Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Black screen and music playing or only black screen?
In general, it is strange situation... but ok.
Try to download again, and reinstall Fallout 2 and mod into the subfolder (default setup).

Updated\rebuild the installer. Added new version of "closebox" addon (1.2).
The link is the same.

It was black screen while music played. I already solved both problems now (the black screen and the save-slots corruption). Apparentely, its because i have another mod besides Nevada in the same folder (it happened with Project Restoration and Fallout 1.5 Ressurection). Thanks for helping me out, fren.
It was black screen while music played. I already solved both problems now (the black screen and the save-slots corruption). Apparentely, its because i have another mod besides Nevada in the same folder (it happened with Project Restoration and Fallout 1.5 Ressurection). Thanks for helping me out, fren.
If the mods are installed in a subfolder (like Resurrection or Megamod), then there will be no problem.
And if a large mod is installed in the main folder of the game, then 50/50, because the usual RP 2.3.3 changes\adds new proto-files.
Hail, folks. HEY!!! Put that Geigers away, it's me...
So... After years of absence - here I am again. Healthy... And playing FNevada. Very nice one, really. Question - what all can do with the landmines which one obtains after disarming a trap (Area 51, etc)? Exploded pants like in FO3:)?
Mines are of little use, it's just a souvenire for disarming them. they have minor use in one of the quests where they could be used instead of explosives like dynamite or plastic. as for stimpacks..

one dealer near hard rock cafe in vegas has the recepie for stimpack ( together with super stim recepie they'ree 2in1 ). although wait before aproching him. this dealer is vital to main town quest, if you go talk to him without the quest active you may blow your chance of completing that quest, so hold 'yer horses woody..
Got questions:
1) What is your way to deal with The Tough Bandit with Jackhammer and with One of the Bloom Brothers? Especially these Bloom c*nts. jesus Christmas, they are tough! Even the Power Armor doesn't guarantee that ya gonna survive their DOUBLE first attack (of the whole group). Which weapon do I use to most likely survive these? I have mastered Melee Weapons, Big Guns and Small Guns, I have a Bazooka, a Flamer, a Minigun, a Jackhammer, a Katana, an Assault Rifle, a Sniper Rifle... What weapon/ammo harms these the most? Please, help.
2) The guide says that in the SLC Sheriff's Provo quest, if I accept the "Corleone's" offer and kill the Sheriff instead, the bandit will give me something real cool. Is this worth it? So, If I kill the SLC Sheriff, I can most likely get a great gun, but I would f*ck up big time, I guess...
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For me whenever I enter lovelock it crashes (CTD). Anyone else this happen to? Use fresh steam install, install as per directions. All works fine until I try to enter lovelock...
Got questions:
1) What is your way to deal with The Tough Bandit with Jackhammer and with One of the Bloom Brothers? Especially these Bloom c*nts. jesus Christmas, they are tough! Even the Power Armor doesn't guarantee that ya gonna survive their DOUBLE first attack (of the whole group). Which weapon do I use to most likely survive these? I have mastered Melee Weapons, Big Guns and Small Guns, I have a Bazooka, a Flamer, a Minigun, a Jackhammer, a Katana, an Assault Rifle, a Sniper Rifle... What weapon/ammo harms these the most? Please, help.
2) The guide says that in the SLC Sheriff's Provo quest, if I accept the "Corleone's" offer and kill the Sheriff instead, the bandit will give me something real cool. Is this worth it? So, If I kill the SLC Sheriff, I can most likely get a great gun, but I would f*ck up big time, I guess...

I usually modify in ddraw.ini the burst weapon bullet distribution, but it's not for weaksauce players with EN<=2, it's a double edged knife. bursts now 1shot everything but the tradeoff is that if you play a weaksause EN<=2 character with low AG you're gonna get owned by hostiles with burst weapons. however if all bullets go towards the same target even
the reaper
get's 1 shotted by the minigun with a decent crit.

As for "2" I've never went out of my way to obey the loosers like those provo bandits, i usually let
"hang out" @ the gallows. as for the sophisticated encounters just blast them away with bursts. Melee is kind of meh, better go with unarmed Fast Shot triat FastShotFix=2. if you pick Bonus HtH attacks you can do up to 10-12 attacks per turn. that'll usually put'em down.
I can't get out of Salt Lake City. Every time I try, my character gaddamn dies and the game gives me some this comment in the console, "You feel very nauseous" and "You have died from radiation sickness." I can't even wait for the caravan to move out - my char dies. WTF is this?? My char is 42 yo and its late November, 2142. I have tried setting time limit to -3, but nothing. Help me, brothers. I really want to play this and to finish it. I have found the right character type. No dying, no quitting now! Help! The char is healthy!

Thanks, gotto try that:) As soon as I solve this prob.
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I can't get out of Salt Lake City. Every time I try, my character gaddamn dies and the game gives me some this comment in the console, "You feel very nauseous" and "You have died from radiation sickness." I can't even wait for the caravan to move out - my char dies. WTF is this?? My char is 42 yo and its late November, 2142. I have tried setting time limit to -3, but nothing. Help me, brothers. I really want to play this and to finish it. I have found the right character type. No dying, no quitting now! Help! The char is healthy!
Try to check this:
Open F12se-slotXX-characteristics-check the radiation and charisma parameter.

upd: sfall-e and utilities updated (; renaming to Nevada Mod Extended
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Hi everyone,
I'm joining your comunity in asking if you would be able to help me to find a solution to a problem I'm having while using Fallout Nevada.
(Excellent game by the way, i'm enjoying it. My thanks to the Dev' team and the translators.)
My concern being that I have no childrens in the game, some quest requiring discussion with some of them, it is difficult to finish those quests.
I have dialog pop-ups like for example at the entrance of New Reno, but the text comes out of nowhere.
Thanks by advance.
Hi everyone,
I'm joining your comunity in asking if you would be able to help me to find a solution to a problem I'm having while using Fallout Nevada.
(Excellent game by the way, i'm enjoying it. My thanks to the Dev' team and the translators.)
My concern being that I have no childrens in the game, some quest requiring discussion with some of them, it is difficult to finish those quests.
I have dialog pop-ups like for example at the entrance of New Reno, but the text comes out of nowhere.
Thanks by advance.

If you're using the "Nevada Fixed Mod" version, then some of the game's content including *most* of the game's graphics files is taken directly from your version of fallout2 critter.dat and master.dat . So if by any chance you're using an customized language verson of fallout 2 or the old "UK CD version" or any variation thereof you'll end up with no children in the game (a.k.a. if you had to install children patch for your vanilla instalation in order to have kids in your fallout2 copy then the best advice is to purchase the gog.com version [strongly recommended]. otherwise it's going to be a hassle.)
If you're using the "Nevada Fixed Mod" version, then some of the game's content including *most* of the game's graphics files is taken directly from your version of fallout2 critter.dat and master.dat . So if by any chance you're using an customized language verson of fallout 2 or the old "UK CD version" or any variation thereof you'll end up with no children in the game (a.k.a. if you had to install children patch for your vanilla instalation in order to have kids in your fallout2 copy then the best advice is to purchase the gog.com version [strongly recommended]. otherwise it's going to be a hassle.)

Thank you for your answer,
Concerning the version of Nevada that i'm using, it's the following : F2 Nevada - Extended Mod HD [v2.0.3.1]
Currently I am using a Steam version for Fallout 1 & 2.
I would buy GoG versions during future discounts if I can't find affordable keys.
It's quite painful to have to buy games on GoG in order to have stable and up-to-date versions, Steam abuses not to refresh its games.

Update :
I bought the GOG version, some random crashes are gone and the kids are back, great, thanks for your advice. :ok:
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I just finished my first playthrough of this mod a week ago and while I did enjoy it overall only encountering a couple of bugs throughout, where are all the end-game weapons other than the minigun/flamer/rocket launcher which you can find at the few military bases present in the mod?

I did my playthrough with small arms and the best guns of that category I ever came across PRIOR to the endgame area was the combat shotgun, assault rifle, Civillian service rifle (M1 Garand?) and what I guess is supposed to be some kind of high-end small arms gun, the calico machine gun pistol which doesn't really do much with that 9mm compared to what a gauss pistol/rifle can do.
(never found any gauss weapons or something like a P90/Pancor Jackhammer for that matter)
Now I know that you can kill a certain NPC for a gauss rifle prior to the endgame area but I used speech to get past said NPC so I missed out on a gun I really needed if I wanted to actually kill anything other than just some turrets in the end-game area.
On another note I never really found any decent energy weapons either other than the plasma/laser pistols, never came across a plasma rifle or a proper laser rifle anywhere. (there happens to be a 'sport version' of a laser rifle)
Now I did come across a certain energy weapons related pistol in a locked room, but surely that one thing isn't really meant to make up for the lack of endgame energy weapons?? (especially considering that it's ammo is extremely limited?)

PS: Anybody know where the pistol stock gun part is to be used? I bought it as soon as I saw it cause I figured I'd get to repair a handgun at some point but I never came across any broken handguns so I'm just curious what it's meant for.

Also is there an upgrade for the metal detector and is the only way to get said upgrade to fulfill the 'contract' proper?
PS: Anybody know where the pistol stock gun part is to be used? I bought it as soon as I saw it cause I figured I'd get to repair a handgun at some point but I never came across any broken handguns so I'm just curious what it's meant for.

You mean the one bought from William in Black Rock? You can upgrade your starting 9mm with it.

Also is there an upgrade for the metal detector and is the only way to get said upgrade to fulfill the 'contract' proper?

You can find the other one at Poseidon Plant (Gecko). It's in one of the storerooms.
You can find the other one at Poseidon Plant (Gecko). It's in one of the storerooms.

As i recall metal detector upgrade can only be aquired via the New Reno quest. the one you're speaking about, is one of the changes in Foxx's Crazy Edition. As I remember in "Nevada Fixed Mod Editon" there is no detector upgrade in Poseidon Oil powerplant storage room. Although I could be wrong.


I just finished my first playthrough of this mod a week ago and while I did enjoy it overall only encountering a couple of bugs throughout, where are all the end-game weapons other than the minigun/flamer/rocket launcher which you can find at the few military bases present in the mod?

As for Your question

there's a certian gauss pistol in one of the special random encounters near the "Great Salt Lake" (not the Salt Lake City I actually mean the Lake itself). ammo for the said gun can be crafted at workbenches from junk after learning about SLC sherriff's gun from quok brothers. Other than that try roaming around on the worldmap, and later returning to merchants that usually have good guns, as they tend to restock from time to time. Also You may try your luck in random encounters with getting ito caves. If you're lucky ( i mean You not your player character) You'll come across cave robbers or cave bandits in combat armors, armed to the teeth with best guns around ( what they roll with is player level dependant ), you name it gauss rifles, turbolpasmas, pulse rifles, etc. although You're pretty much right. rolling small guns and going with anything below Gauss Pistol into the end game is pretty much suicide. Personally I prefer Big Guns burst builds with modified ddraw.ini bursts settings.

If you have invested in barter and speech enaugh You'll be able to persuade Las Vegas caravan market shop owner to cough up some better guns Mostly the big guns and big energy weapons, but it requires heavy investment in spech and barter. You'll also get a holodisk with location to a vehicle upgrading ghoul this way so it's actually a must have to roll both barter and speech to at least 90%, munching mentats might be a nessecity too.
Ah so the vendors do sell those high-end weapons but are just locked(?) behind a barter/speech checks.

Now something else has been nagging me for a bit, when you finally talk to Jay Kukish (the biker tech enthusiast) he mentions that there's a backdoor outta the hangar but for the love of me I cannot find any doors leading out of there other than the obvious exit being watched by the stalkers out to kill him.
I see some "barricades" that I can click on but nothing happens and trying blowing them up with plastic explosives doesn't do a thing either so what gives?
Hi everyone, yesterday I just downloaded Fallout Nevada but when I open it I get the cinematics fine until it ends and the screen goes black, can you help me please.


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