Fallout Haiku

next: you decide to have sex with sulik while vic poops on your chest at the same time

ROFL, "haiku" NOT EQUAL to "hentai", guys! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Try to think different or get some girl, if you have none :wink:

Example, "Unarmed Chosen One goes to fight those vertiberd guys" results in haiku:

My spirits are strong,
My fists will wash in your blood!
OH! Pew-pew-lasers ;(

Next: "Hakunin didn't got help from Chosen and decides to clear his garden..."
GL :mrgreen:
TwoEyedYum said:
Next: "Hakunin didn't got help from Chosen and decides to clear his garden..."

The plants of dark soul
The cold earth warmed by my blood
Where is my champion

Next: You're sick of your shotgun wedded spouse, and so decide to travel through a heavily deathclaw infested area in hopes that the problem simply disappears.
beans00 said:
next: you go to old man mordino and to kill him you decide to fuck him in the ass causing him to have a heart attack.

Hard inside,
Heart outside ;
An old man cries.

Next : your last pair of rubber boots has just melted.
Jack The Knife said:
Santoka said:
Hard inside,
Heart outside ;
An old man cries.

Remember: 5-7-5
Or it's not a haiku


From wiki if it helps you, or from masters if you really want to argue. :clap:
Sure I'm not in the OP's specifications but they are hardly true or relevant in any way, and I'm surely not the first one to break the "rule" on this very page, which should be "Use of three (or fewer) lines of 17 or fewer syllables with the use of a season word and of a cut". So just nag off, my Haiku was pretty good considering the setu p ! :P
Now seriously, either you are really insane, really dumb, or a troll, so please, stop with this shit already! This used to be a good thread before you and your fat man sex fantasies came here! Let's just ignore this guy and make some good ideas for next haikus, OK?

Like, getting the highwayman.
Santoka said:
Next : approaching The Glow.

Stop one square beside,
Pop a handful of Rad-X,
Don't wanna get fried.

I think that's ok... :wink:

Next: Finding the crashed vertibird in Klamath
Holy crap, an airship
What the fuck a robot
Danger Will Robinson!

[Waiting for the enclave squad bomb gecko after you just taunted that officer via the computer]
Let's make a new rule here huh? From now on, all this kind of sex themed shit posted by anyone (ok, I posted one myself, but still) can be ignored, and new posters answer to the idea that the poster before this kinda stuff had suggested (again).

So I'll answer here

What the hell was that
angered him good
bombs are coming

Blowing up Gecko reactor by running in there and turning the wheel.
Puokki said:
Blowing up Gecko reactor by running in there and turning the wheel.

Bloody and burned down,
So is the end of Gecko ;
Lizard or city.

Next : steeling the caps at the bottom if the well.
beans00 said:
i will take those caps
and by myself some condoms
hot date with dogmeat

next: tycho gets melted by a plasma rifle

I'm going to ignore the trolltard above and I suggest we proceed like this from now on.
Santoka said:
Next : steeling the caps at the bottom if the well.

Much work, worthless caps
Gonna beat that ghoul to death
Forgot a thing though

[Fighting Chris Avellone in the Boneyard because he's no sense of humour]
Please don’t cry now friend
I only wanted to play
My balls at your side

next - Flamer Attack -
Now that looks better, beans00, good!

There's the deathclaw
Cassidy has a shotgun
but no head now.

Drinking 200 bottles of nuka cola in 5 minutes.
Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp,
Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp,
Gulp... Ahh, refreshing!

Next: FO3 power armour