Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

Yeah, the people should totally go and slaughter all the rich people. It worked out really well for Russia in 1917. I mean, just look at how poor people in Finland (the only part of the Russian empire not to have fallen under the commies) are, and look at how great socialism has made life in the USSR and Warsaw pact countries.

Resources? In Europe? If they were intent on going to resource-rich territories, they should go anywhere BUT Europe.

Also, taking what's theirs?

Here's an example. On one side, you have comrade Ivan. Comrade Ivan works on an assembly line, his job is to whack the product brought to him with his mighty soviet hammer. Comrade Ivan's salary is one thousand dollars a month.
On the other side, you have his menacing capitalist opressor, Scrooge McDuck. Capitalist pig-dog-duck Scrooge is left with a million dollars after having paid his workers. This vile exploiter provides glorious Comrade Ivan with a place to whack his hammer, purchases all the machinery which allows glorious Comrade Ivan to do nothing but whack his hammer, finds markets to sell the product of glorious Comrade Ivan's whacking, and expands his business, employing more glorious Comrades.
Or as socialists would put it - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, HE JUST SITS THERE.

I honestly can't see how Scrooge's resources can rightfully belong to Comrade Ivan.

I didn't said it had to be comunism, so you just argued against a straw man, but then don't complain about the banksters and society being unfair to you if you don't do anything about it. Here is a hint: do as Iceland did 1 2

Also, there are no natural resources in Europe, but their standard of living is better because they exploit the resources from poor nations. If people in the middle east have their oil taken to Europe and the US and they in turn can't even dream to afford a car, or people go hungry while they export food, or children work all day long to export clothes, it seems only logical they want to be on the receiving end of those products rather than working thier asses off so someone else gets them. Of course you don't see that because you have been blind to the issue your whole life, no one is interested in you knowing how it works.

EDIT: Adding this so there is no double post.

About making meat or fatness illegal: I think drugs, abortion and prostitution should be legalized, their body, their choice, so it's the same with people who want to eat or drink themselves to death.

If they don't want to be helped don't impose your "help" upon them. Now, education in the use of condoms, alcoholism, dangers of tobaco, and a healthy life in general is different, leave those there for whoever wants to benefit from it, just don't force anyone to live the way you do or how you think they should live.
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Guys, The thing is this. It's not so much as resorting to less effecient farming by using local farms. It's more or less having a food Renaissance if you will. Where green technology and less land required for crop and livestock growth while farmers have a central hub that provide food security and prevent soil degradation in their land exist.

What vegans can't seem to fathom and wrap their tiny brains behind is the hindsight. Even if you committed genocide on animals that evolutionary benefit as a species for continued existence or if you indiscriminately released them as invasive species into the life and fuck up equilibrium and tropic levels. You still have to reconcile a human population growth and work just as hard to support and sustain the 8 billion people. So ban meat? No, redefine the way humans traditionally see and use agriculture so they can be eco friendly and deliver food to populas? Sign me up.

It's not like we couldn't appeal a little to some degree in the past with fixed irrigation system. I remember back when taking environmental science in high school. We compared Mesopotamia and Egyptian ways of agriculture. particularly irrigation and the part it played. One used seasonal planting and didn't constantly put strain on it's local soil and it's massive irrigation that eventually flooded all it's crops while the other was more efficient and was used once or twice a year perhaps.

I think a similarity can be drawn here. Where careless planning by greed or necessity can backfire and hard.
If you don't like how certain societies are treating you, no one is forcing you to be a part of them or even interact with them.

Fat people are shamed for a reason, just like alcoholics, drug addicts, promiscuous people, and so on.

That being said, I haven't actually witnessed any fat shaming since elementary school. So if fat people are trying to paint themselves as some endangered group now, I call bullshit.
My brother thend to ask me when the baby is due... But i do agree with him. Most of the time people are just fat because they eat the wrong shit or not moving enough.
I gained some weight 3 years ago by failing both parts and now i'm a bit fatter and a bit lazier compared to then :)
My brother thend to ask me when the baby is due... But i do agree with him. Most of the time people are just fat because they eat the wrong shit or not moving enough.
I gained some weight 3 years ago by failing both parts and now i'm a bit fatter and a bit lazier compared to then :)

That beer gut comes - and then stays like a fucking tattoo. Only way to get rid of it is to go "Hey! Today I'm becoming a skiing champion, for the next 6 years!" and I don't have that kind of dedication.
Man, if only someone warned me: "While you're young, you burn everything you eat, and you don't even notice. At some point though, every burger, every lump of mash potato, it becomes part of you - forever."
A person's obesity level isn't a matter for public scrutiny. The only people whose opinions on it have any relevance are those meaningfully affected by it, i.e. the person and possibly their family. I don't understand why anyone would even care enough about a stranger's weight to "shame" them, and imagine most who do so are mainly feeding their own desire to feel superior to another.
Well, shaming is the wrong answer. But, when you consider all the effects of obesity, you can't say that it only affects one person and their family really. If a large part of the population is obesse, it can have very serious effects. Again, that doesn't mean that you have to shame people. But, a society has to be aware about it and how to prevent it, if possible. Like with education, as in school - catch them as long they are young right! Teaching people the benefits of better food and sport. Offering alternatives that support people, rather than blaming them. No clue.
Educating people about health and welfare is another matter entirely - people certainly deserve to have as much information about their own health as possible - but ultimately people are responsible for their own health and it's not the place of those who aren't directly affected by it to remark on it. If people want to smoke tobacco, drink to excess, eat to excess or whatever else then it's their choice, whether you agree with it or not (I'm sensitive to smoking and excessive drinking myself). The bottom line is that unless what someone is doing impinges on someone else's rights, it's their business and no one else's, for better or worse.
I know a lot of overweight or obese people who had to go through gastric bypass to really effectively loose weight. Not all of them were emotional eaters or those who suffered from hormone complications.

Some just are addicted to taste of sugar, salt and fat. On a evolutionary side it is what allowed ancestors in the past to store large amount of fat and energy and survive times of famine. However in terms of health, it has lead to type 2 diabetes, hypertension so on and so forth.

The real trick is actually getting those people off their current diet that consist of fast food and more traditional home made veggies and meats. Then when they try to drink soda again they will despise the taste. After all, soda is just wet sugary bubbles.

I'm really trying to eat better these days. I feel like my metabolism got a lot more efficient since I started working out a few years ago (used to be 70kg at 1.90m, now I'm at 97kg), so my body fat is now at a probably healthy but unacceptable 20% due to eating ridiculous amounts of crap despite not needing those amounts for the gains anymore. Also, beer.
So the goal is 100kg body weight at 15% body fat. More training, more healthy food, less beer. The problem is that the cruciate ligament in my right knee is almost gone, so running and maybe even heavy squats are not possible for some time... The doctor will tell me on monday.
As a portly chap myself I can say that I have experience my fair share of "lose weight" or "you have this medical problem because you're fat" from doctors. I have gained a lot of weight due to going through a period of crippling depression (will not post details about it, as I'm trying to overcome it), as with some people I turned to food as a coping mechanism (there is such a thing as comfort eating). In the end you're depressed because you're overweight, and you eat because you're depressed, a vicous circle.

I have managed to lose approximately 6st, 38.1kg, or 84lbs in the past few years, but I am still classed as obese. It's a hard battle, but for a big guy I am quite active. I eat a balanced diet, lot's of home cooking, fruit and veg daily. I have karate 6 times a week (a total of 7.5 hours per week), I walk to work, and can run a mile in 10 minutes, and sprint 100m in 18 seconds (not exactly Usain Bolt but for a fat guy that's pretty good).

Fat shaming must stop because you do not know the that person's circumstances, and are those who shame others because of their weight so perfect?
Depends on the situation really. Telling everyone you see that he's fat? That's stupid. Only idiots do that. But if someone's posting his fastfood-bred-belly on his facebook page and asking for compliments? Not gona happen! Sorry! If you're catching for compliments here rather than the truth, jokes on you. You can't blame people for telling you the reality. And with saying that, showing your progress is great though! And that gets you a ton of compliments, at least from my experience.
Here i am, Just had this horrible dream last night that i drank sprite!


I'm going through weight loss right now, It's a pain in the ass with calories but i'm pulling through.

I got my soy milk, Dairy Milk, 21 grains of meme bread and a variety of other things to get by while also feeling full and it's delicious.

I can't even stand the smell and taste of fast food that i use to in the past anymore. It's all disgusting and the feeling of corn syrup in my mouth makes me want to throw up.
Eh, I live by the conviction that it's everyone's god given right to live as unhealthily as they please. Shaming people about their weight seems a little juvenile to me, and so does shaming anyone on lifestyle choices or sexual identity/preference. I'm a live and let live guy.

I think people judge too fast anyway. I've made my fair share of bad choices in life, so who am I to think I know anything?

This is a good and powerful as well very close to the truth as it gets.

I normally don't give a shit outside of my sphere of influence. But if it is a family member, spouse or friend i make sure to encourage them to take a change in the right direction so they don't die.
I drink a lot of tea these days.
And yes, sweetened sugary black tea. I'm young enough and got a fast enough metabolism. For now.
But I'm unsweetened drinking green tea as I speak. It's good.
Guess I should learn how to dial back my appetite sooner rather than later before it all catches up to me.
You know, I think the issue isn't so much what you eat, but how much. See, I don't really look at what I eat. I want Pizza? I eat Pizza. I want Subway today? I will go for it. But I am still loosing weight. Lost around 35 kg so far. What I do, is simply eating less, keeping a balance with the calories I eat and the calories I burn. So I made a shedule, where I eat like on monday. But on tuesday only water. Works perfect for me. As it is much easier for me to just eat nothing rather then quit completely with all that so called unhealty stuff like chocolate or chips.
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