Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

As I see now, there's 3 versions of Fallout of Nevada v.1.0+:

1) Vanilla. Have no idea where to find it now, since links on the official site are down.
Has english translation led by Dionis, I did a major update on that. Not very compatible with crazy edition. You can find the updated translation a couple of pages back, and if you have the vanilla, just unpack it in master.dat/text/.

2) Fallout: Nevada - Crazy edition. Made by Foxx. A lot of bugs fixed, many added contents, with mixed results - I personally liked some items added (megaradscorpion's armor or something, or the one made of tires), or some additional locations - gecko hunting grounds and deathclaw farm were nice - but I don't really dig the usage of talking heads from Fallout 1, and loads and loads of graphics from Olympus 2207. And that damn dog, i absolutely hate it.
Mainly, that's the reason i didn't adapt vanilla update of translation by Dionis to this version, so it has only that. But most of the people play this one anyway. It breaks my heart :)
I doubt Foxx will ever find time to apply my translation updates to the crazy edition. I believe you can find this one around some trackers.

3) Fallout: Nevada - Fixed edition. Also made by Foxx. I believe, this is the most recent version. Includes major bugfixes, some cutscenes redone, and little-to-minimal changes of the content.
I am now playing this one, and liking it for the most part. Making slight changes to vanilla translation, to fit to this version, and i would really, really like to participate in making this version available to the english-speaking public. As of now, it oficially has no english translation. Full and playable version can be found in one specific russian tracker, which i can't recommend because piracy :)
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As I see now, there's 3 versions of Fallout of Nevada v.1.0+:

1) Vanilla. Have no idea where to find it now, since links on the official site is down.
Has english translation led by Dionis, I did a major update on that. Not very compatible with crazy edition. You can find the updated translation a couple of pages back, and if you have the vanilla, just unpack it in master.dat/text/.

2) Fallout: Nevada - Crazy edition. Made by Foxx. A lot of bugs fixed, many added contents, with mixed results - I personally liked some items added (megaradscorpion's armor or something, or the one made of tires), or some additional locations - gecko hunting grounds and deathclaw farm were nice - but I don't really dig the usage of talking heads from fallout 1, and loads and loads of graphics from Olympus 2207. And that damn dog, i absolutely hate it.
Mainly, that's the reason i didn't adapt vanilla update of translation by Dionis to this version, so it has only that. But most of the people play this one anyway. It breaks my heart :)
I doubt Foxx will ever find time to apply my translation updates to the crazy edition. I believe you can find this one around some trackers.

3) Fallout: Nevada - Fixed edition. Also made by Foxx. I believe, this is the most recent version. Includes major bugfixes, some cutscenes redone, and little-to-minimal changes of the content.
I am now playing this one, and liking it for the most part. Making slight changes to vanilla translation, to fit to this version, and i would really, really like to participate in making this version available to the english-speaking public. As of now, it oficially has no english translation. Full and playable version can be found in one specific russian tracker, which i can't recommend because piracy :)
  • 3 version, apart from the official release 1.00 + patch 02 (without hi-res & incorrectly configured sfall)
  • Vanilla with fixes: incluided 0.99b6 & 1.02c (mod version) - if necesary, can be found.
  • Crazy edition - current version 3.5.upd 3 - and this modification is no longer supported.
  • Fixed edition (actual version 2.0.1) - if necessary, is possible to make mod-version.
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This thread needs to be a sticky IMO...

Anyway I just finished this mod after leaving it on my PC for several years. Great game...the best Fallout 2 mod I've played so far. There are still lots of issues with the game though, many dialogues still have error lines, the talking heads are screwed up, I made adjustments in my playthrough so the heads matched their critters properly. Some of the quests are are a little tricky to work out, and I needed to seek assistance more than once (by the way what's "Puke", I couldn't polish my rusty katana).

Some of the features were great - the metal detector for instance, the remote control for the force fields in Area 51, fantastic stuff, crafting in general, the developers are really talented. Did anyone take on the bikers at Battle mountain, I really wanted the turbo plasma rifle, but knew I wouldn't survive the fight. The merchants in Salt Lake city were broken for me, no inventory items.

I have installed the crazy edition and want to explore the differences. :salute: my Russian friends.
(by the way what's "Puke", I couldn't polish my rusty katana).

I'm certain that 'Puke' stands for hard alcochol in russian slang [because Pukeing is what people do after drinking too much of this stuff XD ]. It's just been directly translated without native english speaker touch. I'm not russian myself although i had been taught this language way back when I was in school, so more or less i understand what they ocasionally write here. Your best bet would be eigther find good 'ol "Booze" or "Rot Gut". You shoould be able to get both at bartenders. There are few around new reno ( mainly around boxing ring or casino).

There are multiple quirks like this translation around the walkthrough. For example they use acronym of 'VC' as in Vault City by cyrylic equivalent of letters GG. I think it stands for Grhazhdanskyi Gorat in the original or a direct translation to english 'Citizen City'. The whole 'GG' roams around the walkthrough, but it get's better thay also use acronym a.k.a. 'GG' for acronym of the term 'Action Points' or 'AP'. So i guess google translate failed the translating teamin a convulting confusion at this, hence we get the untranslated 'GG' everywhere.
Did anyone take on the bikers at Battle mountain, I really wanted the turbo plasma rifle

During my Kill Everyone run I handed in warehouse parts in exchange for Combat Armor. Used Power Fist and Kubotan (custom knuckles you make out of keys). Pickpocketed everyone of consumables and extra ammo, took a dose of Psycho, Power Fisted their leader and then hid in the shed killing the rest 1 by 1.
Overall around 4 reloads.
While Pyran and Foxx hopefully work on the next version of fixed edition of this wonderful mod, which hopefully will include english translation and some more secret stuff, I am again putting the text-part of translation here, mostly in hopes of receiving some feedback.

So please, post feedback, especially negative one, here.
As one more year passes - translation gets better.

(Will work with vanilla and fixed edition. Crazy version users can experience bugs. Unpack into master.dat\text.)


Where can i find an assistant to ride the train?

In Salt Lake City you can find an idle man, who can help you in operating the train. I think he stays near sheriff department or in some restaurant, but I can’t tell you exactly, because I don’t remember now. Just check over the guy called “an idle man”.
While Pyran and Foxx hopefully work on the next version of fixed edition of this wonderful mod, which hopefully will include english translation and some more secret stuff, I am again putting the text-part of translation here, mostly in hopes of receiving some feedback.

So please, post feedback, especially negative one, here.
As one more year passes - translation gets better.

(Will work with vanilla and fixed edition. Crazy version users can experience bugs. Unpack into master.dat\text.)
I’ll try to check this out as soon as I get out of the hospital and I’ll let you know if I spot some bugs.
I’ll try to check this out as soon as I get out of the hospital and I’ll let you know if I spot some bugs.
Please do and get well soon.

Worth adding that there are some things fixed in translation regarding one specific quest in New Vegas, in terms of logic - we had a very hot discussion about it on some other russian forum. Not a big deal, but still.
Really no big deal, the Las Vegas has this huge quest about cracking PI case. It had slight inconsistencies about motivation of some characters, which was fixed by changing descriptions of some items and some dialogues, mostly on Mayor.
@Keyboard Gecko

I assume that the translation made by Keyboard Gecko is a an full time translation for Fixed edition as well as for Vanilla Nevada.

Can Foxx or anyone else separate Nevada Fixed Edition from Fo1/Fo2 Fixed Editions and put Nevada FE on google drive somwhere so that people without the need for pirated stuff, and without the ability to download torrents could make use of Nevada Fixed Edition?

By the way @Foxx what are the differences between all 3 versions?

Does Fixed Edition have radscorpion shell armor, ammo dissasembling to patreons, etc from Crazy Edition, or is it simply Vanilla 1.02HD with further bugfixes?
I'm asking simply because I'm eager to play crazy edition but the number of typos in Crazy Edition holds me off on it (the funiest beeing "Pear Paw" in cheyenne tribe Lovelock). So I kind of hope that Fixed edition is actually Crazy Edition with bugfixes :D .

Keyboard Gecko stated few posts above that His/Hers translation for Nevada is compatible with both Vanilla *and* Fixed Edition. Thing is, it's not exacly easy to download Nevada Fixed Edition because it's a torrent, due to it containing also Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 installs. ca this be Fixed, and link to a clean version without the pirated stuff provided here on NMA, without all the torrent headache?
You have outdated information. You need a Nevada Fixed mod 2.0.2. Only mod without Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 (later, the translation will be updated to the current version). The translation is not exactly compatible between Vanilla/Fixed mod (more lines and fixes). No need torrents - You can use mediafire.
Fixed ed. - fixed original. Crazy ed. - is not supported and does not develop. Recognized as an unsuccessful version of the game. Some scripts and maps were worked out on this version. There is no translation for it.
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Could You provide the link to "Nevada Fixed mod 2.0.2" ? Google throws out only links that lead to rutracker.org

Nuclear City has some info but it also redirects to rutracker.org. I couldn't find mediafire link to "Nevada Fixed mod 2.0.2"

Anyway, Does Fixed Edition have at least some features from Crazy Edition like Radscorpion shell armor from legendary radscorpion shell, or is it possible to disassemble certain ammunition types back into patrons (besides only ammo crafting like in vanilla). the radscorpion shell at least was a planned thingy but it finally got cut out by developers from Vanilla in the end.

Besides even if Keyboard Gecko does only partial translation of Fixed Edition into English it would still be better than nothing. If number of stuff translated is at least 85% i will handle it, I'm able to read Russian a bit, so partial translation would just speed up the process, as alphabet translation from grhazdanka to Latin (for the purpose of reading) is not something I do smoothly.
I can't see why translation can't be applied to crazy edition, I'm just saying there can be bugs. From what I remember, there's definitely the case with robot in hawthorne - in CE he has a lot of lines in dialogue, while in FE/vanilla he has not.

Also, the most recent translation is made for FE. So there.