Fallout: New Vegas companions revealed

willooi said:


And just to add to some more timeline guess-work, from one of the endings of F2 regarding the Bishop child:

"Not long after the destruction of the Enclave, the Bishop Family of New Reno was blessed with a child. This child seemed to have little in common with the Bishops, preferring instead to spend his days exploring the wastes. When he turned thirteen, he seized control of the Bishop Family and led them to victory over the remaining New Reno families..."

So say he's born in 2244, by the time NV starts he'd be 36... If Obsidian considered that ending to be canon, could this Bishop/Chosen One kid be in the story? Benny??

Anyway I'll stop now. I just love plot continuity.
I remember that one child in particular being rumored to be the main hero of Fallout 3, back in 2001 or something.
Something else: With the Crimson Caravan, Cassidy Caravans and the Van Graffs, we have already three confirmed caravan companies. This combined with the "caravan wars", I smell a possible drama questline in here.
Sweet! Robots. And a cyborg dog! The robot dogs were pretty much the only companions I used in Fallout 2.
Lexx said:
Something else: With the Crimson Caravan, Cassidy Caravans and the Van Graffs, we have already three confirmed caravan companies. This combined with the "caravan wars", I smell a possible drama questline in here.

Were the Van Graffs confirmed? I don't recall it myself.
I just saw it by accident a few minutes ago. In the G4TV interview with MCA was one background with a Silver Rush sign, where Van Graffs and "We sell weapons" was written on. Even though it says nothing of caravans, I very much doubt that their background was changed.

/Edit: Okay, now on a second thought, it can't really said "confirmed" in the sense of caravan firms. :P But I still don't believe that they changed their background.

/Edit²: Also it's written on a Silver Rush sign. Seriously. It so much smells like Redding to me. :>
Morbus said:
I remember that one child in particular being rumored to be the main hero of Fallout 3, back in 2001 or something.

It'd be awesome to find references to such a character on the journey through NV, even if it's just through a mention of some crazy, bastard son of the Bishop family who's rumoured to be of special lineage. The timeline even gives me hope that you'll be able to run into a 60-or-so year old original Chosen One, but that's all daydreaming. Or at least random encounters with New Arroyo/Vault 13 descendants.

In regards to the pre-order Classic Pack bonus - for those who get it and those who don't - I hope they at least flesh that costume out a bit too by having generic and old Vault 13 jumpsuits and waterflasks scattered around the place, if only to ensure that it isn't purely a marketing ploy without any real relevance within the game world.
Arcade. Don't like him already. Probably some goddamned hippie activist. Look at those glasses. "I'm an intelectual, I'm concerned about the world". I wanna punch him.

Boone. Looks like some generic all-American badass. Boring at first glance. His struggle between being a "cold-blooded killer" and a "decent human being" probably means player can influence him, kind of like Anomen's quest from BG2.

Lily. Female mutants are just so queer. 3-meter giant granny in a straw hat being a stealth specialist doesn't sound convincing. But at least it defies so repeated-to-death RPG cliches. Hope (s)he doesn't speak with black accent.

Veronica. Grey mouse. Can't say more at the moment.

Dog and robot are fine by default on account of being dog and robot. But it must feel strange to pet Rex on the head.

I'm looking forward to have Cass or Raul. Good-looking cowgirl drinking buddy? Hell yeah. Mexican retired gun-fighter ghoul mechanic sounds awesome too. Wish could have them both.

But these are just first impressions. We'll see.

As for Dogmeat, his reapperances in different times and places shouldn't be taken seriously, since he never really was an ordinary character. He's always been more of an easter egg. In F1 a tribute to Mad Max. In F2 a tribute to himself. In F3 a tribute to both MM and himself. Spiritually -- the same dog. Physically -- irrelevant. Just an universal incarnation of canine loyalty and bravery. :)
Arcade Israel Gannon has interesting spoilers on the wiki, though those are based on Van Buren, but i can't see them changing the background.
Since we don't have any noticeable "evil" companions it makes me wonder if anyone but Eddy will wanna stay with me if I side with Legion. :(
Mr Fish said:
Since we don't have any noticeable "evil" companions it makes me wonder if anyone but Eddy will wanna stay with me if I side with Legion. :(

Neutral type companions will probably stick around. I could see Cass, Rex, Raul, Veronica, and Lily not caring. Boone is who you have to watch out for. Arcade is a moralist but who knows how much.
Mr Fish said:
Since we don't have any noticeable "evil" companions it makes me wonder if anyone but Eddy will wanna stay with me if I side with Legion. :(

The companions seem to fit the general concept of New Vegas: they're not "good, evil, neutral, no-karma" like the split-ups of Fallout 3 companions, rather they respond to specific faction relations and choices. Saying "there's nobody evil so how will they feel about the Legion" is kind of missing the point of the faction/karma system in NV.
Well wasn't Rex once used by Caesars Legion?
Must be a reason as to why he decided to stay with Kings instead of going back to his masters.

Brother None said:
The companions seem to fit the general concept of New Vegas: they're not "good, evil, neutral, no-karma" like the split-ups of Fallout 3 companions, rather they respond to specific faction relations and choices. Saying "there's nobody evil so how will they feel about the Legion" is kind of missing the point of the faction/karma system in NV.
Well I don't want the fallout 3 system where they are either goody goody two shoes or bat-shit crazy evil.
But it would have been nice with a companion from Great Khans or CL is all I'm saying.
Not that he/she/it would have to be evil, just that it currently is sided with one of the evil'ish factions. :)
Mr Fish said:
Well wasn't Rex once used by Caesars Legion?
Must be a reason as to why he decided to stay with Kings instead of going back to his masters.

Well Rex did get blown to hell in the Hoover Dam battle. I assume The King fixed him up so he stayed with his fixer.
Mr Fish said:
Well wasn't Rex once used by Caesars Legion?
Must be a reason as to why he decided to stay with Kings instead of going back to his masters.

Well Rex did get blown to hell in the Hoover Dam battle. I assume The King fixed him up so he stayed with his fixer.
Since almost all CL member seen so far wears headgear it might be that he hates them because they mis-treated him. And therefor explaining his hate towards hats.
... I wonder if glasses is okay for him or if he'll have a robo-rage-fit. :shock:
Heh, I found Lily on the screenshot with Marcus. Not that this is something special... but I like to point out how her standing stance looks like. Seems to be a trve super mutant:

Lexx said:
Heh, I found Lily on the screenshot with Marcus. Not that this is something special... but I like to point out how her standing stance looks like. Seems to be a trve super mutant:

Those gloves make look like a regular SM wearing a blue shirt :)
I imagine that whether a companion joins you will be based on your reputation with the relevant faction, rather than karma. Or if the companion has no faction, then that'll be a non-issue.

I imagine being a totaly evil bastard that goes into towns and shoots everybody for no reason is likely to also significantly impact your reputation with many locations and factions. But if you can somehow get your karma negative while keeping your reputation high then the companions should have no issue.

I would have liked it if there was an evil scumbag companion though, one that would want to join up with you precisely because you have a reputation of going around murdering and pillaging. Though I never play that way myself, so I'd never end up using such a character.

In Fallout 3 I used a mod to remove the karma requirements on companions. What was fun was that Jericho would complain about "I didn't sign up to be Santa Claus!" when retrieving a violin for Agatha.