Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Yes, my mutated brothers and sisters, the 4th coming of Fallout Yesterday is here!!! Share it, spread it around, play it!

Important: This update focuses on location building progress. Initially just 3 fully finished new locations were planned but in the end I added 13 locations! :-o However, most of them are without new NPCs but there are enemies to waste. Worry not, the progress on NPCs is great and I will talk more about that in the next post. Have fun exploring!


- Installer password is winter 2022 (Space between included too.)



- Added 13 new world map locations to the game.

- Added High Resolution mod.

- Added talking heads to some characters.

- Updated sfall to the latest 4.2.9.

- Upgraded Pip-Boy to Lil-Pip 3000 model.

- Added 10 new loading screens.

- Added inventory filter mod.

- Removed light from Endless Walkers. Only Glowing Ones should emit light around them.

- Improved party member control.

- Fixed crashing after accessing XL70E3 schematic in Mr. Fixit!

- Fixed crashing after using holodisks or Pancho Villa comic from inside the inventory.

- Fixed giant wasp/cazador action frame issues.

- Some smaller changes and fixes.


- Added new music to the game.
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Cannot download. It says that the download limit was exceeded. :(

No other links?
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Yes, my mutated brothers and sisters, the forth coming of Fallout Yesterday is here!!! Share it, spread it around, play it!

Important: This update focuses on location building progress. Initially just 3 fully finished new locations were planned but in the end I added 13 locations! :-o However, most of them are without new NPCs but there are enemies to waste. Worry not, the progress on NPCs is great and I will talk more about that in the next post. Have fun exploring!


- Installer password is winter 2022 (Space between included too.)

Is there any chance to have FYR4.exe uploaded somewhere else too? Like on I dunno, Google Drive? Because Yandex is giving me a headache to use or even create account
No other links?

Is there any chance to have FYR4.exe uploaded somewhere else too? Like on I dunno, Google Drive? Because Yandex is giving me a headache to use or even create account

Sorry, no other links at the moment. If someone else wants to upload them to GD or Mega be my guest. Yandex should be simple to use, just press the white button to download. No registration needed.


I know it's early to ask but do you have an ETA on the fifth update?

Thank you! And for the news post too!
Not sure exactly when R5 will be done but definitely this year. The R5 scope and release plans changed, for the better. From now on the game will receive weekly or biweekly updates. I will talk more about it soon.
Sorry, no other links at the moment. If someone else wants to upload them to GD or Mega be my guest. Yandex should be simple to use, just press the white button to download. No registration needed.
Unfortunately, I also can't download it.
It didn't gave me any white button, only a yellow one that has a note saying something like "The download limit has been exceeded, you can save the file to Yandex.Disk and download it from your Disk" (using google translate to read what it said). If I press that button, it takes me to a page to login or register to Yandex.


I don't know what download limit was exceeded, since I had just opened the page to download this for the first time just now. :confused:
Unfortunately, I also can't download it.
It didn't gave me any white button, only a yellow one that has a note saying something like "The download limit has been exceeded, you can save the file to Yandex.Disk and download it from your Disk" (using google translate to read what it said). If I press that button, it takes me to a page to login or register to Yandex.


I don't know what download limit was exceeded, since I had just opened the page to download this for the first time just now. :confused:

It might be like with google that when too many people download a file then it cannot be downloaded for a time...
Unfortunately, I also can't download it.
It didn't gave me any white button, only a yellow one that has a note saying something like "The download limit has been exceeded, you can save the file to Yandex.Disk and download it from your Disk" (using google translate to read what it said). If I press that button, it takes me to a page to login or register to Yandex.


I don't know what download limit was exceeded, since I had just opened the page to download this for the first time just now. :confused:

Same issue - thats why I asked for other link too. Btw there is language change option in bottom right corner.
so yeah I'm one of the few lucky mofos that managed to download R4 before the file was unobtainable. @hexer if hosting R4 somewhere else is a upload bandwith limit problem or something i can upload it anywhere for now.. just point me at a place and I'll do it.. I don't have bandwith limits and as for upload rate, currently my tech limit is my ethernet card ~100Mb/s as my ISP provides almost three times that of a upload speed on my current internet plan. So Yeah, If You have a desire to upload R4 somewhere just finger point the target to deliver the payload.. if it's some hosting site i can even create a free account, upload R4 & pass over the ceredentials to you so you could change the PW and or login if possible.. just share your needs

on a side note.. sfall 4.2.9 had a dull partycontrol.int script along with some others I see you're using 4.2.9. I already noticed that PA soldier in the simulation does not follow me nor takes action in combat. I barely made it out of the prison for now, but i assume there is going to be a need to update some of the sfall tailored scripts to newer versions in order to fix [combat control] Mode=2 *and* Mode=3
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alright @hexer
I've sent you an emali with your file uploaded plus the ceredentials to a free mega account I've just conjured, plus ceredentials to a free email account that didn't require a phone number and which was used to confirm mega account. the email interface is Polish only unfortuneatly. despite the effort email from mega didn't reach a quickly conjured yandex mail account. so i just went the fail proof way that i knew wouldn't fail me.
yeah.. yeah.. just be sure to grab the file before it expires, or some bethestard dickhead flags it...

I've uploaded the file as means of quick fix to the current situation. Namely:
Yandex R4 download beeing blocked, due to reaching maximum allowed downloads limit, and @hexer beeing unable to upload it elsewhere currently..

I have no intention to maintain / babysit the upload, as I've stated b4, ceredentials to both that mega account and ceredentials to the email which was used to create this mega account, were passed on to @hexer , and now he'll do whatever he desires to do with them. I no longer feel, nor am I willing to be responsible for this mega account nor for whatever is within it.. Just so ya'all know, so go grab the file until it's up, as god only knows, what might happen to it the next day..