Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Ah, I think that he unfortunately passed away from a virus infection. There is a very small chance for every character in the game exposed to airborne pathogens to die. This is too harsh and will be revised in the future so that quest-critical characters only get temporarily ill while commoners die for good. Also, because Tibbets characters eat nutrient paste, their symptoms should be dormant as long as they continue doing so.

Do you have an earlier save?
Thanks for your return! I have a very earlier save!

I think you will develop the story with the virus infection in a next release especially in Hoover Dam. (with the dead at the basement of the clinic at Hoover Dam)

Otherwise i have a similar problem with Ed the mechanic who disappears at Brotherhood of Steel

I didn't have an awser on one of my first post on these 3 points:
I kill all the mutants at the Skum Pitt in Hoover Dam but the quest is marked unfinished.
I didn't find the building materials for the hydroponics farm. I don't know where to search or maybe uncompleted quest?
I finish almost quests in Mesa Verde except the mission to rescue captured Cyphers. I don't find them at Mesa Verde neither at Dogtown or Ouroboros or Reservation. Unfinished quest?
That quest is connected to another location which is not finished yet so you can only do the first part of it.

Yes, same goes for the missing Ciphers quest. It’s also tied to an unfinished location.
Thanks for your return.

I think the quest called "Adjust the calibration of the two functionning generators" is uncompleted. Indeedd my character has 160% in Science,i have the quest given by Dodge and i have the message following:


It would be cool if in the next release we could complete more quest in Tibbets which is the place we begin. I like exploring the place but it's a little frustrating for the quest to accomplish (ex: several quests seem unfinished actually like the quest giving by Dr Nora, Dr Yvreth.......)

I wonder if in future release there will be special quest when your character is a ghoul or a supermutant. it would be great!
Hello, i hope you can help me because i am stuck just before act 2 :( The issue is:

I have to fid the missing prisoners but i have no clue where to look at all. When i go to grand canyon i get stuck and i cant find the person i should be finding, Martin that Gym asshole. i searched whole whost town, no clue of him. there's a buildig tho that is bugged and i cant enter.. a small one. And the other option would be to go to boulder dome but i have no clue where that is. wherever i go on my map, all i have is tibbets, and 2 other places inn that area arround and grand canyon..
I think the quest called "Adjust the calibration of the two functionning generators" is uncompleted. Indeedd my character has 160% in Science,i have the quest given by Dodge and i have the message following:
I think that message is a bug that shows when you successfully calibrated generators 3 and 6. But there's another bug there. You're supposed to use both Repair and Science on those computers to finish the task. The current bug only requires Science check.
I think that you can go back to Dodge now anyways and report success.

It would be cool if in the next release we could complete more quest in Tibbets which is the place we begin. I like exploring the place but it's a little frustrating for the quest to accomplish (ex: several quests seem unfinished actually like the quest giving by Dr Nora, Dr Yvreth.......)

Yes, Tibbets will get a lot of bugfixes and new content in the next version.

I wonder if in future release there will be special quest when your character is a ghoul or a supermutant. it would be great!

Yes, there will be people reacting properly to your race. But that is currently not the case. We're still going through normal dialogs and didn't even implement stupid dialog everywhere. But the plan is to have them all.

Hello, i hope you can help me because i am stuck just before act 2 :( The issue is:

It's best to orient yourself using the old Van Buren map. It's not 100% accurate and some locations are missing but should prove useful
I think the quest called "Adjust the calibration of the two functionning generators" is uncompleted. Indeedd my character has 160% in Science,i have the quest given by Dodge and i have the message following:
Here is a fix. Just unzip it into patch001.dat\Scripts


Here is a behind the scenes video where our writer and voice actor Krimson Graey goes into details on how Alexandra was brought to life. Featuring cameo appearances by yours truly and our 3D artist @Goat_Boy
Here is a fix. Just unzip it into patch001.dat\Scripts
Thanks. It works.

I wonder if it will be in next release we could meet on the world map highway men, bandits.....and
save Tibbets from self-destruction

It would be cool if we have the details of medical supplies who want Dr Yuri at Hoover Dam in PIP-BOY .

I finish the quest "get the food for Cyphers" at Mesa Verde. I returned then at Hoover Dam to talk with 3 Some Caravan Company but there is only one caravan road avaluable (to go to Jericho and not Mesa Verde). Is it a bug?
Ah, I think that he unfortunately passed away from a virus infection. There is a very small chance for every character in the game exposed to airborne pathogens to die. This is too harsh and will be revised in the future so that quest-critical characters only get temporarily ill while commoners die for good. Also, because Tibbets characters eat nutrient paste, their symptoms should be dormant as long as they continue doing so.

Do you have an earlier save?
I try again in a earlier save but this time not only Dr Linder disappears but also Dr Yvret and Dr Bree Drexle. I don't know why.