Fallout Nuka World DLC trailer and information are online

Sure, I never said you're wrong. I just said what I want, not what I usually get. I should be so fair, and tell you that I am very picky with games :p. I generaly have a very keen sense on what I like, and what will frustrate me to no end. Saves me a lot of money. Drives others crazy though.
But thats the problem with no mans sky its got billions of plants and good grahpics but is still boring as shit. It's literally fun for like 5 hours. Some said the mod I've created added 3 hours about of playtime and my mod isn't a large area 'Not to brag tho'. So you you think with all tech ect you can entaint and create a massive 'place' for the player to explore but its actaully boring as shit. You might as play something thats free for a couple of hours than spend $60 on game even if the free game does't have the best graphics
On side not I can't remeber the last time i brought a game for grahpics or noticed bad grahpics. Tbh all grahpics in my book are great in there own way. E.g fallout 1 and 2 grahpics are still good to me as there iconic, The divsion that i'm playing right now has great grahpics too and i think thre both have good grahpics in there own way. Hell even FNV has great grahpics in certain areas like the strip with some new assest in the geck can look real good.

I rember playing mount and blade on my laptop recently and still being pretty impressed with the grahpics as I got into a battle with 100's of other troops. Think dam no lag all them troops is not bad at all. So yeah for me I do mind the grahpic but they just have to be to my taste personally I don't even like No mans sky grahpics to me I don't think there good at all but I can see why people would like it but nah there not good at all
It's like Bethesda watched that MrBTongue video "Shandification of Fallout" and took it so literally that they merely put food in the game and thought that was all they had to do.
And yet we got stuff like Kid in the Fridge :falloutonline:... Where is the food in that? :lmao:
Todd Howard said this in regards to TES 6.

Source: http://www.digitalspy.com/gaming/ne...news-argonia-and-everything-you-need-to-know/

I feel that there is a deceptive wording in that statement. In most cases, the last we in that statement should mean "we at Bethesda Softworks". However, I think that it could be twisted to mean "we at the video game industry". If we go for the later's interpretation, it could mean that Bethesda is waiting for the Xbox One Scorpio and PS4 Neo to come out so that it can brute force its old unoptimized engine.
Well it's hard to believe that anything will change when i7 with gtx 1080 and 16gb ram the damn game can still choke in the cities and forests.. I doubt that Xbox Scorpio/PS4 Neo will be any better..
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its got billions of plants and good grahpics but is still boring as shit.
It's graphics are garbage obscured by a disgusting color filter.

The game was made by an indie team of like 15 developers whose only previous game was some cheesy, cheap looking mario kart-looking game. These people literally had zero experience and yet AAA marketing turned idiotic gamers into mouth frothing fanboys who claimed it would destroy Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous.

I had a low amount of faith in gamers as smart consumers before, but I really didn't realize how easily duped they are by AAA marketing teams until this piece of crap that literally told them nothing about the game and still had them threatening reporters for simply pointing out there would be a small delay. It's so cringe-inducing to see crap like that.

And the icing on the cake is this game has a single 100/100 review calling it the greatest work of art ever made. It's hilarious to see the marketing at work.
You might as play something thats free for a couple of hours than spend $60 on game even if the free game does't have the best graphics
And the fact this POS costs $60 is so hilarious. People paid it without even knowing what the hell you do in the game. Because that's how easily duped by marketing gaming consumers have become. And that is why we get "Augment your pre-order" garbage from AAA, and why AAA has stopped making good games and started putting even more money in their marketing. NMS is the clearest example of this, and yet I'm sure it will continue to happen. This is literally why we can't have nice things.
Literally everything in the game was not as described or very dumbed down. I've youtube videos that have picked up what was said before and what you could actually do. Such as pyrocynical and SOG. And yeah thats not alot good about it, i was never intrested and called it out to be boring quickly but i didn't realise how much they hyped it up before. Hello games saying there would be all this stuff but that was not.

To think people would spend $60 on this would literally be for the grahpics as this really is an art game. To not really space exploreation or surviaul its a dumbed down stupid version of both. It just loooks like a terriable game and I really don't like it. Why they thought they needed to make a very very very large boring game world with nothing to happen is beyound me. Something like mass effect will be a milllion times better if you like space exploration and will hopefully have a decent story and actually purpose for exploring plants ect. I do feel bad for any who brought the game. Its also the worst console exlusive ever its bascaillly ps4 console exlusive only as its really really bad on PC.
I do understand what they where trying to by making a un scripted world that would be free to explore. (Aprently there is actually scripted moments though). It would be an infitly good game but having nothing scripted makes it literally everything. If you would to expaned this idea you would literally include everything than was anything. Witch just makes no fucking sence.

A game only really needs a purpose and a jounry that like basic level desgin, I mean some games do sretch this but they don't lose the basics. It's like trying to write a story but not use any vowls. If someone actaully wanted to make this massive pretty much infite world you'd actually have rewrite the premissve of game you'd have to break the 3rd wall some how. You'd literally have to come up with a formula or and idea that changes the way we think about things. Having tedious thing like inventory isn't really going to work and this how idea about how games work would have to change in order to make this successful.
Well it's hard to believe that anything will change when i7 with gtx 1080 and 16gb ram the damn game can still choke in the cities and forests.. I doubt that Xbox Scorpio/PS4 Neo will be any better..
That didn't stop Bethesda from releasing FO4 on the Xbox One.
I knew that NMS was going to be bad with all of the marketing and delays. Also, Sony isn't known for funding good devs.
I just watched their let's play Nuka-World (or whatever this shit it's called) on Twitch, man they don't know how to play their own game!
It looks so boring with all that raiders stuff once again, yet they say that ''fans'' wanted this kind of DLC with raiders, like there is not enough of them in the base game haha :/
Well back when fo3 was released i remember quite a lot of them asking for a zoo with mutated animals and they did ask for joinable raider content so betheda does listen to their fans. Theyre just too incompetent to deliver quality content even for their fans.
I imagine a zoo should exist only in large cities. Maybe there's one in shady sands or Arroyo by now... But I don't see them randomly thrown into a theme park still running in 2287. Perhaps some of the animals escaped the cages of a caravan some years ago And are fucking up the local ecosystem with their presence...
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The Dutch Ghost posted this in another thread:

Fallout 4 must be the greatest practical joke I've ever seen.

This proves it: Fallout 4 is not (and never will be) a post-apocalyptic RPG; it's a power fantasy where a single individual with strange deity-like powers constantly plays pretend (or cops-and-robbers with the Sole Survivor as the one supreme cop that robbers can't hope to oppose) in a playground by themselves while everyone else is forced to play along lest he smite them down (or constantly punch their immortal bodies).
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Yeah, Bethesda games are best described as Theme parks rather then games or even RPGs. A theme park with different rides and atractions that have no real conection with each other - nor any consequences for the player, if he decides to not engange in this ride or if they do something wrong. Also the voice acting really sucks in my opinion.
This writing where you become leader of every faction in 2 minutes right after meeting them was in Skyrim and yet people still think it's the most hardcore RPG of all time. I saw this coming months before Fallout 4 was even released but I hoped against hope it would not be the case.

Game should be titled "Baby's First Fallout" because that's what it is.

Imagine if in New Vegas Mr. House just goes "Now you're in control of my robots and you call the shots and I'm leaving" or if you just met Caesar and he says "And now I'm stepping down, ALL HAIL THE NEW CAESAR!"

Bunch of rubbish written by total knobs.
or if you just met Caesar and he says "And now I'm stepping down, ALL HAIL THE NEW CAESAR!"

You perform brain surgery on the guy and he's like "here, have some money, moving on...". And even better: if you stop working with him, he doesn't thank you for saving him and lets you go your merry way, he goes "next time you say that shit I'm having you torn up by my Praetorians".

In Fallout 4 it would have been "thank you for saving Caesar, as a reward, you become the new Caesar!" and then "oh, you can leave whenever you want to, friend!".
In Fallout 4 it would have been "thank you for saving Caesar, as a reward, you become the new Caesar!" and then "oh, you can leave whenever you want to, friend!".
This is not a possibility, it's a certainty in FO4. The number of times I have insulted faction members in FO4 (but still completed in their missions) should have gotten me killed by the more irrational individuals but I still managed to befriend everyone in FO4 and broke scripting in some areas.




I now completely agree with everything Elijah was saying.
BGS, swarming like ants over Fallout... I won't let those... children seize anything else. Wipe the slate clean. Make Fallout like what it was meant to be... undisturbed by Bethesda.