Fallout: New Vegas PSM3 scans

toyboat said:
Dionysus said:
If people cared about writing in videogames, then FO3 wouldn't have been a hit. Seriously, a lot of people don't care much about writing in videogames. I generally don't care about the noninteractive features of the narrative.

I don't think it's just people not caring about writing in videogames. I think it's that no one reads anymore. I'll bet the same people who don't read books loved fallout 3.

I don't really read a lot of books and i enjoyed F1 and F2 to ridiculous proportions and hated F3.

The game fails in so many areas that writings just another drop in the ocean...
The Dutch Ghost said:
I go with the Fallout Bible regarding the Enclave, they were already around before the war.

A cabal of politicians, high ranking officers, and corporate CEOs who were a shadow government behind the real government and dreamed of one day taking over.
I mean Vault 0 being the main Enclave with the real government and the Fallout 2 Enclave being an offshot group that took over when they lost contact with Vault 0.
JaW said:
Ausir said:
The spelling "stimpack" was also used in Fallout 1 and 2 in some places, even if the inventory name is "stimpak".
Good to know, but "stimpack" is not correct and that is my point.
Man, this is why I love this site. Only on NMA would someone complain about the spelling of "stimpak".

Anyway, nice preview. I'm trying to keep my expectations low, but it's hard not to get hyped up over this game. Aside from VATS, I'm liking what I see so far.
Forhekset said:
Aside from VATS, I'm liking what I see so far.


Sorrow said:
I mean Vault 0 being the main Enclave with the real government and the Fallout 2 Enclave being an offshot group that took over when they lost contact with Vault 0.

Hmm, I have been thinking for several days on this one for a proper response.

But I have to say that the idea does have something.
The original US president and his staff cryogenically freezing themselves in, waiting for the day that they can come out to reclaim the US.

Or becoming semi immortal by hooking their brains up to the Calculator, ensuring their influence on any future society that will be set up after Vault 0 opens.
you seen the leaked BETA video Vic ?


Professor Danger! said:
Plus some games are great without writing. Super Mario Bros. for example.
Thea reall issue is that Bethesda proved 2 times ( I guess F3 was a success for them ?) that for a game to sell well it doesnt need writting. And thats the worst thing that could happen, cause well ... eventualy more developers and companies will think in the future why to include dialogues, quality writting or even a interesting plot when all you have to do is pump that money in marketing ...
If we take Vault 0 as canon, then I'd say locking them in a huge vault with an insane AI was the Enclave's way of getting rid of those people in the government that were not part of their conspiracy.
I don't think the Enclave would want an insane AI. It would be a very tough opponent for them.
Ausir, the Calculator wasn't intended to be insane.
The cyborg AI failed because of safety measures and backup systems that weren't implemented due to cutbacks and focusing finances at useless luxuries.

In a way the Calculator can even be connected to ODYSSEUS.

After the government bought Greenway's super AI, they got a bit hesitant as they like you weren't sure that a non human intelligence running the Vault network would be a good idea.

So instead they installed that in the Big Empty where it's task was to monitor the spread of Limit 115 and determine infection factor, and heat up nuclear launch sites just in case.

To replace ODYSSEUS as the intended Vault network monitor they installed the Calculator, believing that a machine intelligence that depended on human minds would at least be more controllable.
Ausir said:
Ausir, the Calculator wasn't intended to be insane.

At least not to the knowledge of Vault 0 residents.

That could be made up as an experiment but it would be quite a waste of resources for Vault 0 to fail on purpose.

The facility itself, the robot work force, resources to rebuild the infrastructure.

In a way the Calculator did do what it was suppose to do; start cleansing the wasteland of mutations and rebuild factories and so on.

It would simply not be of much use for the Vault 0 Dwellers as most of them are brain damaged, leaving only the people on the Poseidon Oil Rig to make use of it (if the Midwest BOS had not come along).
That could be made up as an experiment but it would be quite a waste of resources for Vault 0 to fail on purpose.

You could say the same thing about the whole Vault Experiment.