First time out of the vault

This is what gaming consumers want.
Yup. A front page post on r/fallout/ right now is that screenshot of the skeleton on the rollercoaster with its hands still held up as if it's going down the coaster.

Where do you even begin:
- If the nukes killed this guy instantly, they would have been in range to destroy the theme park or at least sear off all of the fancy paint and decorations you see, setting the entire thing on fire
- If the coaster crashing is what killed this guy, he obviously wouldn't be in that position, first, and second, see point one, as if the nuke caused it to derail, the nuke would have had to be in close enough proximity to probably erase the entire theme park
- If he didn't die instantly and the coaster derailed from perhaps seismic shocks from the nukes, why would he stay on the coaster? Who wouldn't run off to a shelter or panic?
- It's been >200 years and despite his flesh rotting cleanly off, there's apparently enough connective tissue to keep his arms held up in rigor mortis despite being in an open-weather environment
- It's been >200 years and not a single raider or survivor has rifled through this guy's clothes for anything that can be salvaged, or has done so with such delicateness that the skeleton hasn't been disturbed from his original position