Elidar said:
Hello Sduibek!
First of all, let me tell you that you did an incredible job by combining the mods together. That brought life to one of the best and my favorite old games.
Well thanks

It's always good to hear things like this. I've put waaaaay too much free time into this mod (well, to be fair I enjoy the time working on it but you know what I mean) so it makes it worth it to see people really enjoying it
Elidar said:
First of all I read that you've made custom animations for Ian and Ticho wearing different types of armor in 4.1. However the only custom look I saw was initial Ian's look back in SS when I recruited him (black leather jacket + long hair). If i change his armor he just looks like the PC wearing different types of armor. Same applies to Ticho. Perhaps I am missing something or is it supposed to be like that (In F2, for example most NPCs have custom armor looks with restoration project).
You are running 4.1? Make sure it says Alpha 4.1 in the main menu at the bottom-right. Go ahead and extract it again into the Fallout FIXT folder and confirm to overwrite all files. (You may have to patch the exe again for f1_res). Install process is 4.0 with the installer, then extract 4.1 on top of it.
How it's designed is that Ian is the Long Hair Dude and Tycho is the Bald Dude. These should not look like NPCs in the game, nor like the player character, because Long Hair Dude and Bald Dude are both from work done for/with F2 graphics.
See here
Elidar said:
Second for some reason some quests are not recorded in the pipboy, like in Boneyard, for example.
Which quests? Some of these were already broken in patched versions (before FIXT) but I'll see what I can do.
Elidar said:
Now the real problem was in Necropolis when I took Set's quest to kill the mutants, killed the six bastards and came back to him in the evening. He kept saying that I am still in his shadow, blah-blah-blah. Basically I was unable to turn in the quest as if i didn't do it (fixed the water pump and freed the ghoul prisoner prior to that). Is that a problem I am having because of some conflict and can it perhaps be fixed?
Interestingly, I'm pretty sure this is a bug from vanilla. Pisses me off as well. They check a flag for night-time (or whatever) before the other checks, so no matter what the quest status is, he displays that message and the PC can't respond with anything useful.
Fixing it is on my To-Do list
Elidar said:
P.S.: Are there any plans to make Tandi recruitable after you return her to SS? You know, show her the world as she wanted...
Yep. Planned to implement is a fully-functional NPC after all Shady Sands quests are completed. If you talk to her while she's on your team before returning her to Shady Sands, you'll see the beginning of this. It goes into dialog with her and has some NPC Teammate options with the talking head (vanilla was just float messages)
Elidar said:
P.P.S.: Is there any certain pattern to how your hirelings level up? Cause I only saw it once when I reached level 9 and Ticho went from 1 to 2, Ian went from 2 to 3 somehow (I guess he was lvl 2 already). This seems a bit odd, taking in consideration I had them along from lvl 2 or 3.
TeamX NPC mod only allows 2 level ups per NPC, regardless of what any of their documentation says (lame). I will be changing this in future versions of FIXT. I also plan to have an option to scale with the player -- in other words if you pick them up at level 9, they'll be upgrade as well (rank 1 or maybe 2 I think). I think it's incredibly stupid for literally penalizing the player for not racing to get the Hireable NPCs at the absolute beginning of the game.