Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Is Mrs. Stampleton supposed NOT to have infinite amount of books? According to Readme_v135.txt it's not:

Removed incorrect fixes:

- After Decker's death his active quests will be crossed out in PIPboy.
- Mrs. Stapleton no longer has infinite quantity of books.

However Mrs. Stampleton seems to be VERY expensive. She sells stuff about 6x more expensive than other traders (for example Leather armour for 5500 caps compared to 800 caps from other traders). And

On the other hand she has infinite money, which, as mentioned in patch notes, was corrected. I am using the latest version of the mod btw.
can't make it work

When I try to begin, I get

The instruction at 00000000 referenced memory at 00000000
the memory could not be read from

Just installed Fallout for the first time. I'm a little confused as to the usage of the patch, but i ended up installing it into the fallout directory itself (I had given it it's own directory, but got a message saying the master file could not be found). I'm backed up of course. The game works on it's own, but would like this patch to work.

I am using the 64 bit .bat, as I am using windows 7. I could just run Fallout by itself, but that's no fun.

Perhaps someone has had this problem, but I couldn't find anything about it.

should i post specs?

thnks peoples
Dravean said:
I assume the FO1 RP would put the Rippers back into the game, thus returning the Deathclaw to its status as a unique creature.
That would be great! :D

Sduibek said:
Dravean said:
If you add the Rippers back into the game, where would you implement the mother Deathclaw?
No idea. Any suggestions?
If you really want to keep mother then why not move her to the cave and add one "child"... Set spawn rate to, let's say 6 months, so this:

TeamX/WastelandGhost's FO1 Restoration Project said:
* Deathclaw from the Hub is now synchronized with his copy from the cave: if you kill him in random encounter, he will not appear in the cave, and vice versa.

will look different. If player will kill "child" in random encounter then cave won't be empty, and "child" will appear in random encounter again (and in cave too for that matter) after 6 months. Killing mother will stop it.

On a side note: I'm reworking one dude:


is there any appropriate NPC for him in Fallout?
Tom9k said:
Is Mrs. Stampleton supposed NOT to have infinite amount of books? According to Readme_v135.txt it's not:

Removed incorrect fixes:

- After Decker's death his active quests will be crossed out in PIPboy.
- Mrs. Stapleton no longer has infinite quantity of books.

However Mrs. Stampleton seems to be VERY expensive. She sells stuff about 6x more expensive than other traders (for example Leather armour for 5500 caps compared to 800 caps from other traders). And

On the other hand she has infinite money, which, as mentioned in patch notes, was corrected. I am using the latest version of the mod btw.
Stapleton always had shitty trade % modifiers. I assume this was intentional by the devs to avoid abuse -- (money is very easy to come by if you know what you're doing, e.g. if her books were cheap it would be lame).

I don't know what the exact intention was with TeamX's (WastelandGhost's) changes to her, but I do know for a fact that she can spawn infinite books if you're just using v1.2.x+1.3.5

My code is designed to have her start with 5 of each book type (as in vanilla) and spawn a book or two over time, randomly selected. I will admit that this may not be working properly in Alpha 1, as I may have not included the updated version of HUBDWNTN.MAP with that release.

Infinite/exessive Stapleton caps is a bug. I know what's causing it, so that'll be fixed in Alpha 2.

Here's the current source code as of today (i.e. NOT the code from Alpha 1) for Stapleton's stash:
procedure start;
procedure map_enter_p_proc;
procedure map_update_p_proc;

import variable Staple_Box_Ptr;// Footlocker that's holding her Barter stuff

variable OnlyOnce := 1;

variable NumBooks := (random(0, 2));// 		Number of books to give Mrs Stapleton's Barter screen every SpawnWait
variable SpawnWait := 4233600;// 	Time until new books spawn, in game ticks

variable StartingCaps := 500;
variable StartingBooks := 5;

variable BigBookOfScience := create_object_sid(73, 0, 0, -1);
variable DeansElectronics := create_object_sid(76, 0, 0, -1);
variable FirstAidBook := create_object_sid(80, 0, 0, -1);
variable ScoutHandbook := create_object_sid(86, 0, 0, -1);
variable GunsAndBullets := create_object_sid(102, 0, 0, -1);
variable ChemistryJournals := create_object_sid(237, 0, 0, -1);// NOT USED. Here for future use/reference only.

procedure start
	if (OnlyOnce) then begin
		OnlyOnce := 0;
		Staple_Box_Ptr := self_obj;// "I am Jack's footlocker of books"
		item_caps_adjust(self_obj, StartingCaps);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, BigBookOfScience, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, DeansElectronics, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, FirstAidBook, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, ScoutHandbook, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, GunsAndBullets, StartingBooks);
		set_global_var(636, game_time);// Tracks game_time for comparing to SpawnWait
	if (script_action == 15) then begin
		call map_enter_p_proc;
	else begin
		if (script_action == 23) then begin
			call map_update_p_proc;

procedure map_enter_p_proc
	if ((game_time - global_var(636)) > SpawnWait) then begin// <Time> SpawnWait) then begin// <--Time for new stuff!
		item_caps_adjust(self_obj, random(125, 250) + (random(1, 6) * get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 6));// Stat=LUCK
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, BigBookOfScience, NumBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, DeansElectronics, NumBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, FirstAidBook, NumBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, ScoutHandbook, NumBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, GunsAndBullets, NumBooks);
		set_global_var(636, game_time);// Reset time until next spawn counter
Re: can't make it work

Mr.Snrub said:
When I try to begin, I get

The instruction at 00000000 referenced memory at 00000000
the memory could not be read from
I had this problem. Try applying the patches in "CrashFix" folder, and overwrite ddraw.dll => download this version.

Sduibek said:
Zaius238 said:
I had two problems (so far) while playing your mod:

1 - I can't leave the farm near Hub (in the quest to kill the raiders) whithout the game crasing. There's a way to complete this quest?

2 - For some reason, I can't leave The Hub. If I try to move one feet out of the city (in worldmap), the game crashes. :shock:
If I try to rest a little in pipboy, the game also crashes.
This is w/ Alpha 1? Was this a new character created after installing Alpha 1?
Yes. I'm playing Fallout again after a long time. I found your mod interesting so I decided to check it out. Any idea why this is happening?
Just found that Ian lost all of his stuff. I guess it's my bad since I let him carry the entire loot gained from V13 to Necropolis, which means about 8x the weigh he could carry normaly.
Works now, however

Thanks for the help. replacing ddraw did the trick, however before fallout loads, i get "cannot find fo1_screen_refresh.exe" The game still works, but will this cause problems?

Thanks again
Tom9k said:
Just found that Ian lost all of his stuff. I guess it's my bad since I let him carry the entire loot gained from V13 to Necropolis, which means about 8x the weigh he could carry normaly.

The guy dumped that shit when you weren't looking...serves you right for treating him like a mule. :P
.Pixote. said:
Tom9k said:
Just found that Ian lost all of his stuff. I guess it's my bad since I let him carry the entire loot gained from V13 to Necropolis, which means about 8x the weigh he could carry normaly.

The guy dumped that shit when you weren't looking...serves you right for treating him like a mule. :P
Ha! True dat.

I should figure out a way to impose a limit on NPC muling. That kind of stuff in RPGs always bugged me.

EDIT: That being said, i've done it lots and lots myself ;)

As far as the bug itself, I have no idea why that happened :( Did something just get triggered? Like maybe he leveled up, you just entered a town, etc.?
in Alpha 2, Mrs. Stapleton will start with 5 of each book, and 500 caps. She will generate 0, 1, or 2 of each book every 1 week.

(i.e. the game will randomly pick between 0 and 2 for each book type individually, once a week, and add those to her stock)

Sound good?
Sduibek said:
in Alpha 2, Mrs. Stapleton will start with 5 of each book, and 500 caps. She will generate 0, 1, or 2 of each book every 1 week.

(i.e. the game will randomly pick between 0 and 2 for each book type individually, once a week, and add those to her stock)

Sound good?

A thing I think you should change in next update is the amount of radiation you receive in The Glow. The way it is right now, is impossible to survive enough time there to get the disk for the brotherhood. You'll have to reduce that, OR increase the number of anti-rad chems the traders sell. I travelled to every city in search of rad-x's and radaway's, and only found 3 rad-x and 2 radaways, wich isn't even near the amount I would need to use (the geiger counter detected above one thousand rad in my body). And yes, I did used rad-x in the area near The Glow and inside.
I had to use Falche to pass this part.

Bug report:
Junktown - I entered in Darkwater, Ian ran to Killian's bedroom, he got furious and sent ME to jail. The other day I was released, ok, nothing wrong here. The day after that, the guard thought I was still in jail, apparently, whic doesn't make any sense:

Khan - I would fight 1 vs 1 to save Tandi, but Ian decided to help me. :D
Stab him in the back, Ian!

I'm almost at the Master, later I'm going to Mariposa Militar Base. I'll post again if I find any bugs.

You probably forgot, but anyway, I think the problems I was having with The Hub aren't related to your mod. IIRC I had the same issues with vanilla Fallout.
lol those bugs are awesome.

IAN: Violating common sense and basic game mechanics since 1996.


Seriously though, thank you, this is great reports!
.Pixote. said:
Tom9k said:
Just found that Ian lost all of his stuff. I guess it's my bad since I let him carry the entire loot gained from V13 to Necropolis, which means about 8x the weigh he could carry normaly.

The guy dumped that shit when you weren't looking...serves you right for treating him like a mule. :P

I don't care about the loot but he also lost the junk. Do you know how HARD is to find a good junk in ruined post nuclear world desolated cities?
Tom9k said:
.Pixote. said:
Tom9k said:
Just found that Ian lost all of his stuff. I guess it's my bad since I let him carry the entire loot gained from V13 to Necropolis, which means about 8x the weigh he could carry normaly.

The guy dumped that shit when you weren't looking...serves you right for treating him like a mule. :P

I don't care about the loot but he also lost the junk. Do you know how HARD is to find a good junk in ruined post nuclear world desolated cities?
Heh heh heh, I LOL'd.

That's a good point though, I should make that item spawn much more commonly............
Sduibek said:
lol those bugs are awesome.

IAN: Violating common sense and basic game mechanics since 1996.


Seriously though, thank you, this is great reports!
No problem. :ok:

_____________ _____________ _____________

Bug report:
Mariposa M.B. Level 1 - I disabled the forcefields in the computer at the first room in the right, but one of these forcefields (the one pointed in the screenshot) still do damage even after being turned off! :eek:


I uploaded my save, in case you want to have a look:

Can't continue playing - After the credits screen, I return to the main menu. There wasn't a mod included that allowed to keep playing after being kicked out of Vault 13? Or it will be included in Alpha 2?

_____________ _____________ _____________

In Vault 13, second floor, everyone talks to you in floating text, except for this lady:


This was a mistake, or she is supposed to be like that? My suggestion would be to make her talk with float text:


_____________ _____________ _____________

For last, a missing dot in this dialog:


I know, it doesn't really matter, but since I noticed it, why not post it? :P

Good job in the mod! It's good to know that Fallout 1 has not been forgotten* :clap:
Looking forward to play Alpha 2.

*= It seemed that only Fallout 2 was receiving mods.
Why not, as long as it doesn't break the gamebalance and makes sense in the universe. Jacob in Hubs Old Town could do that for example. :)