Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

you know darn well why h.265 or even h.264 wasn't chosen as sfall playback, it's because such decoders require royalty fee,
This is true, but that's not what I said. I said, Xvid, and added mention of Bink & Smacker; I should have mentioned Vp8. What I suggested was to use h.265 as an intermediate download along with a script to convert them to MVE for game playback——except that even this was not serious because of your mention of how problematic the conversion to MVE has been.

*IE. the mention of using h.265 was strictly to exploit the compression for a smaller download, never for playback in the engine... and never meant to be taken seriously, due to infeasibility; of the MVE encoding not being a turn-key process.
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The compromise is the best solution here when both ideas have their cons and pros. You get decent quality upscaled videos by default with an option of going full HQ if you don’t mind the disk size requirements.
@hexer I have a better solution. since I recently restored back my secondary rig after a failiure with intel card, *and* the fact that i aquired a newer version of topaz labs video ai ( since 4.10 they allow installation on non AVX machines back agin) plus the fact that the newer version has bazzilion improovements over the old 2.6.4, including limiting the bitrate, i think I'll be redoing all classic fallout movies agin with this. this time in two ways first I'll be fixing old videos in 640x480 for mve conversion, and if they don't come out too big they'll be converted to 720p .avi or even 1080p if they'll be reasonable in size. this time no interpolation and no borrowing anything from any Youtubers as input, pure work of 'ol gus's machines
Hi @gustarballs1983 , that sounds good to me! Feel free to ping me again once those are ready for downloading :)

Out of curiosity, does anyone know why Interplay never used BINK video? That format was practically the golden standard of video game cinematics back in the day.
Long stoy short:
Fallout and Fallout2 were developed quite a few years *before* Bink video format v1.0 went live ( it went live in 2003)
/TL : DR

You can trust me on this one. I had already done some conversions of some upscales of mine to Bink video format ( yes it has no resolution limit like MVE as far as i remember).
Before succeding to convert with RadVideoTools i had to google everything about bink format because there was no documentation on how to run the tool.
Only by accident i found out that the same GUI executable can be run as a commandline tool. and when run via commandline it spits errors in a windows window, which differ depending on the error made, after a day of trial and error i found out that the old game Black&White didn't run my upscales because they were made in bink 2.0 (format since 2008), i had to use bink 1.0 ( format since 2003), in order for the game to read it.

as for the upscales Don't count on me doing it as fast as the last time...
I have more tools at my disposal now. I managed to deinterlace storyhd. this time without the flashy horizontal bar at the bottom ( because i had more options to set the fix properly), and i also made first attempts to remedy the camera shaking, although this takes freaking long.. the 28min video was processed for almost 24h with this one!! i still need to run it through Proteus AI to fix general image quality. The good news is, that after first processing, the video size went down from 1,25GB to ~512MB, so i'm more optimistic now. I think that if the video in final form .MVE will be <2GB while maintaining a quality standard I'll be content with it. In the meantime i'll try to ask in the modding section about mve_join companion script. as i think it is this script that limits the video joining to <3.5GB max. perhaps Lexx or Nova could remedy this and i won't be forced to use Interplay's : MUTIL in dosbox, as it takes hilariously long, and producces a video that can't be converted back to .avi by any means with the possible exception of ffmpeg perhaps.
Thanks gustarballs1983, that's a great answer!

Yeah, it's no rush to get the videos re-encoded, the ones you already made are great.
But in case you manage to make them even better, I'll use those then.
FY will get more videos over time, so it's good to continue the search for the perfect workflow.

the 28min video was processed for almost 24h with this one!!

Wow! Like in the 90s when 3D cutscenes would render for days.
well yeah, however this time this *single process* has to do repetitive AI tastks several times in a row, and those ones are qute tasking. i had to limit physical memory usage to 25% by topaz itself so the program doesn't crash, and yes 10 seconds of test footage of the video was processed around ~1,5h so yeah quite a demanding task composed of several diferent AI's and that's only to somewhat remedy the camera shake, by the camera operator, there's still work to be done on the video. in the 90's rendering a 10 min CGI took almost two weeks, that's because it was done on CPU and CPUs of the era, sucked as well as GPUs of that era, hence why it took so damn long, on top of that limited amouts of RAM plus HDD only for the swapfile (as NAND Flash of even 1GB costed the kidney of your firsborn), caused even more of a delay in rendering.
will fallout yesterday be jampacked with tons of content and places to explore? I always found nevada, and 1.5 to be a bore because a big chunk is wasted empty space
will fallout yesterday be jampacked with tons of content and places to explore? I always found nevada, and 1.5 to be a bore because a big chunk is wasted empty space

Hi, yes, there will be many places to visit and things to do. The world map is huge though so exploring it on foot will take a while. But you’ll have plenty of vehicles to choose from to travel faster.
Hi, yes, there will be many places to visit and things to do. The world map is huge though so exploring it on foot will take a while. But you’ll have plenty of vehicles to choose from to travel faster.
how many companions will there be? will boone or raul be in the game?

also is there a release date? how long will this take to complete?
... Only if it's clean.

A mechanics friendly behavior might be to have a greater chance to hit adjacent entities; from reflection.
That would be a neat critical failure effect for using laser weapons against metal armors (including power armor). The attacker takes damage from their own laser, or alternatively it redirects the laser to a random combatant between the target and attacker. Might even be able to visually represent it by having a laser bolt fire from the target without the target performing an animation.

Seems to be outside the scope of this project though.
Fallout Yesterday v0.6

Mutants, the wait is over! Version 0.6 is here! Enjoy! :D

Password: summer2024

Self-Extracting EXE



7z Archive




- Over 30 new quests in Hoover Dam and Maxson Bunker

- Improved party management inside and outside of combat

- 100+ new items and weapons

- 100+ new Traits and Perks. Also improved their descriptions

- Many bugfixes

- Multiple vehicles

- Free-roaming caravans

- Reworked special encounters

- Starvation and dehydratation system on Hard difficulty

- Integrated many features from Fallout 2 Mechanics MiniRework mod

- New main story content

- New craftable items including books

- New UI button for quick crafting access

- New Talking Heads

- New music tracks

- New title video

- Upscaled all videos. Thanks gustarballs1983!

- Subtitles for "A is for Atom"

- Updated sfall to version 4.4.4
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Fallout Yesterday v0.6

Mutants, the wait is over! Version 0.6 is here! Enjoy! :D

Password: summer2024




- Over 30 new quests in Hoover Dam and Maxson Bunker

- Improved party management inside and outside of combat

- 100+ new items and weapons

- 100+ new Traits and Perks. Also improved their descriptions

- Many bugfixes

- Multiple vehicles

- Free-roaming caravans

- Reworked special encounters

- Starvation and dehydratation system on Hard difficulty

- Integrated many features from Fallout 2 Mechanics MiniRework mod

- New main story content

- New craftable items including books

- New UI button for quick crafting access

- New Talking Heads

- New music tracks

- New title video

- Upscaled all videos. Thanks gustarballs1983!

- Subtitles for "A is for Atom"

- Updated sfall to version 4.4.4


I'm new to this fangame, say how finished is it on a scale from 1 to 100? after completeing fallout 1, 2 and nevada, I am getting withdrawls from the stuff!
Fallout Yesterday v0.6

Mutants, the wait is over! Version 0.6 is here! Enjoy! :D

Wow, nice work! This adds a lot to everyone's plate as far as Fallout gaming goes. Does it rely heavily on sfall? I wonder as it would be nice to run it under Fallout 2 CE.
I need help! I did everything the install guide asked!, I click the exe, the pinwheel appears, and nothing happens!

wtf am I doing wrong?

@hexer what am I doing wrong? the game won't boot up when I click the exe, I literally did all the game asked for and nothing happens!

what gives?!
Did you walk back to 0 on the resolution settings? I.e. starting from 640x480, native resolution? It mentions that in the install instructions.

I tried it in Fallout 2 CE, but no love. No surprise there though. Hit the "wmAreaInit::Error loading Cities!" issue.