Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

First bug report: Danika at the Medical Treatment Area doesn't heal eye damage by those flashes of guarding bots.
First bug report: Danika at the Medical Treatment Area doesn't heal eye damage by those flashes of guarding bots.

Thanks for reporting. I'll look into it. Auto-Doc should do its thing.

Also, here's the maps hotfix before Sunday. Some maps were missing a special fade in script. Also made Fort Abandon accessible again. Just override your patch001.dat files. Now I am not sure if these will work with save games since Fallout saves are weird and hardcode everything.


Thanks for reporting. I'll look into it. Auto-Doc should do its thing.

Also, here's the maps hotfix before Sunday. Some maps were missing a special fade in script. Also made Fort Abandon accessible again. Just override your patch001.dat files. Now I am not sure if these will work with save games since Fallout saves are weird and hardcode everything.

Regarding fort abbadon reactor No5 access. just use a savegame prior to entering Fort Aredash for the firtst time, and access to reactor No#5 and hanged man NPC will be restored, just use lockpick skill or look around for the access cards..

what's the point of hanged man having six levelups while they all have the same PID as the base level??

just checked leveling up the hanged man, and he doesn't have any extra stats at level up. in party.txt he has all the lvlup protos set to his base proto?! wtf? if nobody set lvlyp proto wouldn't it be easier to just set levelup_every=-1 so that he doesn't have levelups at all!? this is quite dull since the base 71% small guns he starts with is totally meh.. and and next to none energy weapons or big guns is totally meh.. what gives? as far as i remember he had levelups back in R3...

EDIT #2:
this isn't fun I've found a city that has multiple maps within it but no exit grid wtf. maps are messed up one says "Dogtown Error" and other says "Tibbets Error". Haven't tried to save on other maps. hanged man is under ol' armor equipped when recruited bug and has like 4/10% DT/DR for physical damage, while wearing metal armor, so something is fucked up. he now has a Tesla Armor that yealds 4/0% DT/DR for normal damage and 19/65% on laser for example..
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Is there any way to free the Hanged Man now when you first enter Fort Abandon? I feel kinda bad just leaving him to hang there.
Is there any way to free the Hanged Man now when you first enter Fort Abandon? I feel kinda bad just leaving him to hang there.
#1 You need to apply the fix that hexer rollled out a couple of posts above.
#2 you need to start from a save from *before* You entered Fort Abbadon for the first time ( your best bet would be from right after leaving Tibbets prison)
#3 now when you reach Fort Abbadon, the trash before the entrance door are gone, and you can simply lockpick them, or look for the access keycards. one is in a building on the graveyard map, and the other in a skeleton in underground complex down the elevator shaft ( you'll need a rope to get there). after you open all doors in reactor#5 speak to the guy that talks to you a few times, and tell him about the corpses outside.. after you leave both maps and pass some time ( i went to the graveyard and dug up all the graves) hanged man should appear at reactor#5 dining room or something. after you speak to him, he joins your party.

Anyways Hanged Man is currently bugged in a number of ways..
#1He has no levelup protos set in party.txt ( six times the same proto is used)
#2 he starts with an armor equipped when entering the map which can cause engine glitches if coded improperly..
#3 due to #1 and #2 Hanged man resistences and thresholds are all 0/0% when he wears that robe he came with. When he takes it down game still displays 0/0% but the numbers are actually negative ( by the amount the robe he came with provides). so for example if robe has 0/20% normal and 0/25% laser, while wearing Metal Armor he gets 4/10% instead of 4/30% ( as in minus 0/20% from the robe engine glitch) for normal, and 5/50% instead of 5/75% ( agin minus 0/25% from engine glitch) for the laser resistances). normally it would get fixed after a levelup, but since levelup reuses the same proto all over agin, nothing changes... (oh yeah armor class get's treatedthe same way.. Hanged man has 8AG which should mean 8AC when naked, but he only has 3AC when naked and 8AC (+5AC from the robe) while wearing the robe, when He's sepose to have 13AC while wearing it.

also two other things.. R4 came to me with 512MB art_cache_size set. this was causing a tremedous amount of game crashig for me... I had to set the Nevada Band sweetspot of 261MB. Please do remember that the Fo2 engine came when there were no graphics accelerators with onboard memory in public use. so the art had to be cached in program's virtual space, namely behaving sort of as integrated intel adapter on modern laptops but instead of ram it's chewing from Fo2 engine's virtual space. if you set it to 512MB the program has 1,5GB left ( and frankly I don't know if setting the exe to large adress aware would fix this, as it hasn't been tested. natively Fo:Y uses around 580MB of virtual space, so things might actually get a bit tight when on large maps with huge number of big scripts running on it. Hence I advise to tune down art_cache_size down to 261MB..
Since doing so I've yet to encounter a crash, since i didn't have any after the change.

Additionally, I'd like to apologize for any rude behaviour in my posts earlier tonight, i was drunk, and co-egsitance of certain conditions triggered me. Sorry. However the bug was real, I've actually stumbled upon a city with no exit grid, causing me to become stuck in it.
#1 You need to apply the fix that hexer rollled out a couple of posts above.
#2 you need to start from a save from *before* You entered Fort Abbadon for the first time ( your best bet would be from right after leaving Tibbets prison)
#3 now when you reach Fort Abbadon, the trash before the entrance door are gone, and you can simply lockpick them, or look for the access keycards. one is in a building on the graveyard map, and the other in a skeleton in underground complex down the elevator shaft ( you'll need a rope to get there). after you open all doors in reactor#5 speak to the guy that talks to you a few times, and tell him about the corpses outside.. after you leave both maps and pass some time ( i went to the graveyard and dug up all the graves) hanged man should appear at reactor#5 dining room or something. after you speak to him, he joins your party.

Thanks! I did this in the previous release, so I was wondering if there is any way to free him without waiting for others to do it. I think it was mentioned somewhere in the comments long time ago that it was planned for the next (=this) release.
Additionally, I'd like to apologize for any rude behaviour in my posts earlier tonight, i was drunk, and co-egsitance of certain conditions triggered me. Sorry. However the bug was real, I've actually stumbled upon a city with no exit grid, causing me to become stuck in it.

Don't worry about it, all feedback is good. If you were on the team, I'd add some of those drunk sentences to the funny quotes!
It is true that the Hanged Man's party stats have issues but it's also true that at the moment focus is on world building so those were neglected or unintentionally broken. I will look into fixing them ASAP

Thanks! I did this in the previous release, so I was wondering if there is any way to free him without waiting for others to do it. I think it was mentioned somewhere in the comments long time ago that it was planned for the next (=this) release.

You mean waiting for others inside the Fort to free him? That's not implemented yet.
Don't worry about it, all feedback is good.
Glad to know.
If you were on the team, I'd add some of those drunk sentences to the funny quotes!

Is this some sort of invite or something or R U just teasing me? If it is an invite, then I unfortuneatly would have to decline.. I'm already caught in too much of stuff.. cough.. Sonora English Team.. cough.. that I got in by accident.. my skills in it are subpar to others, and this Year I have to focus on something tad more important than videogames, as future doesn't draw in shiny colours ( actually in brown, red and bleached rainbow if you'd ask me, but they certainly don't make life more colorfull, but rather more grimm..), anyways, I've figured a way to possibly solve *pure*/green energy crysis, and it may be possible to fulfill the insane EU Commonwealth demands to go 'no carbon trace' before 2050, or even earlier if what I've figured out actually works as in theory. this could potentially work for anything as it would be somewhat new energy source with the use of existing tools.

It is true that the Hanged Man's party stats have issues but it's also true that at the moment focus is on world building so those were neglected or unintentionally broken. I will look into fixing them ASAP

thi9s can be fixed by giving him additional protos, setting them up in party.txt . also to go around this engine bug is to print all the initially worn armor threshold resistances and armor class onto the Hanged Man's initial proto. This is the way it was fixed in Fo2 with cassidy and all EtTu human party members. So why not do the same here...
@hexer I don't know if you're taking suggestions, but there's one thing that would be cool (I don't even know if it's possible):
Turning the "Ball and Chain" into a two-handed melee weapon, that only has swing attack and requires an absurd amount of Strength to be used (7 or more).

Just like Marvel's Absorbing Man weapon:

The negative would be that there's no sprites for characters to use when having that weapon equipped, so it would have to use a sledgehammer's sprite or something.
You mean waiting for others inside the Fort to free him? That's not implemented yet.

I meant getting him down right after entering the location, as it was intended in Van Buren. I can imagine the dialogue they currently have: "Hey dude, why are you hanging there? Well, tough luck, sorry, I have to go."
I meant getting him down right after entering the location, as it was intended in Van Buren. I can imagine the dialogue they currently have: "Hey dude, why are you hanging there? Well, tough luck, sorry, I have to go."
In the original design, there was also an option to cut him down so he would fall really bad (he was supposed to be hanged on a windmill - or a scaffolding, but windmill is mentioned more times) which would seem to the player as a certain death, given the height. Then, after going down to see his corpse - you'd find out there's no body. Ooops!
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Why is there a table in a house in Grand Canyon with 99,999 (fake)caps, 99,999 rocks, 80 pipe rifles, etc. I made the mistake of taking some of these caps, and when I dropped them, it crashed my game.

Also some mountain areas that are random encounters are called Tibbets Mountain, no matter where they are.

Also also, Eugene (still, because it was in R3 as well) has a placeholder item that has the buffout icon, but when you drop it, it says "Do Not Use".
Why is there a table in a house in Grand Canyon with 99,999 (fake)caps, 99,999 rocks, 80 pipe rifles, etc. I made the mistake of taking some of these caps, and when I dropped them, it crashed my game.

Also some mountain areas that are random encounters are called Tibbets Mountain, no matter where they are.

Also also, Eugene (still, because it was in R3 as well) has a placeholder item that has the buffout icon, but when you drop it, it says "Do Not Use".

Thanks for reporting these. Some of the areas are over 10 years old so it could be that something is there that shouldn’t be. Can you give me a screenshot of that table and I’ll clear it up?
I just entered a location with tribals north-east of Fort Abandon. I can't talk to them, because the Hanged Man attacks them. Do they have any meaningful interactions? And what's his problem with tribals? I checked Van Buren design docs, but they don't explain why exactly he dislikes tribals.
I just entered a location with tribals north-east of Fort Abandon. I can't talk to them, because the Hanged Man attacks them. Do they have any meaningful interactions? And what's his problem with tribals? I checked Van Buren design docs, but they don't explain why exactly he dislikes tribals.

It's possibly a bug since some of the Ceasar's Legion boyz R using tribal protos, and Hanged Man attack Legion Boyz outright ( I found that out in the same town, that i figured out has no exit grid north & bit east of Renessance/slavetown ).
I just entered a location with tribals north-east of Fort Abandon. I can't talk to them, because the Hanged Man attacks them. Do they have any meaningful interactions? And what's his problem with tribals? I checked Van Buren design docs, but they don't explain why exactly he dislikes tribals.

That's Circle Junction. They don't have any meaningful interactions at the moment. The Hanged Man is an evil, religious nut. A powder keg companion. He will attack CL members and tribals on sight. Tribals are afraid of him and he attacks them on sight for many reasons, but the main ones are that it's a bad habit he carried over from his CL days, that they're nonbelievers and easy targets for a sadist like him.
That's Circle Junction. They don't have any meaningful interactions at the moment. The Hanged Man is an evil, religious nut. A powder keg companion. He will attack CL members and tribals on sight. Tribals are afraid of him and he attacks them on sight for many reasons, but the main ones are that it's a bad habit he carried over from his CL days, that they're nonbelievers and easy targets for a sadist like him.

And here I was hoping for a redemption arc. :( Will it be possible to ask him to wait and let him re-join the party after exploring the location (like with companions in F1 and F2)?

And I have another question: What location should I explore after the prison and Fort Abandon? I went to Grand Canyon, but NPCs there don't have any dialogues yet.
I found BoS, but I did all quests there while playing the previous release, so I'm wondering if there are any new locations that I should explore first.