Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Thank you. It shouldn't be giving that error if you installed Fixt into the same location as Fallout.

What paths is fallout.cfg pointing to? Try giving it relative paths, like this:



Huh, looking at the music path I generally do what I said I did with the Fallout 1+2 idea: stick the music ACMs into the seperate game directory in "D:\INTRPLAY", then point towards there in both Fallout games, there's no actual difference in the ACM files besides the duplications wasting some more space. It's also why I hate some parts of the SteamPipe conversion for Steam with Half-Life 2 content everywhere and sometimes not all of it gets used.
I apologize if this has already been reported, but i'm using version 7.1 and there's a bug concerning empty caravans.

(NOTE: This has already been reported by the user stu1985 for version 6.7.3)

Whenever I take a caravan mission (careful: where ever I choose to go + whichever merchants I choose) this is what happens: i end up on one of the places that you'd have an encounter only there are no caravan guards. Only me, my companions and the brahmin. When I walk to the exit grid the screen reloads and it's the same situation, this happens the first three times I walk onto the exit grid. The next time I'll end up at where ever the caravan was headed but the caravan won't be there.

This happens after a couple of travels with caravans, so in the end i can't get any money from the merchants.
An assumption if you will: does Decker's involvement with being an obstacle for what Harold tries to do have a relation, or connection, with the cancelled Fallout movie? He was described as being the mayor of the Hub, but also turned the Hero and his friends in to the Master's mutants.
Hey guys
I have an old version of FIXT installed: what should I do if I want to update to the newest version (I'll wait until June 28 because apparently there will be a newer version?)? I don't care for my old saves, I might as well erase them, and I barely remember the installation process. Do I need to uninstall it from Control Panel and start anew with the most recent download? Or is there an "update" feature in the executable?
This term of school is done, hooray! Less stress, more free time :)

Hey guys
I have an old version of FIXT installed: what should I do if I want to update to the newest version (I'll wait until June 28 because apparently there will be a newer version?)? I don't care for my old saves, I might as well erase them, and I barely remember the installation process. Do I need to uninstall it from Control Panel and start anew with the most recent download? Or is there an "update" feature in the executable?

No update feature, just install it again on top of the old one :)

And yes my plan is to get out the next version by that date.
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Hello, this is my first post :)
I searched this thread for a bug I have, but I couldn't find anything about it. I have just installed Fixt 7.1 over 6.7.3. I made a new character and when I got to Shady Sands, Agatha the Storyteller is missing. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything about her missing on the thread or on the changelog. Is this a bug or is she gone from this version of the patch? thanks!
Hello, this is my first post :)
I searched this thread for a bug I have, but I couldn't find anything about it. I have just installed Fixt 7.1 over 6.7.3. I made a new character and when I got to Shady Sands, Agatha the Storyteller is missing. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything about her missing on the thread or on the changelog. Is this a bug or is she gone from this version of the patch? thanks!
Agatha is probably not present because you did not enable the option for her in the installer for 7.1.
This term of school is done, hooray! Less stress, more free time :)

Hey guys
I have an old version of FIXT installed: what should I do if I want to update to the newest version (I'll wait until June 28 because apparently there will be a newer version?)? I don't care for my old saves, I might as well erase them, and I barely remember the installation process. Do I need to uninstall it from Control Panel and start anew with the most recent download? Or is there an "update" feature in the executable?

No update feature, just install it again on top of the old one :)

And yes my plan is to get out the next version by that date.

Cool, good to know!
Lemme ask you a couple of questions, the same I've asked here one year ago or so. I'd encountered a couple of possible issues in the game that prompt me to stop playing and ask here instead. You said you'd check but I've stopped playing completely so I've never checked the changelogs again until now :razz:
In Shady Sands I've got a rescue mission which led me to a bandit camp were people mistook me for the boss' father ghost. I checked on the wiki and that has a chance to happen if the Vault-Dweller has a Luck stat above 9 (and that's only 50%), while mine had 4. I've also spoke to a NPC who would supposedly talk to me about his brother's illness in case the VD's intelligence was high enough, but he didn't even though I've completed all the requirements for that option to appear.
Were those changes caused by the patch's rebalancements themselves (ie the Luck threshold for the event lowered to make it easier to achieve) or were they bugs? Did they get fixed? Where they there in the first place?
Hello, this is my first post :)
I searched this thread for a bug I have, but I couldn't find anything about it. I have just installed Fixt 7.1 over 6.7.3. I made a new character and when I got to Shady Sands, Agatha the Storyteller is missing. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything about her missing on the thread or on the changelog. Is this a bug or is she gone from this version of the patch? thanks!
Agatha is probably not present because you did not enable the option for her in the installer for 7.1.

I just reinstalled it and made sure the option for the storyteller is ticked on "Restorations", and she is still not there even on a new game. I'm I missing some other option for her?
Does running in DX9 mode alter how things are rendered, specifically the f1_hires patch?

I feel like using DirectDraw7 somehow "softens" the image, but maybe that's my eyes playing tricks on me?
Hello, this is my first post :)
I searched this thread for a bug I have, but I couldn't find anything about it. I have just installed Fixt 7.1 over 6.7.3. I made a new character and when I got to Shady Sands, Agatha the Storyteller is missing. I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything about her missing on the thread or on the changelog. Is this a bug or is she gone from this version of the patch? thanks!
Agatha is probably not present because you did not enable the option for her in the installer for 7.1.

I just reinstalled it and made sure the option for the storyteller is ticked on "Restorations", and she is still not there even on a new game. I'm I missing some other option for her?
That's odd, I'm not sure if I can help further with the issue.
Hey there! I just downloaded the patch for the game and I really enjoy it so far! I figured out a simple fix for the usual color problem, where everything looks colorful but I am having a different problem. Sorry I didn't want to go through the 100 pages of this thread incase anyone else was having a similar problem but the issue I'm having is occasionally the screen will go black then with the pointer I can go over it and it gets rid of it. Otherwise I press F1 to bring up the fixIT help screen or the character screen to clear it but it goes black constantly. Any idea on how I can fix this issue? I have Windows 7 and I am not very computer saavy. Appreciate it and thank you!
Well I'm going to uninstall and reinstall the game and see if it works without this patch...
You could just move your cursor around to fix the problem like I do when I Alt+Tab from dialogue, everything comes into view.

Like I posted a few posts ago, it is constantly happening even when I move the cursor over the screen. Alt tabbing doesn't do anything to help the problem either.
Chrome itself is telling me the file has malicious content. I've had my anti-virus give false positives before but Chrome itself has never stamped something I've downloaded as malicious. When trying to go ahead with the download I'm told that "this file will harm my computer", and asked if I'm sure I want to download it regardless. Is this something that is known or has the file been tinkered with? If it were just my anti-virus saying it could be malicious that would be one thing, but I've never had this happen before. Can anyone help?
Hey there! I just downloaded the patch for the game and I really enjoy it so far! I figured out a simple fix for the usual color problem, where everything looks colorful but I am having a different problem. Sorry I didn't want to go through the 100 pages of this thread incase anyone else was having a similar problem but the issue I'm having is occasionally the screen will go black then with the pointer I can go over it and it gets rid of it. Otherwise I press F1 to bring up the fixIT help screen or the character screen to clear it but it goes black constantly. Any idea on how I can fix this issue? I have Windows 7 and I am not very computer saavy. Appreciate it and thank you!

Have you run the refresh program? f1_screen_refresh.exe, run it before you start the game. This is what we used before f1_res included a black-screen fix.

Also as usual, make sure your graphics card drivers and DirectX are up-to-date. Links for DirectX download and other things to try are in the Troubleshooting Fallout Fixt.txt file in your Fallout Fixt installation folder.

EDIT: Hmmm, I forgot I'd removed it from the Fixt installer. I guess I shouldn't have done that. You can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/msb4ddqj4pvmzz9/fo1_screen_refresh.zip?dl=1

Chrome itself is telling me the file has malicious content. I've had my anti-virus give false positives before but Chrome itself has never stamped something I've downloaded as malicious. When trying to go ahead with the download I'm told that "this file will harm my computer", and asked if I'm sure I want to download it regardless. Is this something that is known or has the file been tinkered with? If it were just my anti-virus saying it could be malicious that would be one thing, but I've never had this happen before. Can anyone help?

I agree this is odd. And concerning. Could you possibly provide a screenshot? What exact file are you downloading and from where? (Mediafire, GameFront etc)

EDIT: Indeed, it blocked the German Uncut download for me when I tried from Mediafire. What the hell? I'll look into this, thank you for reporting it.

EDIT2: Definitely seems to be an issue with Chrome. I can run the Fixes Only installer through www.virustotal.com and it naturally gets 0 hits. Can't scan the larger installer sizes because it only accepts up to 128MB.

EDIT3: I think it's only the ones on Mediafire. I'm okay with that; Mediafire sucks anyway. The amount of ads they have is ridiculous.
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I am about to start my first ever Fallout1 playthrough (just need to finish Witcher3), and I stumbled across this topic which got me interested.

I didn't read all 140+ pages but I keep seeing references to the date June 28th, which I assume is the date of a new version of Fixt, am I right?

My question is, should I wait the new release since I am not in a hurry or will I be able to update the mod once a new version is out without losing progression? Also as it is my first time, I guess a purist install is recommended, right?

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-In reply to Sduibek- I appreciate the reply sir. I will try that when I get off work tomorrow. Thank you and I will keep you up to date.