Fallout: New Vegas PSM3 scans

I thought maximaz was simply saying the story would be forgettable. :lol:

Anyway, I'm encouraged by what I'm seeing here. As I've said, I don't think NV will be anything special graphically but do think it has at least a chance of having a good plot and dialogue. That is where it'll shine, if it shines at all.
I didn't say it was an amnesiac story but that it sounds like an amnesiac story. You get shot in the head and then you need to "discover the mystery behind your attempted assassination."

You get "born again", set your base stats, go through tests to determine what you can do... Sure, that is a way of creating your character but how would they explain giving you an aptitude test, similar to GOAT, within the context of the game?
You get "born again", set your base stats, go through tests to determine what you can do... Sure, that is a way of creating your character but how would they explain giving you an aptitude test, similar to GOAT, within the context of the game?

The doctor is checking whether you are alright after the headshot that nearly killed you through a number of tests.
That makes less sense but could be, but I'm leaning more toward the amnesiac possibility. That route would enable them to remove locations from your map, have you learn the area anew, ask questions about the factions and all that jazz.

I'm not sure enough to be betting but I'm calling an amnesiac situation of some kind.
Plus, amnesiac is a favourite plot device of both Sawyer and Avellone.
Arr0nax said:
Yeah, because we all know you can flesh up a deep and interesting story with moral choices and consequences, with just 10 words phrases. (And I'm being generous with 10 if we are talking about Fallout 3)
You could, but it would be hard. The same outward apper doesn't mean the same limitations will be in play, though, as a scrolling text or liberal use of a continue button would fix this just as easily.

Arr0nax said:
You got me confused here. Didn't Chris design and supervise New Reno in Fallout 2 ?
Yes. He still claimed this when asked a couple years later.
Myron Rolle said:
There's a tutorial (led by a character named Sunny who looks a lot like Moira Brown), but unlike Fallout 3, it's optional, so you can hit the open game in 5 minutes from starting.

Well things seem to be looking more and more promising atleast.

Also lets leave the whole New Reno debate out of this, I personally didnt mind the city because it was well written ane had some interesting quests within it. Sure it was out of place but compared to the dire writing and quest lines in Fallout 3 its looking as if i'd take New Vegas any day over another Beth-soft take on my favourite game franchise...

Hell the only quest I did like in Fallout 3 was the 'Replicated Man' only because im a huge (I do mean oddly so) Bladerunner fan.
Radman said:
Well things seem to be looking more and more promising atleast.

Also lets leave the whole New Reno debate out of this, I personally didnt mind the city because it was well written ane had some interesting quests within it. Sure it was out of place but compared to the dire writing and quest lines in Fallout 3 its looking as if i'd take New Vegas any day over another Beth-soft take on my favourite game franchise...

Hell the only quest I did like in Fallout 3 was the 'Replicated Man' only because im a huge (I do mean oddly so) Bladerunner fan.

I thought I was the only one who did like New Reno.
New Reno was a fun location, and to be honest San Francisco was a much bigger contrast to the rest of the setting.

This is the best that can be expected from a Fallout 3 follow-up, so here's to hoping Obsidian will seriously raise the bar for Bethesda's future projects.
maximaz said:
That makes less sense but could be, but I'm leaning more toward the amnesiac possibility. That route would enable them to remove locations from your map, have you learn the area anew, ask questions about the factions and all that jazz.

I'm not sure enough to be betting but I'm calling an amnesiac situation of some kind.

Well, the PC is a courier, so that's already an explanation for him not knowing the area. I think you are reading too much into this.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Radman said:
Well things seem to be looking more and more promising atleast.

Also lets leave the whole New Reno debate out of this, I personally didnt mind the city because it was well written ane had some interesting quests within it. Sure it was out of place but compared to the dire writing and quest lines in Fallout 3 its looking as if i'd take New Vegas any day over another Beth-soft take on my favourite game franchise...

Hell the only quest I did like in Fallout 3 was the 'Replicated Man' only because im a huge (I do mean oddly so) Bladerunner fan.

I thought I was the only one who did like New Reno.
Are you kidding? I adore New Reno. It was great location.
New Reno is the best location in Fallout 2 gameplay-wise, it just doesn't make much sense setting-wise.
I didn`t mind mobsters. You underestimate the power of mafia! They are strongest in times of crisis.
Dionysus said:
aenemic said:
hey, I'm not saying dialogue options must be long to be good. but one of the things I really liked about dialogue in FO1+2 was the long and often humorous texts. especially when the dialogue options were funny because they were so long.
I actually don't remember the first game as being particularly loquacious. I think they'll do fine with console-friendly fonts.

trying hard to be annoying, are we?

the humor is only one aspect of it. you can simply fit a lot more into a bigger block of text, and while quantity doesn't always equal quality in this case, I wouldn't mind having a lot to say once in a while instead of knowing that my character will never speak more than a 5-10 word sentence.
Damn it, I'm getting a tingling of the hype.
I haven't felt that in a long time.

Nice to see a couple more screenshots, hope to see some NCR soon though.
Did noticed anyone that they call Stimpak as Stimpack on the "Wheel of Friendship" screenshot? It looks like somebody from developers plays more Starcraft than Fallout in these days...