So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

When folks like Mauler, Creetosis, SyntheticMan, Arch, Rags and others are accurately calling out why the show is literal garbage, as well as Brady going point by point per episode and catching the details millions are missing, willingly or otherwise, what interest is there to garner?
It's an astroturfed show, being hyped up and watched by tourists, written by hacks, and given blessing by two people who don't like the best entries of the series because all of them blow their efforts out of the ocean.
I watched Mauler's review of the show and was impressed with how much he noticed that I missed even after reviewing more than twice, but there's still a few things I picked up on that afaik others didn't. Like how the Enclave issuing the bounties doesn't make sense, and they're drawing everyone's attention to the one guy they can't let fall into the wrong hands. Mauler also watched more interviews than I did, and it's a relief to know that Wagner and Robertson-Dworet really did write everyone stupid on purpose, because comedy.
If someone were to compare everyone's notes you'd probably have a novella's length of issues.