Fallout Haiku

Heavy and greasy,
the helmet is fucking stuck,
back to mad max look.

Next: Your last words to Keeng RA'At before you put a bullet to its ugly, fucking head.
Hey, I think it talks!
Sulik, look! A talking rat!
Say "bye" you fuck ....... BLAM!

Next: If you had a cap for every time your companions shot you with burst fire ....
cody92 said:
next: Dumbest thing vic ever did

Vic is this dumbest thing=>

"A pain in the ass
This is what you've been to me...
Always had no guts"

next : a crashed UFO during a special encounter.
Boneyard Deathclaw Mother

One scary ass mother
But the scariest thing is...
Her eggs are talking.

Next up:Pariah Dog.
Pariah dogs are cute

Until they bite your nutsack

Face fuck them with spear

Next: Summoned cow of the bridge keeper after you attack him.
If you piss the guy
guarding the bridge in purple
his uttered minion appears

I dunno how to count syllables in english ^^
is it



his-uttered-mi-ni-on ap-pears ?

Next: Sulik+ Burstmode
Gurkbert said:
I dunno how to count syllables in english ^^
is it



his-ut-tered-mi-ni-on ap-pears ?

His-ut-ttered-min-ion a-ppears. It's hard to scan words where it's acceptable to drop a few syllables when you speak them. The line only scans to seven syllables if you say


Now to my senryu.

Tribal man Sulik
knows perfectly well the range
on his SMG

Next up: So what's happening at Bethesda lately?
Still stroking the bloom
eyes squinting
while counting the money

Next: A perfect summer day somewhat ruined by nuclear attack
The alarms went off
and those in Bakersfield
thought it was a drill.

Next: John Sullivan, and you get a cookie if you can remember who he was.
"Magic fairy mounds!"
Now that one's out of the way:
Teach me boxing, champ.

Next up: Frank Horrigan& the 6th toe.

EDIT: Peringle still has yet to give me my cookie. I demand it on my doorstep by wednesday, orI shall have to take legal action for fraud. Clearly.
A very kind doc,
Took that damn shit off my foot...
Frank's afternoon snack.

Next up : Lou has a crush on your character.
Ban this fucking troll
There's more to come I guess
Still, can he be gone?

Back to the actual haiku topic:

Sure, we can do it.
On one simple condition
You Wear bag on head.

Next topic: Getting Dogmeat through the Militay Base alive.
It's green or damn red.
My canidae friend hates them.
My whole makes black dust.

Next up : Tandi prefers... women.
Dogmeat has a sad
I wear my mad max leathers
lets go eat gizmo

and another one on The Masticator:

I lean in to punch
The douchebag bites my ear off
Ouch! My charisma!

and a random one on haikus written in english:

Tatsuya told me
Haikus can not be english,
fucking gaijin dicks!

Next subject: the glorious IMMERSHUN in fo 3