Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

But this IS RPG Codex whose's trolling this guy. It's a site that I rank BELOW furry sites in being likable. At least SOME furries aren't gigantic asshats.

Most likely they'll just hang around and insult the guy because doing something wrong in a game is a fucking sin to them.
That's why I said this before.

The Gamer Limit dude is getting trolled a lot... Are those from here? Looks like the Codex to me.

NMA could be pretty rough sometimes, but these comments didn't look like they could come from here.
I haven't really been paying that much attention to news posts because there's like 5 coming in every 2 days.

Has this been posted yet? Some podcast featuring Larry Liberty talking about New Vegas.

-One of the followers references Fallout 3
-The wasteland is as big as or bigger than Fallout 3's
-More stuff about damage threshold and different ammo types
-Some radio DJ called "Mr. New Vegas"
-It's possible to obtain a "blinged out Pip-Boy model" called the Pip-Boy 3 Billion
-They're "not ready to talk about DLC" for New Vegas
-Still no multiplayer (good thing)
-The intereviewer mentions to Larry that some players felt overwhelmed by Fallout 3 and want the game to be more accessible.

If I'm late to post this just shoot me already.
Reconite said:
-The interviewer mentions to Larry that some players felt overwhelmed by Fallout 3 and want the game to be more accessible.

There are gamers who think that seriously?

I think those gamers should consider playing something else then, because even more hand holding and this plays itself.
The Dutch Ghost said:
There are gamers who think that seriously?

I think those gamers should consider playing something else then, because even more hand holding and this plays itself.
I can't imagine how these people would fare with Fallout 1 or 2.

I want to see this "blinged out Pip-Boy".
Reconite said:
I can't imagine how these people would fare with Fallout 1 or 2.

They'd probably enjoy it more if they kept playing a bit. I remember a friend that (sadly) played Fallout 3 a lot. I introduced him to Fallout 2, and he was TOTALLY lost. And killing a radscorpion or a human was a big task for him. When he scraped everything he looted and sold almost all for the 10mm pistol, he started laughing like crazy and shooting all those enemies to death.

He told me had much more entertainment from THAT single situation than half of the whole F3 Vats-y experience.
Dario ff said:
They'd probably enjoy it more if they kept playing a bit. I remember a friend that (sadly) played Fallout 3 a lot. I introduced him to Fallout 2, and he was TOTALLY lost. And killing a radscorpion or a human was a big task for him. When he scraped everything he looted and sold almost all for the 10mm pistol, he started laughing like crazy and shooting all those enemies to death.

He told me had much more entertainment from THAT single situation than half of the whole F3 Vats-y experience.

Haha that's fun, it reminds me my first playthrough. Fucking spear! I wants me pistolll. The start is quite though, even now i ended up dying a LOT.
Not many gamers today can deal with that, i think. Rapid fix is preferred to deterred payback, even if it's ultimately more rewarding, as your example clearly stated.
Reconite said:
I haven't really been paying that much attention to news posts because there's like 5 coming in every 2 days.

Has this been posted yet? Some podcast featuring Larry Liberty talking about New Vegas.

-One of the followers references Fallout 3
-The wasteland is as big as or bigger than Fallout 3's
-More stuff about damage threshold and different ammo types
-Some radio DJ called "Mr. New Vegas"
-It's possible to obtain a "blinged out Pip-Boy model" called the Pip-Boy 3 Billion
-They're "not ready to talk about DLC" for New Vegas
-Still no multiplayer (good thing)
-The intereviewer mentions to Larry that some players felt overwhelmed by Fallout 3 and want the game to be more accessible.
I'm calling it. The Pip-Boy 3 Billion will be the reward for finding New Vegas' version of bobbleheads, probably casino chips.
eternaut said:
Dario ff said:
They'd probably enjoy it more if they kept playing a bit. I remember a friend that (sadly) played Fallout 3 a lot. I introduced him to Fallout 2, and he was TOTALLY lost. And killing a radscorpion or a human was a big task for him. When he scraped everything he looted and sold almost all for the 10mm pistol, he started laughing like crazy and shooting all those enemies to death.

He told me had much more entertainment from THAT single situation than half of the whole F3 Vats-y experience.

Haha that's fun, it reminds me my first playthrough. Fucking spear! I wants me pistolll. The start is quite though, even now i ended up dying a LOT.
Not many gamers today can deal with that, i think. Rapid fix is preferred to deterred payback, even if it's ultimately more rewarding, as your example clearly stated.

It's not so much about having a rapid fix to having something you can casually play between work, family, etc. I mean take... Fallout 1, and then add in the fact you have about 30 minutes a day to play it. Within that 30 minutes of your first time playing it, not being used to the system or anything, you may spend the entire time just leaving the first Cave. You play Fallout 3, you get to probably about the point of your first quests due to it being easier overall and actually walking you through the steps first.

Not saying Fallout 3 is tons better, it's just more accessible and possibly more enjoyable for someone who places game time as an absolute last.
nemetoad said:
It's not so much about having a rapid fix to having something you can casually play between work, family, etc. I mean take... Fallout 1, and then add in the fact you have about 30 minutes a day to play it. Within that 30 minutes of your first time playing it, not being used to the system or anything, you may spend the entire time just leaving the first Cave. You play Fallout 3, you get to probably about the point of your first quests due to it being easier overall and actually walking you through the steps first.

Not saying Fallout 3 is tons better, it's just more accessible and possibly more enjoyable for someone who places game time as an absolute last.

Absolute last?! Heretics! They should be banned from gaming! (read with the voice of the Comic Book Guy from "The Simpsons") :P
The Dutch Ghost said:
Reconite said:
-The interviewer mentions to Larry that some players felt overwhelmed by Fallout 3 and want the game to be more accessible.

There are gamers who think that seriously?

I think those gamers should consider playing something else then, because even more hand holding and this plays itself.

This is the evolution of WoW's downfall. Players incapable of taking a leak by themselves mean its just got easier and easier and less complex, so all the reward and extreme satisfaction of struggling through a raid over a month with your guild is basically removed. The actual user base that got the game popular was left to the wayside so Blizzard could suck off the wallets of all the 12 year old kids who wanted to fight dragons, so they made the game "More accessible"
Dario ff said:
Reconite said:
I can't imagine how these people would fare with Fallout 1 or 2.

They'd probably enjoy it more if they kept playing a bit. I remember a friend that (sadly) played Fallout 3 a lot. I introduced him to Fallout 2, and he was TOTALLY lost. And killing a radscorpion or a human was a big task for him. When he scraped everything he looted and sold almost all for the 10mm pistol, he started laughing like crazy and shooting all those enemies to death.

He told me had much more entertainment from THAT single situation than half of the whole F3 Vats-y experience.

My god that brought back memories to me for some reason. I remember seeing this game "Fallout" at Best Buy. I had never heard of it, but I loved the Mad Max movies, so I bought it. It totally blew me away.

Up to that point my only experience with RPG games was all fantasy based, and it had never occurred to me that you could do an RPG in another setting. I was hooked. I've been hooked ever since then. Part of me wishes I could somehow delete everything I know about Fallout from my brain so I could play it again for the first time. I spent many many late night hours playing Fallout and then Fallout 2.
I love how he pauses after saying:
"I'm a huge Fallout fan, I have every achievement in Fallout 3..."

He tried every gun, was invincible and killed everything. Uuh, he's in the desert, and uuh, he also got to check out the strip where he killed everybody. They all died.

"I'll probably still buy it because I'm a hardcore Fallout fan"

What does he mean by that? Did he really think the game was bad, just not bad enough for him to skip it since he still can play in god-mode and kill stuff?

But if he thinks its bad, then it must be good! :P
nemetoad said:
eternaut said:
Dario ff said:
They'd probably enjoy it more if they kept playing a bit. I remember a friend that (sadly) played Fallout 3 a lot. I introduced him to Fallout 2, and he was TOTALLY lost. And killing a radscorpion or a human was a big task for him. When he scraped everything he looted and sold almost all for the 10mm pistol, he started laughing like crazy and shooting all those enemies to death.

He told me had much more entertainment from THAT single situation than half of the whole F3 Vats-y experience.

Haha that's fun, it reminds me my first playthrough. Fucking spear! I wants me pistolll. The start is quite though, even now i ended up dying a LOT.
Not many gamers today can deal with that, i think. Rapid fix is preferred to deterred payback, even if it's ultimately more rewarding, as your example clearly stated.

It's not so much about having a rapid fix to having something you can casually play between work, family, etc. I mean take... Fallout 1, and then add in the fact you have about 30 minutes a day to play it. Within that 30 minutes of your first time playing it, not being used to the system or anything, you may spend the entire time just leaving the first Cave. You play Fallout 3, you get to probably about the point of your first quests due to it being easier overall and actually walking you through the steps first.

Not saying Fallout 3 is tons better, it's just more accessible and possibly more enjoyable for someone who places game time as an absolute last.
Hey, there are facebook games for such people.

Making games for everybody leads to only one thing - games will be for nobody because every type of gamer won't like some part of the game.
Dario ff said:
Of course you can. But he's not likely to take it well don't you think?

Doing personal attacks against the person might make him react quite wrong. If he learns to look at the criticism behind those comments, he might learn. Otherwise he'll ignore them.

Constructive criticism on the other hand, might make this guy pay more attention to the comments and learn from them. We're just irritated that game journalists do such stuff for a living, but if we continue spouting them and treating them like shit, they're going to hear us less and less, and start saying stuff that the "other" fans want to hear and we hate. Just because they get more appreciation from them.
Though I have no clue how much constructive criticsm will reach a person (most notably a game journalist who should know it better ...) who is complaing about a game beeing "broken/bad" as he got kicked out from a hotel for killing some of the personal inside so he had to start the demo all over again ...