Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

why Alpha 1 is not install ddraw.dll ?
I am install Alpha 1 but not have ddraw.dll.
Considering F1 is about half the size of F2, you could easily complete the game before the 500 day mark. People shouldn't worry about the mutant invasion - the world doesn't stop for the Vault Dweller. Either way it's an option in the installer, so people have the choice. :roll:
gvx said:
why Alpha 1 is not install ddraw.dll ?
I am install Alpha 1 but not have ddraw.dll.
Woah, seriously? That's not good :shock:

EDIT: Confirmed. I'll have Alpha 2 up today.
.Pixote. said:
Considering F1 is about half the size of F2, you could easily complete the game before the 500 day mark. People shouldn't worry about the mutant invasion - the world doesn't stop for the Vault Dweller. Either way it's an option in the installer, so people have the choice. :roll:
Actually the game ends if the Vault 13 is invaded, and some players might want to play much longer than 500 days. Also, my point was, that V13 invasion is not supposed to be there, since the developers removed it deliberately when they realized it was a bad idea.

But you are right, let's stop talking about the Vault 13 invasion for now, and move on to other matters :).
Sduibek said:
gvx said:
why Alpha 1 is not install ddraw.dll ?
I am install Alpha 1 but not have ddraw.dll.
Woah, seriously? That's not good :shock:

EDIT: Confirmed. I'll have Alpha 2 up today.
Wow! I just noticed that too. How can the game even have worked since it is not there? Doesn't this mean sfall wasn't really there at all during this whole time? :)
Tony Brasco said:
Sduibek said:
gvx said:
why Alpha 1 is not install ddraw.dll ?
I am install Alpha 1 but not have ddraw.dll.
Woah, seriously? That's not good :shock:

EDIT: Confirmed. I'll have Alpha 2 up today.
Wow! I just noticed that too. How can the game even have worked since it is not there? Doesn't this mean sfall wasn't really there at all during this whole time? :)
Shhhhh don't tell anybody :violent:
To Sduibek, just out of curiosity, how are those installers written? What language? Do you use C, C++ or some other language? I understand that part of it is from freely available frameworks, but if you need to customize, what language is used?
Tony Brasco said:
To Sduibek, just out of curiosity, how are those installers written? What language? Do you use C, C++ or some other language? I understand that part of it is from freely available frameworks, but if you need to customize, what language is used?
Oh not C or anything close, thank god. I've got enough coding just doing all the scripts for this mod o_O
That would be a big pain in the ass.

I was pointed to these by killap, and killap is correct, they are quite awesome:
killap said:
I used inno setup for my modding work. It's fairly easy to use, especially if you don't have a need for a complicated installer.

Grab inno setup from here: http://www.jrsoftware.org/
Grab ISTool from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/istool/ (you'll use this to write the inno script. It's a nice GUI to work with)

Granted my install script has a lot more code than the F2RP or F2UP, but the idea is still the same. I just had to learn how to do a bunch of stuff by going through the Inno Setup FAQ/Online Manual, and trial-&-error:

Apparently the
 section in InnoSetup files, if you use it, is Pascal.
There's a critter called "Bloody Floater" in the data files, which of course doesn't appear in game.

Here's a quick and dirty recoloring. Promising or lame?

Sduibek said:
There's a critter called "Bloody Floater" in the data files, which of course doesn't appear in game.

Here's a quick and dirty recoloring. Promising or lame?


Lame - I'm sorry to say...re-colouring with the replace colour feature is quick and nasty, the originals look fine IMO. :wink:
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
There's a critter called "Bloody Floater" in the data files, which of course doesn't appear in game.

Here's a quick and dirty recoloring. Promising or lame?


Lame - I'm sorry to say...re-colouring with the replace colour feature is quick and nasty, the originals look fine IMO. :wink:
I actually was just messing with Hue and Saturation sliders ;) I like to use Paint.NET over Photoshop for various reasons. Which app are you refering to that specifically has a Replace Color option?

Anyway eventually i'll implement the "upgraded" versions of monsters, was just thinking new gfx for a bloody floater would be cool.
Invasion Mutants (i.e. after towns have been invaded and slaughtered) now randomize their starting weapon - previously just had Minigun(s).

How do these look for chance-to-spawn-this-weapon-on-the-mutie?
	25.0%	Laser Rifle
	25.0%	Minigun
	16.6%	Flamethrower
	16.6%	Plasma Rifle
	 8.3%	Gatling Laser
	 8.3%	Rocket Launcher
Sduibek said:
Invasion Mutants (i.e. after towns have been invaded and slaughtered) now randomize their starting weapon - previously just had Minigun(s).

How do these look for chance-to-spawn-this-weapon-on-the-mutie?
	25.0%	Laser Rifle
	25.0%	Minigun
	16.6%	Flamethrower
	16.6%	Plasma Rifle
	 8.3%	Gatling Laser
	 8.3%	Rocket Launcher

Don't forget hand to hand... how about - these crazy numbers

15.0% Laser Rifle
15.0% Minigun
15.0% Flamethrower
15.0% Plasma Rifle
10.0% Gatling Laser
10.0% Rocket Launcher
20.0% Melee

Otherwise it might too difficult to defeat the super mutants.
.Pixote. said:
Otherwise it might too difficult to defeat the super mutants.
Isn't that the point? :twisted: :P

Yeah, I was playing around with the script and they're pretty hardcore :shock:

In other news, I think i've been able to squelch the V15 crashes (although I can't actually know since I've never gotten said crashes) but I can't find what's making Shady crash and it's driving me CRAZY! rgdrgfgdfgdfg
Play .LogFileDebug.bat

CrashFix\sed s/free_space=20480/free_space=0/ fallout.cfg > falloutcfg.tmp
COPY falloutcfg.tmp fallout.cfg /Y
DEL falloutcfg.tmp
START /MIN fo1_screen_refresh.exe
TASKKILL /IM fo1_screen_refresh.exe /F /T



Script Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:

gvx said:
Sduibek said:
gvx said:
Sduibek said:
That link is invalid...

Google Docs said:
Sorry, we are unable to retrieve this document.

sorry it OK!!
Cool, got it this time. Yeah this is weird, I haven't seen this error before. Would you be willing to send me the files you use for debug logging? I had it set up previously but that was on my hard drive that crashed :(

Thank you