not have tile line free_space=20480 or whateever. Hence perhaps it should add line free_space=0 if it doesn't find free_space=0 line.

It also could delete the ereg folder if present, since this can't really be registered anymore, and thus the question would not appear where you have to write 123 etc.

And btw, I read that there is some big problem with current version, all enemies being overpowered? is there a quick fix to this, I'd like to get playing... :)

Another EDIT: in directory fallout\f1_res\Map_Edges\F1Original\ there is a file named Copy of HUBMIS1.ini - is this intentional?
Tony Brasco said:
Here is some feedback:[snip]
Awesome stuff, thank you! :clap:

Tony Brasco said:
If you uncheck the option not to install those colored numbers (in the right corner), they get installed anyway. I also checked with a new installation that if you check them, they get installed, so checking or unchecking does nothing, it always installs them.
That sucks, I thought i'd tested this sufficiently. Boo hiss. Will be working properly in Alpha 2.

Tony Brasco said:
I read from Per's journal that the perk Skilled does not work, does not give extra skill points. Is this still true?

Anyway i'm not aware of that, but i'll test it out

Tony Brasco said:
For balance reasons, I would suggest that the Alien Blaster encounter would not occur so early. It can occur at level 1. Once I left the Vault 13, and even before Shady Sands, I encountered it and got one of the best weapons in the game at that point. Perhaps level 9 would be better? This was a game long time a ago, FIXT was not installed.
Correct, not something I changed, but interesting idea nonetheless. I'll think about it. One thing is that you need high luck to get encounters like that, so I think the designers figured you are "paying for it" by putting all those points into Luck. shrug

EDIT: I was going to say could have item not be as good if Luck is lower, but that's kinda lame since the whole reason that encounter rocks is because you get the Blaster. Hm.

EDIT2: Unfortunately the Special Encounters are hard-coded from what I can tell (noooooo!) so I can't make this encounter go away, or even change the requirements to spawn it such as Luck or Player Level. Garrrr.

Tony Brasco said:
Also, originally the developers intended that the Vault 13 would not be invaded within 500 days: they regretted that they set it in 1.0, and removed it in the 1.1 patch. This potentially restores it, which is kind of strange, since it adds something the developers did not want.
Not sure where you got this info? Invasions were planned since the demo and I don't remember reading it was removed as a mistake, I thought it was removed because it was pissing off the players? :-? Either way I see what you're saying but I don't see it as an issue per se. My goal here is to make the best Fallout 1 mod that includes or has ability to include everything out there for Fallout 1, basically so i'm including TeamX (Wasteland Ghost)'s Restoration - invasions - as optional if the end user wants it.

Anyway, by default the installer only has Necropolis invasion disabled, just like patched version 1.1/1.2, so no change there if the user just hits Next.

Tony Brasco said:
About the installer: perhaps you could let the users select the resolution at install time, default would be 640x480, but others could be chosen.

Another installer idea: perhaps users could set options such as game difficulty in the installer.

And modifying the .cfg file during first run through a .bat file is somewhat clumsy, installer could handle it. EDIT: I noticed that the .bat file does not work correctly if fallout.exe has not been started at least once. The file does not have tile line free_space=20480 or whateever. Hence perhaps it should add line free_space=0 if it doesn't find free_space=0 line.
Good ideas, thanks!

Tony Brasco said:
It also could delete the ereg folder if present, since this can't really be registered anymore, and thus the question would not appear where you have to write 123 etc.
This is actually in place for a reason ;) Were you getting Please Register prompts though?? THAT should not be happening at all.

Tony Brasco said:
And btw, I read that there is some big problem with current version, all enemies being overpowered? is there a quick fix to this, I'd like to get playing... :)
Easiest thing to do would to just delete the files in DATA/PROTO/CRITTERS/*

Tony Brasco said:
Another EDIT: in directory fallout\f1_res\Map_Edges\F1Original\ there is a file named Copy of HUBMIS1.ini - is this intentional?
Nope, i'll remove it.
Tony Brasco said:
I read from Per's journal that the perk Skilled does not work, does not give extra skill points. Is this still true?
Sduibek said:

Anyway i'm not aware of that, but i'll test it out
Sorry, I meant Per's nearly ultimate Fallout 1 guide. Also, in the Fallout 1 manual it states:

Skilled. Since you spend more time improving your skills than
a normal person, you gain more skill points. The tradeoff is that you
do not gain as many extra abilities. You will gain a perk every four
levels. You will get an additional 5 skill points per new experience

According to Per, you don't get those 5 skill points. But I haven't even tested this, just wanted to know.

Tony Brasco said:
For balance reasons, I would suggest that the Alien Blaster encounter would not occur so early. It can occur at level 1. Once I left the Vault 13, and even before Shady Sands, I encountered it and got one of the best weapons in the game at that point. Perhaps level 9 would be better? This was a game long time a ago, FIXT was not installed.

Sduibek said:
Correct, not something I changed, but interesting idea nonetheless. I'll think about it. One thing is that you need high luck to get encounters like that, so I think the designers figured you are "paying for it" by putting all those points into Luck. shrug

EDIT: I was going to say could have item not be as good if Luck is lower, but that's kinda lame since the whole reason that encounter rocks is because you get the Blaster. Hm.

EDIT2: Unfortunately the Special Encounters are hard-coded from what I can tell (noooooo!) so I can't make this encounter go away, or even change the requirements to spawn it such as Luck or Player Level. Garrrr.
Damn, that would be a good balancing thing to do. And yes, you need some luck, I don't know how much though.

Tony Brasco said:
Also, originally the developers intended that the Vault 13 would not be invaded within 500 days: they regretted that they set it in 1.0, and removed it in the 1.1 patch. This potentially restores it, which is kind of strange, since it adds something the developers did not want.
Sduibek said:
Not sure where you got this info? Invasions were planned since the demo and I don't remember reading it was removed as a mistake, I thought it was removed because it was pissing off the players? :-? Either way I see what you're saying but I don't see it as an issue per se. My goal here is to make the best Fallout 1 mod that includes or has ability to include everything out there for Fallout 1, basically so i'm including TeamX (Wasteland Ghost)'s Restoration - invasions - as optional if the end user wants it.
I only meant the Vault 13 invasion after 500 days, which the developers removed in the official patch. The Necropolis and other invasions were still to happen. Necropolis gets invaded after 110 days or 30 days after you kill the mutants in the Watershed area. Unless of course, if you kill the Master, all invasions get disabled.

I read about in some interview, that they never should have enabled V13 invasion after 500 days. And it's kind of "unfair" since the player has no idea that the vault is going to get invaded. You can still get the invasion ending if you join the Master or reveal the location to the Lieutenant.

Sduibek said:
Anyway, by default the installer only has Necropolis invasion disabled, just like patched version 1.1/1.2, so no change there if the user just hits Next.
I assume you mean Necropolis invasion enabled? :) But yes, it is enabled by default as it should be. Canonically, only Necropolis gets invaded.

Tony Brasco said:
It also could delete the ereg folder if present, since this can't really be registered anymore, and thus the question would not appear where you have to write 123 etc.
Sduibek said:
This is actually in place for a reason ;) Were you getting Please Register prompts though?? THAT should not be happening at all.
Oh? To what purpose? But no, I haven't gotten the reminder, I just deleted that folder after installing Fallout 1 (but before installing FIXIT). I just deleted it because in other Infinity engine games, (Icewind Dale, Planescape:Torment, etc), if you delete that folder, you don't get the registration reminder, I assumed it would appear in this game too.

Tony Brasco said:
And btw, I read that there is some big problem with current version, all enemies being overpowered? is there a quick fix to this, I'd like to get playing... :)
Sduibek said:
Easiest thing to do would to just delete the files in DATA/PROTO/CRITTERS/*
Okay. Are there any side effects if I do this, do some fixes get removed?
On the critter protos, [snip]

EDIT: Nevermind, delete all EXCEPT these
Tony Brasco said:
Okay. Are there any side effects if I do this, do some fixes get removed?
Nothing major, no.

Leave these ones in place:

Hi, I just went through whole walktrought again (version Alpha 1). I've to say: good work Sduibek :clap: I didn't notice much of old bugs!.

But there are still some things that are remaining.
  • - Tycho can still use laser rifle in metal armor. But it's strange that he can't use plasma rifle as well and he can't use it with any other armor even tesla armor.
    - There are at least two of mutants in cathedral which have blocked aiming path from default. So they have run a turn at least once. I didn't notice this earlier.
    - If you explore military base before you get quest from Gen. Maxson, you can't get initial stuff but only experience points.
    - While watching melee combat in brotherhood, the bad initiate was attacking the instructor. During my game the top left initiate was attacking instead the one standing on training mat.
    - There are still freezed dead bodies when cities are invaded.
    - Caravan guards can be spawned into the merchant cart in caravan random encounter.
    - Every time I play fallout fixt I've got random bug and save corruption in shady sans. But if I load older save and do it again, nothing wrong happen.
    - Some dead ghouls in necropolis severs have title "zombie guard".
Some sugestions to the game:
  • - Operations in brotherhood have imho too big duration. In case of Invasion, there is no much time to use them. Maybe is solution in using variable duration depending on invasion dates.
    - What about adding random encounter somewhere around vault with mutants searching for V13 when you make deal with water merchants? Their leader said something about that is much likely when someone is looking for V13 that will be no problem to track down the caravans carrying water supplies.
    - Laser pistol is available too late in the game, it's much likely that you already have plasma pistol(necropolis severs) or alien blaster. So it's practically useless. Maybe adding it to the Hub merchant in Old Town?
    - How about making possible to tell Hub police about Vance that he is selling drugs?
    - How about making possible to tell Vree about FEV in case of mutans if you've already been in Glow and get holodisk?
    - If you ask Vree and Knights about new weapons. They told you about new laser pistol, it would be fine to have magneto-laser pistol in F1 at least in one piece. I've always loved laser weapons death much more than any other :twisted:
    - I think that invasion scenario would be look better if you randomly place one or two dead super mutants. You know brotherhood, gunrunners, hub police, regulators are tough guys.
    - Because the boneyard is in first wave in invasion there isn't much time to get upgrage to PA and Plasma rifle, maybe someone in brotherhood can do it, or if you have T51-b manual and high science you can do it yourselves?
And I got also few suggestions about your new installer.
  • - Do you think that is necessary to further use .*bat files to patch fallout or doing installation stuff? I think that better way is to use native rutines from installer(even in case of using SED to text processing which is a bit overkill). I'm telling that because bat files don't work on linux so I've to do the batch by myself and for example I haven't any problems with RP installer.
    - fo1_screen_refresher.exe don't work properly on linux (stack overflow), so I'd recommend to not use it in default or make it optional. I know linux users are still in minority but it's good for you to know that there is a problem.

Anyway this mod is going to be ultimate choice for fallout 1 and the installer is big improvement! Keep the good work going. :clap:
Sduibek said:
Tony Brasco said:
Okay. Are there any side effects if I do this, do some fixes get removed?
Nothing major, no.

Leave these ones in place:


Hmm, sorry, but you wrote two messages, one contains much more .PRO files to save, other only those three. Which is correct?

Also, what about the .LST file? Is it needed?
Tony Brasco said:
Sduibek said:
Tony Brasco said:
Okay. Are there any side effects if I do this, do some fixes get removed?
Nothing major, no.

Leave these ones in place:


Hmm, sorry, but you wrote two messages, one contains much more .PRO files to save, other only those three. Which is correct?

Also, what about the .LST file? Is it needed?
Yeah, I started going through the critters after posting this, I edited it like twenty times :clap:

Okay, soooooo use THIS list instead, because I forgot about Ian/Katja/Tycho:

313+ (313 through 393)

As you can tell i'm very good at this :mrgreen:
Sduibek said:
Yeah, I started going through the critters after posting this, I edited it like twenty times :clap:

Okay, soooooo use THIS list instead, because I forgot about Ian/Katja/Tycho:

313+ (313 through 393)

As you can tell i'm very good at this :mrgreen:
It's okay :). Good thing I'm careful about these things, and I didn't actually delete the files, just moved them away from fallout directories. Easy to move back, no need to reinstall.

Does this affect ongoing games or do I need to start a new one?
@Tony Brasco: Shouldn't need to start a new game.

To everyone who's provided feedback so far, THANK YOU! Very cool. If I haven't responded to you specifically, don't assume i'm ignoring you. Assume i'm working on implemented or fixing whatever you reported or suggested :D
jirik said:
- What about adding random encounter somewhere around vault with mutants searching for V13 when you make deal with water merchants? Their leader said something about that is much likely when someone is looking for V13 that will be no problem to track down the caravans carrying water supplies.
Actually, that warning is just a hint that the mutants may find the Vault 13 earlier, since the mutants may see water being taken somewhere to the north by the merchants. In version 1.0, Vault 13 were going to be invaded in 500 days, and that duration was reduced by 90 days if you agreed to let the water merchants to deliver water to your Vault (assuming you had 100 or more days left).

But since 1.1 removed the 500 day Vault 13 invasion, that is not an issue, unless you reactivated that invasion with this patch :).

But I guess that idea is worth considering, invasions or not.