Fallout TV-show Teaser Trailer just dropped

I saw a comment on Reddit awhile ago that I thought was funny, wish I could find it again. Something along the lines of “I hear this show is going to be faithful to the Bethesda games by having each episode retcon the previous one.”

Eh they're not wrong, and quite frankly that's most accurate statement I've heard in awhile regarding Bethesda!

:ok: :roffle:
Main characters have stitching/pins on their collars

I can't believe there is a black person in this. Everyone knows they do not exist.
Added a fourth pic showing Goggins have a different stitching as a Ghoul
The mutant gecko thingie has a harpoon attached to a rope stuck in its jaw, and you can see the back of the vault dweller in the lower right
The mutant gecko thingie has a harpoon attached to a rope stuck in its jaw, and you can see the back of the vault dweller in the lower right
Hold up.
Wait a minute.
Giant Axolotl Salamander. Harpoon stuck in it's face. Is that a RE4 reference? No idea, but c'mon.
Hold up.
Wait a minute.
Giant Axolotl Salamander. Harpoon stuck in it's face. Is that a RE4 reference? No idea, but c'mon.
Interesting! Why would the VD "hunt" it? Save our village from the swamp beast type of quest? Would kind of work if they made a nod to RE4 by copying it I think
The salamander was sealed in the village lake because the cult was unable to control its behavior via the Plaga, which was the original purpose of the experiment. It was fed by the disposal of corpses, as seen by Leon S. Kennedy as a pair of Ganados dumped a police officer's corpse in the lake.

Could be a Giant Mutant Salamander in Lake Tahoe that needs killing. It's called Taxolotl or whatever. also something something cult of the lake mouth.
You have to admit though, the similarity is uncanny.
Isn't this being made by Amazon or Netflix or some shit?

You all seriously think this won't be ass? Their track record thus far, especially when it comes to adapting previous series to a show, has been dogshit. Just look at rings of power, or any of the live action anime remakes they tried to do (if you're a degenerate that's into anime, that is).
It is bound to be ass, but between now and its release (well, next trailer at least) it can be so much more. Look at all those (most likely) wrong assumptions I've made thus far. A pretty rosey picture isn't it? Take it all in and enjoy a bit of nostalgia.
Isn't this being made by Amazon or Netflix or some shit?

You all seriously think this won't be ass? Their track record thus far, especially when it comes to adapting previous series to a show, has been dogshit. Just look at rings of power, or any of the live action anime remakes they tried to do (if you're a degenerate that's into anime, that is).
Amazon has plenty of good shows. You just don't watch them or know about them.

PS Rings of Power was fine. If it was called Fantasy Fuck Fuck Parade it would have been fine but the Great Prophet Tolkien is treated like Jesus.
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Rings of Power was fine.
It was, if you have complete shit taste.

I don't even care for the Lord of the Rings all that much, but even i noticed that Rings of Power was a poorly written pile of trash. Not to mention boring and with some really bad acting.

Thankfully it apparently got some really low view counts (i think only 37% of the viewers that watched the first episode only watched the whole season), so at least there's that.
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I just think it's funny when people mention shit like Rings of Power like that was ever gonna please religious fanatic Tolkien nerds in the first place. The dark skinned Hobbits did at least have some canonical basis at the very least. I never hear people say Terminal List or something like that because ALL THEY KNOW is what ALL THE FAGS are crying about.


How about these two shows? Anything? Gen V was one that just finished and it was probably better than The Boys which everyone talks about when it is on but everyone acts like it never existed when it isn't. How convenient!
Total deal breaker. Perhaps all vaults were not built inside mountains so ya know people would need a door to go into. Hard to say from the image. Also not sure WHEN this takes place since I don't follow promotional info that close. Clearly the vault goes to shit and she (OMG A GIRL) has to leave due to the Overseer (Dale Cooper) being in danger in one clip.

Goggins will be a fan favorite and I do not know what crack you people are smoking that say he does not look good but I want some.

He is going to rock as usual. The cast of actors is solid.
The problem is that none of the original Fallout dudes are involved with the show and it's a Todd project.
Todd does not make TV shows. Todd is the guy that tells them "the power armor does this" "the laser rifle works like this" and then the director does the real work. I get the fear but this is the best show we could possibly get in this universe since Interplay was ran by morons. Back when I first joined people talked about a Fallout movie and there was fear it would not work. A series will work it just has to be done right and having REAL ACTORS like Walton Goggins on the project is a good sign. It means Goggins read the fucking script and liked what he saw. I trust him more than any whiny cunt on some fan forum that worships a dead franchise instead of something real. Fanboys are cancer and NMA is the anal kind.
I kinda liked Terminal List though. . . . .
does not make TV shows. Todd is the guy that tells them "the power armor does this" "the laser rifle works like this" and then the director does the real work.
In my mind's eye I picture them asking Todd something about the world of fallout and him just saying THERE WAS A BIG ROBOT AND MAD EXPLOSIONS! before stomping around the room making pew pew sounds and smashing his toys together in a symphony of childish destruction.
I kinda liked Terminal List though. . . . .

In my mind's eye I picture them asking Todd something about the world of fallout and him just saying THERE WAS A BIG ROBOT AND MAD EXPLOSIONS! before stomping around the room making pew pew sounds and smashing his toys together in a symphony of childish destruction.

Terminal List was great. Amazon made it. I thought they only made that super bad LotR show that everybody watched and cried about.
I thought that Jack Reacher show was ok but I guess watched woke trash since it had both a black guy and a woman cop in it.
Reacher is getting a second season too but everybody knows that Amazon never made a good show ever.