Fallout is now a fighting game!

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Kind of. I can't say I am surprised Bethesda is now whoring out the last vestiges of RPG left in this once esteemed RPG series. You do realize this is the beginning of the end? What other Fallout abominations are in store for us in the future? Leave a comment and let me know what you think. I still have my hopes for a sellout Fallout RTS or 4X game. I'd buy that for a dollar.

NMA...professional journalism. Always.
I mean, I don't really mind crossovers. It can be a good way to promote your iconic characters to a different audience and give them a taste (even if it is just purely aesthetics) of it which may encourage them to come over to yours. I also think about it in the terms of "who would win, batman or the creature* from the black lagoon?" Obviously those two wouldn't cross one another's path but it would be interesting to see them clash together. Like a kid picking up a cowboy toy and a spaceman toy and smashing them together. That kind of childish fun can be quite enjoyable and that's what Smash Bro's is all about. Had Bethesda never acquired the rights and instead Troika got it and the franchise stayed niché then I wouldn't have minded this kind of cross over. So why should this one upset me? Just because it is Bethesda at the helms? Nah. I don't mind crossovers. They're usually not exactly high tier entertainment but neither is a kid smashing toys together. It's just stupid fun. Like Sharknado or Cowboys Vs Aliens.
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It's nothing to be upset about. It's just retarded. Typical Bethesda shit. When they made the deal for Skyrim with Nintendo they probably started hashing this out.
If anything it just shows how lazy Bethesda is even when it isn't even their game. See, it's just a skin for the mii's or whatever they're called. It's not it's own character with it sown movesets or anything. Just a skin for the most basic character you could possibly pick.
Not even surprised to see this happen. In a way it was inevitable.
It also makes clear that in general would should not have any kind of attachment any more to any kind of fictional icons as it is probably that fandom that causes developments like this to happen.

Like Mr Fish said, crossovers can be fun or interesting sounding though in my experience they tend in general to fail to live up to the premise they sometimes offer. At least in a lot of the crossover comics I have been reading.
This is pretty stupid and harmless in general. Only main annoyance for me is that it is another attempt by Bethesda to milk out Fallout even more.
Yeah I can't say I give a shit about brand crossovers at all. Let people have their fun.

I mean it's a shame it has to be in a shitty game like Smash, but there you have it.

Also I like how it's Vault Boy for Vault 111 from Fallout 4 and not 76 from their latest product. Real brand faith there.
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I just can't help but wonder who want to play as vault boy in smash? Like out of all the characters Bethesda own, they choose Vault Boy to be in smash? Not the doomslayer who everyone has been asking to be in smash.
If anything it just shows how lazy Bethesda is even when it isn't even their game. See, it's just a skin for the mii's or whatever they're called. It's not it's own character with it sown movesets or anything. Just a skin for the most basic character you could possibly pick.

I mean.. That's pretty much the whole Mii fighters in general. Nintendo did exactly the same thing with the previous Mii fighter DLCS. The same character with the same skin and movesets.
When I first saw the trailer for the Smash Bros DLC out of curiosity, I was confused about Bethesda's decision to put Vault boy as a Mii Fighter, since the only Fallout related game they ever released to switch was Shitty Fallout Shelter game. Unlike their other IPs.
If anything it just shows how lazy Bethesda is even when it isn't even their game. See, it's just a skin for the mii's or whatever they're called. It's not it's own character with it sown movesets or anything. Just a skin for the most basic character you could possibly pick.
Do they actually have that much involvement with the crossover? I feel like it's a mii skin for a few reasons. One being that Nintendo probably wanted that already or when they asked for Bethesda's iconic Fallout mascot, Bethesda said well of course the Vault Boy! Then Nintendo was like okay what does he do? Bethesda says, well, uh, just look at him!

I mean if Fallout got a fighter in Smash who would it even be? Nintendo likes to use the most iconic parts of games usually or somewhere up there. Marcus? How many general audience people remember him. If anyone you'd be getting someone like Danse in his helmetless power armor for Smash if it wasn't Vault Boy.
I just can't help but wonder who want to play as vault boy in smash? Like out of all the characters Bethesda own, they choose Vault Boy to be in smash? Not the doomslayer who everyone has been asking to be in smash.
This is the better point. I guess Bethesda Softworks wanted to remind people about Fallout still without bringing up 76.
Forgot to make this observation: this is the first time since 2010 that the Vault Boy has been in a good game.
I mean, I'm fine with it. The issues I have are:

  1. No ambient music accompanying Vault Boy, unlike with Sans and Cuphead. Yeah, I know Bethesda are lazy bums who recycle the same damn 50s songs each game, and obviously none of the licensed songs that were used in the classic series would fit either, but what about the ambient themes from the old days? Smash Bros. has put in tracks that aren't really... fighting songs before, so things like "Dream Town", "Many Contrasts", and "Acolytes of the New God" should have been considered. I know there may have likely been the issue with Mark Morgan, but most of these songs (Many Contrasts being one exception) have been reused in the Bethesda series as ambience for years.
  2. I was told the Vault Boy gun was based off the collectible Vault Boy bobblehead for Energy Weapons, but it just feels... cartoony. I know most Mii Gunners use cartoonish weapons or futuristic guns, but if Joker and Bayonetta could use actual firearms, why couldn't Vault Boy? The general role of Vault Boy in Fallout is to exaggerate the horrors of the post-apocalypse in a blend of both whimsy and shock... this just has the whimsy.
  3. It's gonna get people hopeful for the Doom Marine or Dovakhin (neither aren't bad choices, although the Doom Marine would come with the far superior soundtrack option, while Dovakhin would likely be passable as a Mii Swordfighter with "One They Fear" as a bonus for purchase). While you can't say never, you look at all the Ubisoft costumes and spirits, and that doesn't likely mean we're getting anyone from Ubisoft anytime soon.
I feel like this is an non issue.
Vault boy costume in Smash? Eh, pretty cool o guess.

Probably won't buy it, but I don't see this as mindless shilling.
It's just Nintendo went 'Hey Todd, can we get Vault boy in our game?'
And Todd probably went 'yeah sure'

If anything, Smash is now the best Fallout game since New Vegas.