Fantasy Football '10: Revenge of the Festini

Has UniversalFavre joined yet?

Since no one suggestion any scoring changes I made a few myself:
Fumble: -.25 (was -.5)
Fumble lost: -1.75 (was -1.5)
Still -2 for losing a fumble, just penalized a non-lost fumble less
Offense recovered TD: 6 (was 5, for some odd reason)

0 points allowed: 12 (was 10)
(honestly there's little point, since it rarely happens. Used to be 10, now it's 12. Who cares?)
Defensive TD: 4 (was 5)
(passing and defensive TDs are 4, all others are 6. It's too easy to stack up points on defensive TDs. Yahoo! puts it as six which is stupid: you get a sack (1 point), forced fumble (2 points) and TD (6 points) and your D just scored you 9 points. Since a forced fumble and interception are both 2 points, they, together with the TD, score you 6, as the D just did IRL)

Offense bonuses: shook up most shit here, since I wasn't happy with the scant bonuses you got. Here's our old system:
Passing: 40 yards per point; 2 points at 200 yards; 1 points at 275 yards; 1 points at 350 yards
Rushing: 20 yards per point; 2 points at 100 yards; 1 points at 150 yards; 1 points at 200 yards
Receving: 30 yards per point; 2 points at 100 yards; 1 points at 150 yards; 1 points at 200 yards
Returning: 50 yards per point; 2 points at 150 yards; 1 points at 225 yards

It now is:
Passing: 40 yards per point; 2 points at 200 yards; 2 points at 275 yards; 2 points at 350 yards
Rushing: 20 yards per point; 2 points at 100 yards; 2 points at 150 yards; 2 points at 200 yards
Receiving: 30 yards per point; 2 points at 100 yards; 2 points at 150 yards; 2 points at 200 yards

Return yardage game has changed completely. Right now KR/PRs aren't viable starters. I bumped returning TD from 5 to 6 and, bumped up scoring from 50 to 42 yards, and shifted the bonuses. With this system a full-time KR/PR is a viable WR/RB-flex spot starter, and it's a nice bonus for players who handle these duties part-time.
Returning: 42 yards per point; 1.5 points at 150 yards; 1.5 points at 225 yards; 2 points at 300 yards

Twinkie, Sander, Cimms, get your asses ready, I'ma send you on a plane to convince UFavre. Use violence if necessary.
In with Bieber's Butt Plug.

Looks like the draft for the NMA league is at the same time as my money league draft. Should work out nicely.

EDIT: The draft for this league starts at 3pm CST, and my money league draft starts at 5pm CST. The NMA draft should be wrapping up about the time the other begins. :D

RULES: Looks fine to me. I'll check them out in detail later.
ManWithNoName said:
How many of each kind of player do you guys usually draft? and whats the bye weeks have to do with the game?

QB, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/T, W/R, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

BN = Bench.

the bye weeks are weeks where a certain team doesn't play. you need to make sure, because of this, that you don't pick too many guys from the same team or the week that team has a bye you'll be screwed.

also: we're drafting on my goddamn birthday. which means my ass might end up in autodraft territory which scares the tits out of me. gonna try to make sure i'm around but daaaaamn, whatevs.
ManWithNoName said:
How many of each kind of player do you guys usually draft? and whats the bye weeks have to do with the game?
The roster determines how many players you usually need, so for us that would be one QB, two WRs, two RBs, one TE, one WR or TE spot, one WR or RB spot. Just don't draft more than one Kicker or Defense, and try to fill out the rest of your bench spots so you can pick up the slack if someone gets injured. So probably a QB, a TE, 3 WRs, 2 RBs or something similar to that would be smart.

If a player has a bye week he can't contribute to your scoring, so you'll have to use a backup in the week that he isn't playing.
Sander said:
If a player has a bye week he can't contribute to your scoring, so you'll have to use a backup in the week that he isn't playing.
It's important to note that you can drop players and pick up different ones during the course of the season. There's a process for this. In fact, you'll probably end up dropping and adding quite a few different players in order to cover bye weeks and improve your team.

TwinkieGorilla said:
we're drafting on my goddamn birthday. which means my ass might end up in autodraft territory which scares the tits out of me.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. I've seen autodraft teams that ended up being really good. It's just more fun to draft for yourself.

EDIT: The only rule change I would suggest is getting rid of voting on trades. All trades without direct evidence of collusion should be allowed. If there is direct evidence of collusion, the commish can step in and void the trade.

Not a huge deal, but I'll be voting to allow any trade without provable collusion anyway.

Anyone want to pick a draft order now instead of 30 minutes before the draft? I'd be up for that.
Shame about the schedule conflict Twinks, hope you're there. Can't really change it anymore now tho', it's too near in the future.

SimpleMinded said:
Is that even possible? I support getting the order set now so we can think it through a little more.

Used to be you couldn't set order when live drafting I think, but looks like they changed that.

Now I can set it, looks like (won't guarantee it works but looks like).

We can do the standard thing I always used to do, which is go reverse order of last year's standings. The standings were, including playoffs but ignoring consolation:
1. Buttplug
2. Sander
3. DammitMilkers
4. None
5. Imalumberjackandimok
6. Fuel Cell Regulators
7. Diarrhea Mustache
8. Roche
9. Mud Crabs
10. Simpletons

Rookies get preference, so that makes our draft order:
1. Team With No Name
2. Hegemony of Flan
3. The Simpletons
4. Roche Clippers
5. Diarrhea Mustache
6. Imalumberjackandimok
7. The Laserface Kings
8. DammitMilkers
9. Vliegende Brabanders
10. Bieber's Butt Plug

Picking first is a high-risk high-reward game in Fantasy tho'. I personally prefer to pick mid-round, where indeed this would put me. So whether or not using the NFL real-life logic makes sense is up in the air. If people prefer, I can also shove the names in a randomizer and just put the draft order in as the randomizer spews out.
Having just done a mock draft at #3 with people who seemed pretty serious and came out ecstatic with my team, I love that order haha. But we can wait and see on everyone else's opinions.
That's a good way to pick the order. Funny, I got randomly selected to draft 12th in my 12 team league too.

Two picks in a row for me!
UniversalWolf said:
Two picks in a row for me!

I love picking on the turn. Picking high means getting a great player but you also depend purely on that player. Picking on the turn means two top-tier players.

DammitBoy said:
I protest.

Harumpf, harumpf, harumpf.

Oh shut it, you're picking Tom Brady in the 1st round anyway.
While the back side of the turn is probably better, I just like picking close to either end. It gives you a little more strategy as you can base your picks on the other players closer to the wall than you. Picking in the middle, you have to just assume the next 10 best players will be gone by the next time you go, but at the near-ends, you can try and figure out what the guys on the turns will want and choose accordingly.

Ah what do I know, just rambling. I just want to get this thing rolling!