Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

Where the fuck are the shadows on the world objects?

Yeah, Fallout 3-style gamebryo engine. It sux. :P
Am I the only one actually liking the green tint of Fallout 3 and hating the clearblue skies look of Fellout ? The atmosphere is worse with it for me.
It wasn't that ugly because it was greenish in general, but because they went far over the top with it. If the place had a subtle green atmosphere in some places I could live with it, but in FO3 it's like you're playing on another planet with a different atmosphere of methan etc...
SomeBritishDude said:
Fallout 3 managed to get past a lot of that just because I found the setting interesting (maybe if I had played Fallout 1 before then I wouldn't have, who knows) but it's still rediculous that they're using this engine. Valve can get away with it simply because Soarce engine is incredible, even today. Gamebryo not so much.

Valve isn't just sitting and waiting for their engine to get old... I'd like to believe that neither does Bethesda. However, it's clear that the design of Bethesda's engine is a bit behind the other engines standards.

Hi guys, i´m new here, and i wanted to share this:


Have you guys taken a look onto this? Have you sent your questions to the devs?

Mine were these:

1- Any chance to see new or improved animations for walking, running, death moments, etc... for your character or the NPCs?

a) This being the case, Are you going to include death animations acording to the weapon you are using? No more ragdolls deaths then?

b) Are you guys doing better animations for facial expressions?

2- Talking about modelling, There will be new models or enchanced models for humans, ghouls, mutants, etc...?

a) And specifically, There will be new or improved head modelling?

3- Will your companions have any depth, meaning own quests you can be involved with, chance of romance, becoming friends, etc...?

a) Can they fight between them ( in the case i have more than one companion) or turn against the main character if they don´t like what i´m doing?

b) Which implies... is karma and reputation making a difference here?

4- Absurd situations (like Fallout 2) happening again or serious dark humor (like Fallout 1) this time? Neither?

a) Can you get hitched again? (LOL)

b) Are Aliens welcome to New Vegas?

5- Will Fallout 1&2 world map make a return? Aleatory encounters then?

6- Any improvement on the stealth system from fallout 3? Will stealth mode work for companions as well?

7- What about fps playing mode, will it be closer to fps experience this time around?

a) Better AI for enemies and companions then?

8- How will the skill system work in New Vegas? Any differences between New Vegas and Fallout 3 skill system?

9- Will the adult content ( sexual themes,tricky moral choices,drugs themes,etc...) be really adult?

10- Can a player go through the main story without killing anybody, just convincing or betraying or cheating on people?
Garsty said:
SomeBritishDude said:
Fallout 3 managed to get past a lot of that just because I found the setting interesting (maybe if I had played Fallout 1 before then I wouldn't have, who knows) but it's still rediculous that they're using this engine. Valve can get away with it simply because Soarce engine is incredible, even today. Gamebryo not so much.

Valve isn't just sitting and waiting for their engine to get old... I'd like to believe that neither does Bethesda. However, it's clear that the design of Bethesda's engine is a bit behind the other engines standards.

Fallout 3 is definitely an improvement to Oblivion graphically.

The difference is that the Soarce engine is just better. It was made almost a decade ago and is only just starting to show it's age.
I don't. They managed to make Oblivion and Fallout 3 enormous resource hogs despite the fact that neither looks that great, let alone if they're asked to buckle a bull-sized engine like id Tech 5.

Not to mention the engine won't magically make their animation department competent.

Handing a chunk of the technical side to id? That'd work. Much like outsourcing voice-over work to someone who actually knows what he's doing, this is something Bethesda would benefit from doing, and will never do.
It just seemed to me that some people think that if an engine was first introduced a few years back then it would stay the same for the rest of its lifetime... Who knows, maybe Bethesda will have updated the engine before releasing New Vegas.
Garsty said:
It just seemed to me that some people think that if an engine was first introduced a few years back then it would stay the same for the rest of its lifetime... Who knows, maybe Bethesda will have updated the engine before releasing New Vegas.

Wishful thinking.

Fallout 3 updated the Oblivion engine, which was a modified version of Gamebryo, by adding stuff like parallax occlusion mapping. From everything you can see in the screenshots or hear from the previews, New Vegas contains no such graphical bump-up. But even if it did, the Oblivion engine is beyond saving just by bumping it up. This isn't Vengeance engine 2 we're talking about, where they updated Unreal engine 2.5 so much that it's more Unreal engine 3 than anything anything.

Ausir said:
This is the site that actually released the screenshots first

This site seems to have them at about the same time and a lot of sites are citing them. In fact, a lot of sites are noting Obsidian (or Bethesda) "released" these images, but I have seen no such press release pass by, and they wouldn't be sending out stuff in the weekend anyway. Regardless, they've spread everywhere (so Bethesda can forget about C&Ding) and it's hard to tell (or really relevant) who got them first or (and I'm more curious about this) from where (I assume one of the magazines leaked its press pack?).
just as BN said a new engine would not change that much. Even if they would get access to the best engine you can get for money right now it would not change the fact how Bethesda works. They been working with the Gamebryo engine for quite some time now with at least 3 projects from Morrowind to Oblivion and Fallout 3 so by now they should be experts when it comes to that engine. And still see how many bugs their games contain with Oblivion taking the lead over Morrowind. Funny is in particiular that Fallout 3 seems to have also a few bugs that have been already present in Oblivion. That tells me at least that even with a new engine nothing would change for Bethesda.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I'm not saying I didn't have fun exploring, in fact, that was the only part of the game I liked, there was enough there to be entertaining for a bit, I bet Fallout 3 would look A LOT better without the green tint.



Actually, the game should have a light blue tint, not perfectly clear white. That's how it looks in RL and that's what bugged me about Fellout. It looked TOO good.
There is another weather mod that adds a blue tint, can't remember what it's called. I'm using Fellout until the desert landscape mod gets updated.

Well at least the clothes the people are wearing are more Fallouty, half the population in Fallout 3 were wearing pre war clothing and we all know how long clothes last.
Alphadrop said:
Well at least the clothes the people are wearing are more Fallouty, half the population in Fallout 3 were wearing pre war clothing and we all know how long clothes last.

Yeah, the clothing really bugged me. It's an odd complaint to make, but Bethesda didn't have much of a sense of style. Everything people wore just seemed 'off' somehow. I expected most people to be dressed like Killian Darkwater - manly, frayed workwear, or the standard issue, leather jackets. Instead we got that fucking bizarre raider armour, and people in that weird Oblivion peasant gear.

And don't get me started on the goddamn haircuts.

I'm pleased that they're playing up the Western vibe in NV, too. I kind of view it as an element of Fallout that tends to get left in the background.
Yea, annoying that there are only about 3 decent haircuts and the only hair mod pack ports the anime hairstyles that someone made for Oblivion.

A few things I've noticed looking at the screenies. The few characters they show generally look less weird than the Fallout 3 denzins. Looks like someone actually took some time to try and help them out of the uncanny vanny except for the woman as there is no saving them square jawed things.

Also some nasty tearing on the supermutants arms when he's swinging his weapon.
randy Mc rupp said:
I still can't believe it when I see those mutants. I just a die a little inside everytime I witness that eye cancer.
Yeah, those are deadly horrible. Nice constant reminder that this isn't really Fallout.