Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Ohhhhh.... Yeah that. Thank you :D

EDIT: I suppose an explanation is in order. You're still winning/losing money (I think?), what happened is I was rebuilding gambling from the ground up, right when my HDD crashed. So I probably have like the new script without the new dialog, or vice versa. Good times.
Newest code for Weapon Drop Mod (slight changes)[spoiler:42ed831716]
//--original code and mod by:--
// Josan12 ([url]http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=18843[/url]) and 
//  MIB88  ([url]http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=4464[/url])
	if global_var(460) then begin//is Weapon Drop Mod enabled? (defined during installation of Fallout FIXT)
		variable LVar10 := 0;
		LVar10 := obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(self_obj, 1));//Active Hand
		if (LVar10 != 21) and (LVar10 != 234) and (LVar10 != 235) then begin//Don't drop Knuckles or Power Fist
			variable LVar11 := 0;
			LVar11 := tile_num_in_direction(tile_num(self_obj), random(0, 5), random(global_var(461), global_var(462)));//GVAR_461 & GVAR_462 are Min and Max drop distance (defined during installation of Fallout FIXT)
			rm_obj_from_inven(self_obj, LVar10);
			move_to(LVar10, LVar11, elevation(self_obj));

I thought of something last night, what about a small chance of the weapon being dropped or destroyed (:twisted:) when targetting arms? That sounds pretty cool to me.

Like for example: "Super Mutant Guard is critically hit in the Left Arm for 28 points of damage. His weapon is destroyed, causing an additional 12 points of damage." Something like that

And, of course, if I can figure out how to do it, i'll have weapons drop on a cripple event:
"Super Mutant Guard is critically hit in the Left Arm for 28 points of damage, crippling that arm. His weapon falls to the ground."
Weapon dropped when arms attacked really sounds good, but you gotta be carefull with the rolls that it doesn't happens too often. Also, I'm not sure, but the AI never really cared to attack certain bodyparts of my character, you might need to change some of their behaviours there so that not only the player is able to do that - would make an easy game even more easy.

Weapon being destroyed when attacked, ugh, but only with a very small chance, or a jinxed character, imo.
Cool, thanks.

---Oh, Gizmo will never run the weapon drop code, because it always ended up under his table. Fatty fat fat.
Marky Mark! said:
One further question - I have installed Fallout within Program Files, and am using Windows 7. Will this cause any issues with the Windows 7 UAC?
Not that i'm aware of, but admittedly i'm not very knowledgable with Windows 7.

If you do notice any strange issues, as always please let me know. Although if it's an erroneous issue like the one before, i'll taunt you endlessly. Just kidding :wink:
Working on fixing the monsters spawning in rock on Mountain encounters. I think it's about done.
[[megaupload download link/data lost, although this shouldn't be needed anymore because we're at version Alpha 4 now]]

This will fix the issue of Weapon Drop still running even when it was elected to be disabled when you installed Fallout FIXT version Alpha 1.

If you are interested in the details, see EXPLANATION below.
Otherwise, proceed to DISCLAIMER.

Fallout 1 does not support global scripts or global functions, so I had to add the Weapon Drop Mod code to each applicable critter script one at a time.
I did a complete overhaul of that code between v99961 and vAlpha1 -- unfortunately, I forgot to finish pasting/updating the code for each critter. If you are using Alpha 1, only abotu one third (1/3) of the people you'll encounter in the game will run the proper Weapon Drop code -- e.g. some will drop weapons even if you don't want them to, or drop the weapon under their corpse, etc.




Extract all files to your Fallout FIXT folder (which may be the same as your main Fallout folder)
Select Yes To All or OK To All when it asks to Overwrite Files.

Have fun!

Marky Mark! said:
Never mind, I seem to have resolved my problem - I initially installed the FIXIT patch into a separate folder within Fallout, not the actual fallout folder itself - although thanks for the quick reply!

One further question - I have installed Fallout within Program Files, and am using Windows 7. Will this cause any issues with the Windows 7 UAC?

Actually, you should never install any old games to program files -directories, or any other special directories which Windows 7 protects. You should use something like C:\fallout1 or similar. I guarantee you, without that, you will run into problems.
Sduibek said:
No way bringing in everything from Fo2, that would be ugly and messy (as you said).

Mostly just thinking upgraded versions of stuff that already exists.

No preference on my part, just something to think about.

Zaius238 was this your first time beating Fo1?

With this mod, yes. I've beaten Fallout a few times already (it's the type of game that you can play again without getting bored). The only Fallout game I haven't played is the one for PS2. From the screenshots and videos I saw, it looks to be awful.

Surf Solar said:
Weapon being destroyed when attacked, ugh, but only with a very small chance, or a jinxed character, imo.
Jinxed characters already do that (at least in Fo2, they do).
Edit: Forget what I said, the character only blows up the weapon in critical misses, not when he/she is attacked.
Sduibek said:
I thought of something last night, what about a small chance of the weapon being dropped or destroyed (:twisted:) when targetting arms? That sounds pretty cool to me.
Nirran's weapon drop mod for F2 does this, you might want to look at the code. Any critical to the arm causes a dropped weapon, and weapons drop on death as well.
gvx said:
Play .LogFileDebug.bat

CrashFix\sed s/free_space=20480/free_space=0/ fallout.cfg > falloutcfg.tmp
COPY falloutcfg.tmp fallout.cfg /Y
DEL falloutcfg.tmp
START /MIN fo1_screen_refresh.exe
TASKKILL /IM fo1_screen_refresh.exe /F /T



Script Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:
scripts\obj_dude.int: op_obj_pid: obj is NULLScript Error:

Okay I've figured out what's going on here (just starting running debug mode a few days ago)

It's basically just a side-effect of how i've implemented the Flare and Ticking Explosives functionality. For example we see here:

			if (obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, 1)) == 206) then begin
				drop_obj(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, 1));

Fallout 1's debug mode is stupid; it sees that the item slot does not equal 206 and freaks out. OBJ IS NULL!!!! AHHHH!!!! But if you think about it, that's correct because we want the code to run only if the obj (pointer/location/whatever) is NOT null.

So it's annoying I agree, but it's not really an issue, other than debug mode being stupid.

If anyone has a way around it to not get those errors, i'm all ears.
ART/CRITTERS folder is up to about 1800 files and 175MB. :mrgreen:

New and unique and fixed critter gfx for the win!

EDIT: That's files for Fallout FIXT that aren't in vanilla, rather.
Please share your modding work :)

A plea to modders here -- If you have done work on Fallout 1, whether fixing bugs or adding content or making a mod, please contact me with details on what you've done!

My goal is to make Fallout FIXT the ultimate (mostly canon) Fallout 1 experience. For that to happen, collaboration and availability of the Fallout Community's efforts (i.e. your work) on this game is crucial.

I need all you bashful modders to come out and share your code and material with us!!!! You may think it's not going to be useful, but I can assure you that when it comes to modding communities, sharing your data, source code and ideas is always better than keeping it to yourself. The more stuff that's shared, the better our new stuff can be, and the easier it is on new modders to continue where you left off.

Thank you very much,
Please share your modding work :)

A plea to modders here -- If you have done work on Fallout 1, whether fixing bugs or adding content or making a mod, please contact me with details on what you've done!

My goal is to make Fallout FIXT the ultimate (mostly canon) Fallout 1 experience. For that to happen, collaboration and availability of the Fallout Community's efforts (i.e. your work) on this game is crucial.

I need all you bashful modders to come out and share your code and material with us!!!! You may think it's not going to be useful, but I can assure you that when it comes to modding communities, sharing your data, source code and ideas is always better than keeping it to yourself. The more stuff that's shared, the better our new stuff can be, and the easier it is on new modders to continue where you left off.

Thank you very much,
Hi Sduibek! I just tried your mod/patch compilation and played around a bit. I really enjoy the changes, but found a little bug with the Weapon Drop mod - if you even can call it a bug, since it doesn't effect gameplay in any way.

I killed Seth in Shady Sands and got some strange text messages. I tried a few of the other guards with knives in their hands, but I only got this on Seth. Maybe you can browse his script and fix it? I would do it myself, but I have no clue about scripting.


Keep up the great work! I long hoped for someone to do a "restoration project" for Fallout 1. Maybe someday I can explore canceled locations like the Vipers camp or the base of the Rippers. ;)

I see that you've modified the Rad-X. I don't mind this change, but imho there should be a clear list of such changes. It could be included also in the installer. I know that a change log exists, but it's long and contains various information. It's easy to miss something :)

I've noticed that taking more Rad-X just before the old ones wear off has no effect. I don't remember if it was the case in vanilla Fallout, but it's something that should be fixed (taking new meds should prolong the effect). It's quite annoying when you suddenly loose the effect in the middle of Glow and have to wait for the exact moment to take more Rad-X.
The dialogue with ZAX can take a while if you use science to disable the robots - after closing it I suddenly lost all the resistance and received a large dose of radiation. The game time has advanced about 30 minutes.

Also, when I load the game I get message about being radiated despite 100% radiation resistance. On other hand it looks like it doesn't increase the rad/rem counter.

wow, disabling the robots actually takes about 5 h. Without doing it the Rad-X duration time is more than enough.

Edit2: I must say I don't see the logic behind changing the Red Ryder LE BB gun :) Though it's not that bad.
Sorry for a double post, but edits tend to be unnoticed and this is important.

It looks like that there is something horribly :) wrong with the invasion scripts or with the installer. I've chosen the "all towns invaded, 2x time" option.

I've just visited Boneyard and it has been invaded.. But the Hub, Shady Sands and Junktown haven't. This doesn't make sense. And it's way too early. Could you check that?
Dr Prozac said:
Sorry for a double post, but edits tend to be unnoticed and this is important.

It looks like that there is something horribly :) wrong with the invasion scripts or with the installer. I've chosen the "all towns invaded, 2x time" option.

I've just visited Boneyard and it has been invaded.. But the Hub, Shady Sands and Junktown haven't. This doesn't make sense. And it's way too early. Could you check that?
Exactly what is the in-game date that you first noticed Boneyard as invaded?

Boneyard is always the first to go, I'm pretty sure the installer tells the order. At your selection, Boneyard should be invaded 180 days after leaving the vault.
D'oh, you're right. I've double checked and it is the first city. I though it was Necropolis. So it probably works right - sorry for the mix up! :)

I'll have to load an older save and visit it before doing all those operations :)

It's a shame that the most suitable save got corrupted in the same way as I mentioned before. It's interesting that it often happens suddenly, without a reason. The save works fine and than the game crashes when I try to change the location.