Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Thank you for all your effort in this mod Sduibek!

I'm trying to run it on W7 x64. First off, after installing it (to a separate folder) and running the 64-bit OS bat, I couldn't launch the game (with your desktop-created \FIXT\falloutw.exe shorctut). An error popped up, telling me the .DAT file was missing.
So I opened up the \FIXT\fallout.cfg file, and added the necessary lines

Maybe I read over having to add these lines manually? Anyway, it launches now. The video plays without garbled image too.

That being said, I'm running into an old friend now: the "missing text from splash screen". Buttons work, but I'd like to see what they lead to.

I've installed FO freshly, without any other patches.
Boer, does moving your mouse "paint" the hidden image on the screen?

I would go into f1res.ini or ddraw.ini and carefully read the files to make sure the options match your computer. I forget but I think Sduibek included preconfigured .ini that might not be compatible with your setup.

Sduibek thanks for this I dled it last week and have been having a good time with it. I really enjoyed Tycho killing me after he just helped me wipe out Killian and his goons!
mobucks said:
I really enjoyed Tycho killing me after he just helped me wipe out Killian and his goons!
lol. Can't tell if this is sarcastic or serious :p

That shouldn't happen, though, he's supposed to turn on you if you attack "the good guys" in Junktown. I'll get this fixed in Alpha 5.
Well, that's pretty normal, anyway. I think it has to do with some kind of restriction to change side inside the fight, it happened to me in Fallout 2 when I kill the Dunton brothers with help from Sulik after the guard the brahmin quest. Since they're in the team Klamath, after I kill them and manage to end the fight, Sulik becomes hostile since I attacked Klamath people, even when he helped XD
Oppen said:
Well, that's pretty normal, anyway. I think it has to do with some kind of restriction to change side inside the fight, it happened to me in Fallout 2 when I kill the Dunton brothers with help from Sulik after the guard the brahmin quest. Since they're in the team Klamath, after I kill them and manage to end the fight, Sulik becomes hostile since I attacked Klamath people, even when he helped XD
Maybe they feel guilty for doing it :mrgreen:
mobucks said:
Boer, does moving your mouse "paint" the hidden image on the screen?

It's not the image that is missing, that's displayed just fine. Only the text labels besides the red buttons on the splash screen are gone.
Mouse-over does not work.

Anyway, got to the Hub now, so playing is OK. After all those FO2 replays, I didn't realize it's been since the 90s I've played FO1...
Sduibek, long time ago I read you are restoring some characters, and I've recently read that there was a random encounter (you can see it as a loading slide) with some lobotomites and a renegade brotherhood's paladin, or something like that. Do you plan to restore that, at some point? (I understand that if you plan it, it will not happen soon, since it sure involves a lot of work)
I would love to see a story for that renegade, and to get him as NPC.
Oppen said:
Sduibek, long time ago I read you are restoring some characters, and I've recently read that there was a random encounter (you can see it as a loading slide) with some lobotomites and a renegade brotherhood's paladin, or something like that. Do you plan to restore that, at some point? (I understand that if you plan it, it will not happen soon, since it sure involves a lot of work)
I would love to see a story for that renegade, and to get him as NPC.
I actually had forgotten about this, but that's a cool idea.



Problem is I don't know what skin they would use.
Well, I think the final solution would be to make a new one, but if you want to put them in fast, I think the closest one would be the ghoul's skin, and then start modding that. I think the best option (assuming there are no design docs around) is to try to make them look the closer possible to the ones on that picture.

About the brotherhood renegade, his armor looks (IMO) like an hybrid between the combat armor and the power armor, IIRC. That would be hard to do in a fast way, except you choose to use one of those for the moment.
Or, the lobotomites (the final version) could look like the ones from Old World Blues (or was it Lonesome Road? I couldn't play them yet, so I just remember a few things I read on the wiki and maybe they got mixed :P).
According to wikia, my memory failed and that encounter was supposed to happen in Fallout 2 to the Chosen One. Weird that they had already thought of that when making Fallout 1 :p
I am having massive issues with FIXT and F1, yet no-one else seems to complain about this, so it must be on my end, but here it goes:

- Windows 7 64bit (Running in Parallels Dekstop in OS X Lion)
- Fallout 1 installed from gog.com
- Game runs fine without any mods/patches
- When installing FIXT 4 and updating to 4.1, the game starts, but I have massive (mouse) lag
- When changing from the default 16bit to 8bit (through the in game settings) the lag is gone, but now I have massive color weirdness going on in movies and the start screen
- A solution posted on the internet suggested terminating Explorer.exe before starting the game, this indeed solved the color issues.

However, the biggest problem of all: When I create a new game, and want to customize my character, the screen simply freezes and I can't make any changes to my stats.

With "Freezes" I mean:
- Sometimes the game does show the customize character screen but I can't move the mouse
- Sometimes the screen simply goes black and I can't see the customize character screen
- Sometimes the screen freezes when I click the button on the previous screen to customize the character, showing the button as "pressed down", but nothing else happens (and mouse also gets stuck)
- In all of the above situations I can simply press escape to "unstuck" the screen, but now I am back at the "Select character" screen where I can only select pre-created characters.

I considered creating my character in Vanilla Fallout 1 and then booting up FIXT and play it that way, but I guess that would leave me with a corrupt character or at least one without all the benefits from this mod.

So I guess something else must be going on here, any ideas what could be causing this?
Make sure BackgroundMouse and BackgroundKeyboard are set to =0 in ddraw.ini

See if that helps and what issues remain with those turned off.
Firstly Sduibek, FIXT is awesome! Just finished my first game of the original Fallout, all due to your mod - as without it I would of rage quitted on account glitches present in the un-modded versions.

Some feedback:

I have read a previous post about the Elder in Shady Sands being an unfinished character - perhaps you could change his name, as it is my understanding that Aradash is the Elder of Shady Sands - and it's already been pointed out - but there is no dialogue recognition that you have completed the Radscorpion Quest.

Already mentioned but, VAT's on the Baby Radscorpions.

Also, is it a bug or is it supposed to be possible for NPC's and critters to leave the map edge during combat. When I returned to the Khan Camp to kill them, after severely wounding a Raider they would retreat and Ian would chase after them - off the map at times - though combat would continue - there would be no way to target them.

This might just be a personal preference of mine, but IMO the radiation in The Glow is too high.

Addict status from RadAway and Rad-X also doesn't feel right to me, to me they would be taken akin to the way we take asprin. But maybe that's just me.

On page 2 you asked:

Sduibek said:
1) The game can be beat without ever finding the Water Chip. Should we do something about this or leave as-is?

Personally, I think something should (perhaps an option on the install?).


I also want to confirm the bug with Set and the one with the Master. And the graphics glitch Oppen mentioned with the ending video.

I know it seems like alot of us are nitpicking and it must be frustrating largely only dealing with negatives, but FIXT is awesome and I really hope to follow it and test it with you and the others here at NMA until we have a FIXT.Final version.


And a question: How much of the cut content Dude101 linked to will eventually be added? *fingerscrossedforall*


Anyways, thanks again!
VaultSnake said:
Also, is it a bug or is it supposed to be possible for NPC's and critters to leave the map edge during combat. When I returned to the Khan Camp to kill them, after severely wounding a Raider they would retreat and Ian would chase after them - off the map at times - though combat would continue - there would be no way to target them.

This might just be a personal preference of mine, but IMO the radiation in The Glow is too high.

Addict status from RadAway and Rad-X also doesn't feel right to me, to me they would be taken akin to the way we take asprin. But maybe that's just me.
About the critters going out of the map grid, I think that's an engine bug, I believe there is no practical solution to that. It even happens in Fallout 2. But I'd love to be proven wrong, I hate that two Khans that escaped me :p

About the other two quoted points, I disagree.
The radiation it's supposed to be huge, since it was a main target. About the addict status, I think an optional mod might be installed to remove it, but not by default. They're drugs too, and I think a drug capable to remove radiation from body is probably really heavy. And one can become addict even to aspirin :P
I admit they can make the game too hard if you play an iron man, since there actually isn't an alternative to use it if you go to The Glow, and if you don't you'll probably get killed too early on the "stop the mutants" quest, because of not having a power armor.
About the critters going out of the map grid, I think that's an engine bug, I believe there is no practical solution to that. It even happens in Fallout 2. But I'd love to be proven wrong, I hate that two Khans that escaped me :p

let's hope Sduibek learns ASM to use OllyDBG, it was what scient used to fix the planescape: torment engine issues, since he did it on planescape i dont see why it cant be used on all fallouts. ;)
Felipefpl said:
About the critters going out of the map grid, I think that's an engine bug, I believe there is no practical solution to that. It even happens in Fallout 2. But I'd love to be proven wrong, I hate that two Khans that escaped me :p

let's hope Sduibek learns ASM to use OllyDBG, it was what scient used to fix the planescape: torment engine issues, since he did it on planescape i dont see why it cant be used on all fallouts. ;)
I'm almost sure he said he knows ASM a few pages back, but I'd expect a fix for that from sfall first, and then it being imported by Sduibek to FIXT.
But I don't know at which point it's legal to do that, nor if Bethesda could be able to sue (does Bethesda hold the rights for the original games, or only for the latter?).
Oppen said:
About the critters going out of the map grid, I think that's an engine bug, I believe there is no practical solution to that. It even happens in Fallout 2. But I'd love to be proven wrong, I hate that two Khans that escaped me :p

They can be blocked with invisible blockers, it would take a while to do, but it would prevent critters leaving the maps. Just use the official mapper, and Cubik's tool to change the hex numbers so they work with F1.
But I don't know at which point it's legal to do that, nor if Bethesda could be able to sue (does Bethesda hold the rights for the original games, or only for the latter?).

1 - bethesda has the rights for all games, except the MMORPG.

2 - i doubt they would sue because of it, they know for sure about the patch and RP and i never saw them or interplay (when they owned it) complain about that, after all, no one would earn a cent from this so why they would sue it? Interplay for example, they never said a thing about the fixpack or UB or tweaks of planescape, in fact, Chris Avellone even posted at the spellhod's forums. Even if that was the course of action they would take, they surely would send a cease and desist letter to stop messing with the .exe, which i believe it wont happen.

Freeze on startup

Hey all, I recently decided to play through the original fallouts. I installed Fallout 1, but when I start it up it has a "Please wait" screen, and then black. I can alt+tab out, and when I get back into the game I can see the menu screen with the option to start a new game, etc., but my mouse won't move at all and I can't interact with the screen.

This happens both with vanilla fallout and with the FIXT patch. I've tried crawling through the forums and doing fixes for problems that sounded like mine, but none of them have made a difference.

I'm running Windows 7.

Thanks in advance!