Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

If you're using the "Nevada Fixed Mod" version, then some of the game's content including *most* of the game's graphics files is taken directly from your version of fallout2 critter.dat and master.dat . So if by any chance you're using an customized language verson of fallout 2 or the old "UK CD version" or any variation thereof you'll end up with no children in the game (a.k.a. if you had to install children patch for your vanilla instalation in order to have kids in your fallout2 copy then the best advice is to purchase the gog.com version [strongly recommended]. otherwise it's going to be a hassle.)

How can I implement the children without buying the Fallout games from GoG ? Also will it reset my save ?
Btw, I cant clear the name of Philips in Las Vegas, from my research you have to apparenty get a thing from Bob but he has only one dialog choice about how he wants to go to SLC. Is there anyway to solve that ?

Edit : Found the problem for Philips's quest, I didnt talked to Bob and I assumed that Bobby was Bob in the russian walkthrough I google trad when I was desperate for an answer lmao
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How can I implement the children without buying the Fallout games from GoG ? Also will it reset my save ?
Btw, I cant clear the name of Philips in Las Vegas, from my research you have to apparenty get a thing from Bob but he has only one dialog choice about how he wants to go to SLC. Is there anyway to solve that ?

Edit : Found the problem for Philips's quest, I didnt talked to Bob and I assumed that Bobby was Bob in the russian walkthrough I google trad when I was desperate for an answer lmao

Well there's children pattch from our forum member Skynet for Fo1 and Fo2.

How to bring back children to Fo:Nevada is a bit beyond my scope.
I assume One would have to copy some of the graphics files from Skynet's mod/patch somwhere into Fo:Nevada's installation. namely all the animations for male kid. Female kid is an later addition, made by one of the modders, and it did not came with vanilla Fo2 originally. Fo:Nevada's executable is it's own thing and doesn't have to be replaced with the one from Skynet's patch.. So I'm guessing only the male kid animations, would have to be copied in order not to have the "burning freak" animation instead of the child one.

and yeah there aren't *that* many kids in Fo:Nevada

As for solving quests in Las Vegas:
I would witheld turning the Las Vegas quests in, until you solve the investigation for the mayor. It's tied like shit to water closet, however without evidence to present to the mayor one could not solve mayor's quest. Evidence which you give away when you turn the quests in to police
I'll try that in my next playthrough, like you said kids arent that important anyway, I got to Level 21 without completing their quest.

Anyhow, I have a problem with my game, I cant enter New Reno's Hotel Silver area anymore, I have to do the Biker quest where I have to ask the Caravaneers why the bikers have a bad rep but I cant do that since the game crahses everytime I try to enter the area.
Phil (I think its his name), the biker leader in Power Armor, even proposed me to go there with him and his bike but I refuse and went with my car since I didnt wanted to left my car far away and walk the way back to the bikers. Did I do something wrong ?

Here's a link of my save https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H-cp_SpvIt8IJMDoQ5Y7Ij27mLVUC_eH?usp=sharing
Well I finally finished the mod, and I didnt bother with the buggy quest from the bikers since I found
a train in Salt Lake City by chance and was curious about that

Anyway, the mod in itself is really good, but the translation really falls apart at the end
especially in Vault 8 with the President's head
There is typos here and there but its still readable and playable for the most part. I only encountered one big bug. I just have one big issue, whats the whole deal with
the reaper of souls, why is he against me or what is his goal ? I mean I get he wants to use the vault for clone but why would he care about me ? Or why would I care about the president's head ? It seems like the initial goal was to find the Overseer but the game force me to see the president to continue. Maybe Im wrong about the last point, but the last part of the game was clearly rushed.
whats the whole deal with

Another shadow organization inside US government, that was separate from the Enclave used Vault 8 as a cloning facility.

Original dwellers were copied (that's why you have a dream at the beginning about going outside 20 years after the war and then jump 50 years into the future) and then used as substitute bodies for members of this organization (using mind transfer or something).

Soul Reaper is their enforcer (basically Horrigan)- he fixes problems and eliminates threats.
Kukish found the station in Lovelock and started investigating the Vault. He kidnapped you to study you and then wiped your memory. You're a threat because you follow Kukish and collect clues he left for you.

Government Vault is completely unrelated. President and other members of government were part of Vault experiment that resulted in death of majority.
You and Kukish were both baited there by Reaper, so he could eliminate you.

When you reach Overseer, Kukish is already dead and Overseer quickly falls into coma. Looking for answers you venture into lower levels, where you meet President. He was supposed to weaken or kill you before the ambush.

Yeah, it was rushed- main story of Nevada was rewritten 2 or 3 times.
Update to
[upd] sfall-extended 4.3.1 with scripts & utilities
[fix] Text corrections for a female character, along the way, spelling and punctuation correction.
[fix] Fixing the installation path for "Fixing Las Vegas Dialogs" (Ru.only).
[fix] Fixed the point of moving to the paddock in Black Rock.
[fix] Fixed "powder grenade", now explodes.
[fix] Fixed dublicate replica when answering mayor.
[mod] Appearance Mod - add new models from et-tu mod.
Hi Pyran or whoever might help me. Love the mod, never thought after all these years I'd be experiencing a near-authentic original fallout experience again. Truly grateful to all the people who dedicated so much make real what I'd consider sequels/prequels to the original fallout series. It's something I've always wanted but had lost hope for due to the death of Black Isle, dream come true. But let me get to the point.

My game is encountering a bug when the "distress call from vault city" movie clip occurs. After the movie clip shows, the location of vault city moves on the world map to NW of Poseidon NPP. It cannot be accessed from the world map at this point but can be accessed by requesting escort by a vault city patrol. Accessing the city through the patrol lands me in the city unchanged from before the movie clip. This is my first play-through but I'm assuming the city is supposed to change somehow after the clip is shown on 20 JULY 2242. Screenshots for reference below and also a save file just before the occurance. Leave to the world map and it will happen in moments.

I'm really enjoying the mod so far and want to finish the game, is there anything that can be done to fix this on my end? I've backed up my save files so reinstalling is an option.

Thanks for your time and attention, please help! Let me know if you need more info.

FO2: steam version
Mod version: [con] F2 Nevada Mod (Extended) HD [v2.0.3.2], root install due to blackscreen
Windows 10


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Hi there. A strange errors. Downloaded your save, launched the mod, did not find the problem (checked in both languages, in the main directory and in the subfolder). Try reinstalling the game\mod. Try installing the game\mod on another disk\directory (change the settings in steam).
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Thanks Pyran, I reinstalled the game. My later saves are still bugged (attached for reference) but it looks like my saves prior to the event are fine. One thing I noticed is the dates were bugged also prior to reinstalling, being 224X instead of 214X.

For reference can you tell me what date in game the Vault 8 distress call event is scripted to happen? Can't seem to find it anywhere online.

All very much appreciated!!


I may be wrong, but 360 days later - standard, as for Fallout 2.
You can change the deadline:
Open ddraw.ini - find the line ;movietimer_artimer4=360. Remove ; and change the number 360 to... 520 (as an example)
p.s. slot3 - I see that the VC-location has an offset... I'll try to figure out what's wrong.
Also, I will make an update (sfall4.3.2) and at the request of gustarballs1983, I will add the "use on" function for the flask, coins and playing chips etc
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yeah don't forget about the 'coin on the string' one gets after "the steal of the century" quest in SLC the one to rob nuka cola machnes multiple times with a single coin. after One gets this there's no need to purchase nuka cola from vending machines for money.
yeah don't forget about the 'coin on the string' one gets after "the steal of the century" quest in SLC the one to rob nuka cola machnes multiple times with a single coin. after One gets this there's no need to purchase nuka cola from vending machines for money.
...added all the chips and tokens that I saw, including a coin with a string
[upd] sfall-extended with scripts & utilities

[fix] Add English Language [14.11.2021] (by Keyboard Gecko).
[fix] Fixed dialogue with Terry Devereux from New Reno.
[fix] Fixed the number of skins required to create armor from a scorpion shell.
[fix] Harelson has changed the main weapon slot and added brass knuckles (as an alternative)
[fix] Fixed the player's starting clothing (standard vault jumpsuit).
[fix] Fixed the color of the "drop all" button from the inventory interface\IFP.

[mod] Add function "use on" for caps, tokens, coins and flask.
[mod] Hi-Res is adapted for Fallout: Nevada. Searching NevadaHD.exe

p.s. A party members mod and maybe something else, will be later, if possible.
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Pyran, I don't know if this is problem on my side or not, however it's not possible to change appearance of character (female/male) with a latest version, only default is working.
If you skip the prologue, then there will be the right type (I know about this problem).
I will fix it within a week, as soon as possible. We'll have to return the skull suit.
If you skip the prologue, then there will be the right type (I know about this problem).
I will fix it within a week, as soon as possible. We'll have to return the skull suit.

Ok, thank you for the reply.

Btw, is that Hero Appearance Mod (extended) from your database on Mediafire safe to use and it will work with any Fallout 2 mod?
Ok, thank you for the reply.

Btw, is that Hero Appearance Mod (extended) from your database on Mediafire safe to use and it will work with any Fallout 2 mod?
Safe. It can be used with most mods (exception: ettu, yesterday, maybe some other). If the game already has an Appearance folder, rename it to Appearance_ or pack it with an archiver.
Important! Sfall (ddraw.ini\dll) is required for correct operation.
In my database, almost all mods already have an Appearance mod and do not need to be installed separately.