Fantasy Football '10: Revenge of the Festini

You mean like double QB and an extra flex spot or two? Yeah I guess. I'd prefer 10 tho. Maybe toss in a flex spot too?
No word from ManWithNoName. We really need another body + UDub in to get to 10. I can't really set the livedraft date until we do (it'll probably be September 2nd though, unless people prefer a week earlier)...

Any ideas?
Brother None said:
That'd still leave us with bye weeks tho'. I think?
The odd number of teams might screw it up, I guess. has a schedule creator somewhere on the site if you need it. You input the number of teams in your league and it outputs a regular-season schedule. If 9 teams is possible, that would show you how to do it.
Well, Footballguys' only solution is either a bye week or each team playing two games each week.
Sander said:
Well, Footballguys' only solution is either a bye week or each team playing two games each week.

Yahoo! doesn't allow two-opponents-a-week.

Manwithnoname replied to my email and should be joining, so with UDub we're up to 10.
Haha, or will be this year at least. Last year I dropped the ball big time after being frustrated with the auto-draft. But don't worry, Ima come back hard.
ManWithNoName said:
Every time I use the url at the top of this page it says I don't have permission to this page because I'm not in this league. What do I do?

Entering the league ID "308517" and password "allhailherrgoogly" on that page doesn't work?

Now for our own Bret Favre, UDub, to join and we have a full set.

Feel free to ask as many Qs about how this stuff works as you need, MWNN
ManWithNoName said:
Sounds good. Well then hows the draft work?

We're holding a live draft. Check under the "draft central" to see how it works/test your system/try out live drafts.

The date is currently set for 29th of August, 9pm (21:00) GMT. Suggest shifts in date and/or time if needed.

It's not absolutely necessary to join live draft or indeed do anything with the draft. If you don't join and don't change your rankings, Yahoo! will auto-draft for you based on its own rankings.
If that's the option you go for, I advise putting all kickers and defenses, but one of each, into your "do not draft" list. If you don't, chances are Yahoo! will waste your draft spots by drafting two of both.
Brother None said:
We're holding a live draft. Check under the "draft central" to see how it works/test your system/try out live drafts.

The date is currently set for 29th of August, 9pm (21:00) GMT. Suggest shifts in date and/or time if needed.
Which would be 4PM ET for you Americans.

I for one am going to improve on last year's result without having to rely on the top 2 RBs crutch.