Fallout Haiku

(Just gonna do Wumbology's since WorthTB didn't give a prompt)


Armor is heavy
Ow ow ow ow ow my back
At least I look cool

Next: Patrick the Celt
The Best with a wrench
Sadly, twisted in the head
She can't fix herself

Next: Dogmeat
Carelessly aimed burst.
"Oi, you messin' with me dog?"
Sorry, Mel. Ow. OW!

Next: Typhon
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OMG, Fisto xD This will be fun :P

In and out, in out
Pumping, pumping, in and out
Fisto needs repaired

Next: Marcus
That's not Marcus. You gotta follow the rules of the thread to contribute to the thread.

That being said, the "Next" suggestion remains: Marcus
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Marcus - The Rejected Hero
Tale of a hero
Saved the World and It's People
Tale of a reject

Marcus - Sins of a Past Life
Sins of a past life
Karma will make him atone
Just leave me alone

Next topic: The Blades (from Fallout 1)
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Tandi, young and lean
It is that time of the month
Glad I'm not Ian

Next: You are wandering through the Mohave and come across the Alpha Deathclaw armed with only a .32 pistol :D
Beans, you're "poems" are stupid as fuck. Thus, I'm not continuing and will not continue your requests, and re-start the Fallout Haiku the way it was meant to me. The way I see it, your "poems" are either an attempt at trolling, or plain idiocy. Also... when my topic stated "blades", I didn't mean the weapon. If you ever actually played Fallout 1 you would know I meant the "gang"/community.


Subject: Vera Keyes

The Fallen Angel
Radiant beauty
Angel from the high heavens
Pure Malevolence

Yet a shadow looms
Possessed by inner demons
Suffers deep inside

Deep inside, Med-X calls
Could this be an addiction?
No, it's a burden

Chains she cannot break
It's not the withdrawals she fears
It is mental pain

Pain Med-X keeps locked away
A pain she hides from public eyes
Even from her true love

But wait! What is this?
A predator lurks near her
Watching and waiting

With dark prying eyes
But wait! She is not the pray;
But rather the bait

Hatred has been brewing
Two men, vying for power
But everything ends

The trap has been set
Our angel, overtaken
Sickness turned to greed

She makes her mistake
Betraying her own lover
Wait! Something is wrong

Horror spreads outside
It comes in the name of war
Bearing the end times

It consumes all things
Destroying all, even hope
Lords of destruction

While death looms outside;
She's in her room, wrought with guilt
Anguish brought by sin

She betrayed her love
The guilt takes over her mind
Suicide sets in


Notes: Sorry that was so long, however you will find it is still in Haiku format.

NEXT TOPIC: The Death of the Courier, Vault Dweller, or Chosen One (you decide which of the three)
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Beans, you're "poems" are stupid as fuck. Thus, I'm not continuing and will not continue your requests, and re-start the Fallout Haiku the way it was meant to me. The way I see it, your "poems" are either an attempt at trolling, or plain idiocy. Also... when my topic stated "blades", I didn't mean the weapon. If you ever actually played Fallout 1 you would know I meant the "gang"/community.
I applaud you. Word for word, that's what I wanted to say, but since I didn't want to write a post without contributing a haiku, and I wasn't going to write.... THAT.... "suggestion", I just didn't say anything. But props for that. And also further props for that IMPRESSIVE epic on Vera Keyes. =)

If you don't mind, I'll just "do justice" to your original suggestion which got perverted, and leave the "next" where you have it, right now.

"The Blades"

Misfit outcast band
Supposedly a mean gang
But they're just riff raff

They've got simpletons
They've got a sexy leader
They've got kids and bums

They're not mean raiders
Sure don't look like "Blades" to me
Hardly even "gang"

Seem peaceful, you see
But Caleb'd care disagree
To kill em, hired me

NEXT: (As suggested by Big Boss, not me) The Death of the Courier, Vault Dweller, or Chosen One (you decide which of the three)
Just to repeat, since the troll doesn't count, NEXT: (As suggested by Big Boss, not me) The Death of the Courier, Vault Dweller, or Chosen One (you decide which of the three)
Vault Dweller:
Kicked out of his home,
Twice in his life.
He wasn't as strong
As the wastes he was in.

Chosen One:
Sand and bare bones
Lie in a mix,
Blue tattered clothes,
Quest unfulfilled.

He cheated death once
He tried to again
But stimaks have ended
And so did he.

NEXT: The Den.
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And also further props for that IMPRESSIVE epic on Vera Keyes. =)

Thanks, did you see my other one, based off a story of the same name? The Thirteenth Skull Alot of it was written by it's original author, though I edited it a lot.

Sodom and Gomorrah
In the Wasteland's Depths
Lies a town where sin meets man
Here, all walks of life

It has long since died
It's people live among it's corpse
Where vice and sin spawn

Truly a Sodom
The King of the Seven Sins
Truly Gomorrah

The Den
NOTE: This one is still a haiku, but in a much different format, and very mixed up. It's an experimental idea I had, so I'm not surprised if some don't like it. Only one line broke the haiku.

A Den of Lies (Den)
A Den of Corruption (Of)
A Den of Pain (Sin)

A Den of Valor (Den)
A Den of Fate, Wisdom (Of)
A Den of Love (Light)

A Den of evil and sin
A Den of light and order
A Den of mankind's true personality, duality, and capability

A Den to call home

Next: Boneyard (Not Adytum, The Cathedral, Gun Runners, Followers, or Blades in specific, just the entire Post-War Los Angeles area as a whole).
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Can we get any mod intervention here? I think this is an outstanding situation that warrants it, for once.

As for Chosen1's contribution: is that a haiku? I know there's a bit of wiggle room, but I thought it was 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. His poem on the death of the protagonists was 5, then 4, then 5, then 6 for one, then 4, 4, 4, and 4 for the second, and lastly 5, 5, 6, and 4 for the third. Good poems, but are those haiku?

Anyway, sorry for not providing my own this time around.
NEXT is still "Tribals".