Fallout on IGN's Top 100 Games List for 2007

Damn, that's what I get for not bothering with the whole list.

...And there go my caps for my next 2 months too. *hands Vault 13 a bag of bottlecaps*
just once i wish for a such a list to be based on actual gameplay value and innovation both based on the time it came out and on the long run...

halo wouldnt exist in such a list simply because when it came out .. everything had been done before it and better ... the fact that some new kids had their first contact with it and decided it was fresh doesnt mean anything in the long run IMHO
fallout ranger said:
I'm guessing it was the first online shooter for a console?

i guess you have a point :(
tho i am dissapointed that just the platform and thus the lighter audience gives it zazz
Majoras mask?
I hated that game.

Now OoT, that one was great.

And Halo does deserve a mention on there, but somewhere near the bottom.
It basically paved the way for console FPS games, nearly every one before it was utter crap.


It's IGN.

I'm temped to make a list of my own, one that doesn't suck assholes.
radnan said:
fallout ranger said:
I'm guessing it was the first online shooter for a console?

i guess you have a point :(
tho i am dissapointed that just the platform and thus the lighter audience gives it zazz

It was indeed a big step forward in terms of console shooters, but it did nothing Unreal Tournament didn't do a few years before. I guess console-gamers without access to a PC must have thought of it as revolutionary.

I'm happy to see Fallout so high on the list, beating games like World of Warcraft by a huge margin. I'm also glad to see some of my old favourites like Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, Planescape Torment, Red Alert and Grim Fandango on the list. I'm still waiting for Civilization, Fallout 2, Monkey Island 1 & 2 and Worms, though.

xdarkyrex said:
Majoras mask?
I hated that game.

Now OoT, that one was great.
OOT will probably be the no.1 game on the list.
I think Majora's Mask is way better than OOT, myself. It was much less formularic, had much more interesting characters and a darker theme and tone.
Well, I guess Halo did manage to create something - It made quite a lot of people ask themselves "Who needs FPS games on a friggin' CONSOLE!?". So yeah, it should be on the list. But probably somewhere around the bottom. Like number 97 or 98 or something.
Dreamcast Trivia!

Sorry but Halo was NOT the first FPS on a console, Half-life, UT, and Quake 3 arena beat it by about 2-3 years on the Dreamcast for online multi-player console shooters.
man, I would put Fallout and Deus Ex in the top 5... not somewhere in the middle of the list ... :( And Halo has cool AI i admit it and atmosphere (still NOT comparable to the former titles, though) but hey, it's just an ego shooter...
Mord_Sith said:
Dreamcast Trivia!

Sorry but Halo was NOT the first FPS on a console, Half-life, UT, and Quake 3 arena beat it by about 2-3 years on the Dreamcast for online multi-player console shooters.

It was the first one that didn't suck, though.