Fallout: New Vegas first review

Cormac said:
I bet this is your comment, OakTable!:::

"Also, Mr. Reviewer, there’s not much proof you actually played this. All the screenshots are from old previews of this game, and there’s only vague details about the game itself, and you complaining about the graphics even though graphics have a tiny and marginal effect on the gameplay.

You also refered to Fallout 3 as “the first game”. Don’t do that."
How'd you guess?
He obviously downloaded a leaked copy floating on the internet for a couple of days now which makes him, his website and his review worthless.
From the gameplay streams I've watched the story looks a lot more interesting and malleable than what Fallout 3 offered. This review is pretty suspect when its treatment of New Vegas' story, one that plays so heavily in what quests you get for nearly half the game, is cursory dismissal. That isn't to say I think the story is great, I have only seen snippets, but it's far more involved in how the game plays out than Fallout 3's "follow dad around and watch a bunch of scripted events" plot and definitely deserves more than just a few lines in a review. Just a lousy reviewer? Completely possible in the world of games 'journalism' ...
The NDA stop the 19th.

So this review must be done with the leak version (which leaks... 2 days ago) if the reviewer played the game.
Not much of a poster here but I do agree with Killzig on his statement. I've been watching a few game play streams and while it's graphically similar to Fallout 3, the FEEL is just plain different, even from an observer's standpoint.

Every dialog option I've seen is a rather impressive laundry list to get deeper into the lore of the character you're speaking to, or the faction they belong to. The quests I've seen can all be completed in a great deal of different ways and you see examples of skills being used in either conversation or in different interactions with the environment.

I'm optimistic about getting my mitts on New Vegas, it feels more like a proper sequel to Fallout 2 than 3 did. 3 had a different feel - a destroyed city more than a true, complete wasteland.

That's what truly should set a game apart, if the game play feel is different.

(Want to say again, I've only been an observer to gaming streams for people who got it early either by street date being broken or the "other" way. Can only tell so much by virtually looking over someone's shoulder.)
Linvite said:
The NDA stop the 19th.

So this review must be done with the leak version (which leaks... 2 days ago) if the reviewer played the game.

No. The NDA stopping at 19th doesn't mean that people don't get a version to write a review for it until this date.
I dont buy it! This Fanboy is rattling about F3, saying that it had an interesting story.
So either he and his review are irrelevant because of bad taste. Or he making things up.

Someone knows about this Fanboys reputation as a reviewer?
After all, the website is named "Attack of the Fanboy".
ok, I read this Fanboy s review of Mass effect 2 (a game I played).
Its fairly superfluous, Bantering on ''a masterpiece'' and ''waaauw graphics that and graphics this'' and ''grand and epic, deep story''
Whatever! Im sure this guy is on the wrong level and didn't know what to look for in a game like F:NV.
In the old days, taking low INT would lead to some humourous dialogue choices. Nowadays, taking low INT leads to writing articles like this.
TheUnwashed said:
ok, I read this Fanboy s review of Mass effect 2 (a game I played).
Its fairly superfluous, Bantering on ''a masterpiece'' and ''waaauw graphics that and graphics this'' and ''grand and epic, deep story''
Whatever! Im sure this guy is on the wrong level and didn't know what to look for in a game like F:NV.

I think ME2 had an epic story, but not every single game needs to have a story of epic scale, for fallout something like that simply does not fit (as seen in fo3) so I'd be glad if NV has not an epic, but simply a good story fitting into the proportions of the setting and the area.
"In addition to the graphics feeling a bit dated, Fallout New Vegas' story just never hit home with me the way that Fallout 3's did. Maybe it was the fact that Fallout 3 was my first title in the series to have ever played so I didn't really know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. "


Amazing story (and voice acting) indeed...
Reading this guy's review gives me the impression that he either didn't play Fallout 3 or at least didn't play much of it. It doesn't sound like he's that familiar with either title.

The writing itself is just bad and poorly worded.

PainlessDocM, Moira Brown was one of the best and worst characters in Fallout 3, haha. She reminded me an awful lot of Sarah Palin.
By 'amazing' I meant absolutely horrendous. I think we can safely expect a lot more from Obsidian.

As for the 'review' I think it's obvious this person pirated the Xbox 360 version (or didn't play the game at all) and wrote down his uneducated impressions and disguised them as the "first FNV review on the internets".
sea said:
Kradath said:
I think ME2 had an epic story, but not every single game needs to have a story of epic scale, for fallout something like that simply does not fit (as seen in fo3) so I'd be glad if NV has not an epic, but simply a good story fitting into the proportions of the setting and the area.
Mass Effect 2's story is only "epic" in the sense that it has lots of orchestral music and a big, dumb boss at the end. The story itself in that game is broken beyond belief and makes absolutely no fucking sense when put under scrutiny. Characters often have no plausible motivations for anything they do and almost always take the worst possible course of action in every situation. The worst insult is that at the end of the game, nothing that transpired in it even really matters. There are a few significant developments (one that comes in a DLC add-on, hurhur), but for the most part we're back to exactly where the first game started. It's sloppy as hell and reeks of a writing team who didn't know what the hell they were doing.

It really is kind of sad that every game these days needs to have a story about saving the world/galaxy/universe/existence itself. We need more stories like Planescape that are just about making sense of one's place in the world, or solving smaller personal conflicts, etc., as to me they're always the most compelling and plausible. Mirror's Edge is one of the few games I've played recently that does that... though the story isn't great, I'm glad it didn't insult my intelligence by trying to shoehorn some "epic" plot into a game that didn't really need it.

I enjoyed it. :)
sea said:
Mass Effect 2's story is only "epic" in the sense that it has lots of orchestral music and a big, dumb boss at the end. The story itself in that game is broken beyond belief and makes absolutely no fucking sense when put under scrutiny. Characters often have no plausible motivations for anything they do and almost always take the worst possible course of action in every situation. The worst insult is that at the end of the game, nothing that transpired in it even really matters. There are a few significant developments (one that comes in a DLC add-on, hurhur), but for the most part we're back to exactly where the first game started. It's sloppy as hell and reeks of a writing team who didn't know what the hell they were doing.

It really is kind of sad that every game these days needs to have a story about saving the world/galaxy/universe/existence itself. We need more stories like Planescape that are just about making sense of one's place in the world, or solving smaller personal conflicts, etc., as to me they're always the most compelling and plausible. Mirror's Edge is one of the few games I've played recently that does that... though the story isn't great, I'm glad it didn't insult my intelligence by trying to shoehorn some "epic" plot into a game that didn't really need it.
I agree with this save for the fact I really enjoyed the whole putting together Shepherd's dirty dozen plot. I can see why most people would be interested in the main reaper plot, I just kind of tuned it out. I tried to make my femshep look like Lee Marvin, it didn't quite work out.
Caught this in the comments section:

Obsidian Enertainment

This website did NOT receive a review copy of the game, and I can reassure you this website has not played the full version of this game. It is merely a pre-judged opinion of previously seen footage and should not, at ANY COST, be taken seriously as an ACTUAL REVIEW.
In the end its the opinion of a single person, nothing more, nothing less and the person didn't even play f1 and f2, so for most of you this news is something to be put aside.