Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Sduibek said:
Anyone interested in adding upgraded/upgrading weapons, like in Fo2?
I liked the idea, some weapons can be easily added and wouldn't ruin game balance, like Scoped Hunting Rifle.
But you aren't thinking in bringing FO2 weapons to FO, are you (like Gauss Rifle)? I think it would become a complete mess if you brought all FO2 weapons to the game. Just my opinion.
No way bringing in everything from Fo2, that would be ugly and messy (as you said).

Mostly just thinking upgraded versions of stuff that already exists.

No preference on my part, just something to think about.

Zaius238 was this your first time beating Fo1?
Sduibek said:
No way bringing in everything from Fo2, that would be ugly and messy (as you said).
Mostly just thinking upgraded versions of stuff that already exists.
No preference on my part, just something to think about.

It would be good to have better variety of weaponry in F1. Do you plan implement it like in F2? Or like in FOnline where you need "extensioning part"? For example on improved flamer you need "flamer && improved heaterchamber". You know, with these extensioning parts you would control when player can obtain certain upgrades
jirik said:
Sduibek said:
No way bringing in everything from Fo2, that would be ugly and messy (as you said).
Mostly just thinking upgraded versions of stuff that already exists.
No preference on my part, just something to think about.

It would be good to have better variety of weaponry in F1. Do you plan implement it like in F2? Or like in FOnline where you need "extensioning part"? For example on improved flamer you need "flamer && improved heaterchamber". You know, with these extensioning parts you would control when player can obtain certain upgrades

I would be very cautious about bringing any F2 weapons into F1. More does not equal better, F2 tried that and look what happened.

The orange dot is the start of the F2 weapons. Expanding the original weapons is better than the silly extras - Caws, Tommy Gun, P90c, Bozar, G11, etc...

I always thought you could upgrade your 10mm SMG with extended magazine. Btw colours means availability? Green for common, yellow for rare and red for unique?
.Pixote. said:
I would be very cautious about bringing any F2 weapons into F1. More does not equal better, F2 tried that and look what happened.
Yeah I fully agree with you, but you know, some weapons are in F1 overpowered like "turboplasma rifle". You can fire with it only for 3AP cost when you have proper traits/perks, so it's doomsday device :). But if there will be some changes to the weapon balance, I don't think that bringing improved versions of classical F1 weapons would be bad.

For example:
- improved flamer
- laser rifle(ext. cap)
- avenger minigun
- magneto-laser pistol
- desert eagle(ext. mag.)

I could imagine that these would be great addition to the game. Every time I played F1 I stucked in the end only with rocket launcher/minigun or Turbo Plasma Rifle.
Tom9k said:
Btw colours means availability? Green for common, yellow for rare and red for unique?

I was thinking about weapon balance mod - yes green is common - orange is rare - and red is unique (just one in the game)... :look:

jirik said:
Yeah I fully agree with you, but you know, some weapons are in F1 overpowered like "turboplasma rifle". You can fire with it only for 3AP cost when you have proper traits/perks, so it's doomsday device :). But if there will be some changes to the weapon balance, I don't think that bringing improved versions of classical F1 weapons would be bad.

For example:
- improved flamer
- laser rifle(ext. cap)
- avenger minigun
- magneto-laser pistol
- desert eagle(ext. mag.)

I have no complaints, but it's only through testing will we know how these changes will effect the game. I think the turboplasma rifle should be 4AP to use, 3AP is too little.
.Pixote. said:
I think the turboplasma rifle should be 4AP to use, 3AP is too little.
Hmm as far as I know turbo-plasma rifle has 4 AP with non-aiming attack, so if you have trait "Fast shot" it's 3 AP and even if you have "Bonus rate of fire" perk it will cost you only 2 AP per shot.
Wiki - Turbo plasma rifle
Nobody cares, but i've updated the StapBox (stapleton's inventory) script because I goofed in a few spots:
procedure start;
procedure map_enter_p_proc;
procedure map_update_p_proc;

import variable Staple_Box_Ptr;    //Footlocker that's holding her Barter stuff

variable OnlyOnce := 1;
variable NumBooks;//  Number of each book to generate every SpawnWait
variable SpawnWait;//  Time until new books spawn.  [ WEEKS * DAYS * HOURS * MINUTES * SECONDS ]
variable StartingCaps := 500;
variable StartingBooks := 5;
variable BigBookOfScience;
variable DeansElectronics;
variable FirstAidBook;
variable ScoutHandbook;
variable GunsAndBullets;

//variable ChemistryJournals;// NOT USED (yet)

procedure start
	if (OnlyOnce) then begin    //Generate pointer to self, initial inventory, and initial value for next spawn time
//"I am Jack's footlocker of books":
		Staple_Box_Ptr := self_obj;
//Book types:
		BigBookOfScience := create_object_sid(73, 0, 0, -1);
		DeansElectronics := create_object_sid(76, 0, 0, -1);
		FirstAidBook := create_object_sid(80, 0, 0, -1);
		ScoutHandbook := create_object_sid(86, 0, 0, -1);
		GunsAndBullets := create_object_sid(102, 0, 0, -1);
//Once per week:
		SpawnWait := (1 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);//  [ WEEKS * DAYS * HOURS * MINUTES * SECONDS ]
//Initial $$$:
		item_caps_adjust(self_obj, StartingCaps);
//Initial inven:
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, BigBookOfScience, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, DeansElectronics, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, FirstAidBook, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, ScoutHandbook, StartingBooks);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, GunsAndBullets, StartingBooks);
//Begin tracker:
		set_global_var(636, game_time);    //Tracks game_time for comparing to SpawnWait
		OnlyOnce := 0;
	if (script_action == 15) then begin
		call map_enter_p_proc;
	else begin
		if (script_action == 23) then begin
			call map_update_p_proc;

procedure map_enter_p_proc
	if ((game_time - global_var(636)) > SpawnWait) then begin    //<Time> SpawnWait) then begin    //<--Time for new stuff!
		item_caps_adjust(self_obj, random(125, 250) + (random(1, 6) * get_critter_stat(dude_obj, 6));    //Stat=LUCK
		NumBooks := (random(0, 2));
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, BigBookOfScience, NumBooks);
		NumBooks := (random(0, 2));
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, DeansElectronics, NumBooks);
		NumBooks := (random(0, 2));
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, FirstAidBook, NumBooks);
		NumBooks := (random(0, 2));
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, ScoutHandbook, NumBooks);
		NumBooks := (random(0, 2));
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, GunsAndBullets, NumBooks);
		set_global_var(636, game_time);    //Reset "time until next spawn" counter

Tom9k said:
I always thought you could upgrade your 10mm SMG with extended magazine.
Um, what? No. At least not in any version of Fallout 1 that i've ever played :confused:

Either way, as far as weapons are concerned i'm honestly not interested in bringing any NEW weapons into Fallout 1, at least not without considerable consideration. (?)

What I was thinking is the upgrades. Whenever I look at Fallout 2 materials I find myself pining over the extended clips and wishing I had those.

EDIT: It would also make nice reasons to go back to Smitty, Miles, and Jacob, which is pretty cool.

jirik said:
.Pixote. said:
I think the turboplasma rifle should be 4AP to use, 3AP is too little.
Hmm as far as I know turbo-plasma rifle has 4 AP with non-aiming attack, so if you have trait "Fast shot" it's 3 AP and even if you have "Bonus rate of fire" perk it will cost you only 2 AP per shot.
Wiki - Turbo plasma rifle
Correct. A character with Fast Shot, Bonus Rate Of Fire, and two levels of Action Boy can fire the TPR six (6) times per combat round.

To bring that to an even higher HOLY FUCK OH MY GOD SHIT MY PANTS level of destruction and hayhem, said character would also take the Perks of Better Criticals and Sniper.

Mmmmmmm, death.
There are two woman prisoners which you can kill for joining raiders (500xp) or free them by killing raiders (200xp for each).
Tom9k said:
There are two woman prisoners which you can kill for joining raiders (500xp) or free them by killing raiders (200xp for each).
Eh, those two, you are right. I was imagining those empty cells there and forgot about these :mrgreen:
JaW said:
Tom9k said:
[spoiler:7b32082ad0]There are two woman prisoners which you can kill for joining raiders (500xp) or free them by killing raiders (200xp for each).[/spoiler:7b32082ad0]
Eh, those two, you are right. I was imagining those empty cells there and forgot about these :mrgreen:
Yeah, I was refering to the cells ;)

I ask because there's a script and dialog for a male prisoner named Jack, apparently was taken from his caravan by the raiders. Restorations are fun :clap:

Oh and spoiler tags please, thank you.
For those who asked, NO, endgame mod is not included in Alpha 1.

I was working on it, but that's on my old system before the HDD crashed.

It will be included in full glory with Alpha 2 however. Currently i'm working on an implementation of it that is full-featured and bug-free:

-- Using asm code patch by nxrv that prevents entering V13 after endgame mod has passed
-- [spoiler:8972112fcb]Shooting the Overseer always plays, if it was supposed to (unlike Corpses's endgame mod code)[/spoiler:8972112fcb]
-- Cleaned up the code for function and readability
-- Game UI disabled when and where appropriate during endgame sequences
-- [spoiler:8972112fcb]Overseer corpse stays after you kill him (mmmm tasty!)[/spoiler:8972112fcb]
-- [spoiler:8972112fcb]Overseer is flagged as killed if appropriate, so you can't talk to him after you've shot him ;)[/spoiler:8972112fcb]
-- Better animations of player and Overseer during endgame sequences.

The mod is really nice. Bug fixes are always good, so is integration of various mods into one package. Being able to tell an NPC to move over is also great.

The one thing I don't like is the weapon drop mod. It's a great idea, but it works in a very annoying way. I just loose weapons way to often - for example I had to fight the guards in Hub three times to get the combat shotgun. During the first fight I actually got no weapons at all! It's even more annoying when the fight is hard and you have to repeat it because of this feature. I don't mind loosing some weaker items, but it became too irritating and happens way too often. I'm not sure if there's some sort of bug or if it's down to bad luck.

I tried to reinstall FIXT to disable this feature but it didn't help. I even reinstalled Fallout and FIXT but weapons are still being dropped! :shock: Maybe it's in the save games?

My question is how to uninstall this feature without having to start the game from the beginning? :)

Also my save games sometimes get corrupted (I can load them, but when I try to change the location the game crashes). I don't know/remember if its a FIXT bug or a game bug. But it's not that bad, I just double save.

Unfortunately it (Weapon Mod) can't really be uninstalled in Alpha 1 or earlier versions (see below)... in Alpha 1 the script runs from each critter script individually (which meant copying and pasting like 400 times. woot!) because Fallout 1 is retarded and does not support global scripts or global function calls. That isn't anger at you btw, it's at the designers ;)

Anyway, Alpha 2 will have everything fixed in the way of Weapon Drop. What happened was that I *did* implement the global variable support so the user can choose to run or not run the individual critters' code, but I forgot to copy it into all the critters :(

So if you selected it to be disabled during install, that will only be disabled properly on like 113 of the game's critter scripts (about a third of them) This seems to be a pretty big concern amongst players (and understandably), so i'll see about doing a "Alpha 1 patch" that's just updated critter scripts. For everything else i'm waiting until Alpha 2 so that I can do a major release instead of having half-implemented stuff all over the place.
I see. I can live with it, but it's still annoying :) I knew that it can sometimes cause such problems, but I didn't expect to experience them so often.

Though it's strange that a fully new installation didn't fix it. Are those scripts also in the save game data? Ah, maybe the installer disables/enables it for those 113 critters, but the rest have it always one, regardless of installation options?

Keep up the good work :clap:
Dr Prozac said:
Ah, maybe the installer disables/enables it for those 113 critters, but the rest have it always one, regardless of installation options?
Correct. (unfortunately)