Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Yeah, the people should totally go and slaughter all the rich people. It worked out really well for Russia in 1917. I mean, just look at how poor people in Finland (the only part of the Russian empire not to have fallen under the commies) are, and look at how great socialism has made life in the USSR and Warsaw pact countries.
Resources? In Europe? If they were intent on going to resource-rich territories, they should go anywhere BUT Europe.
Also, taking what's theirs?
Here's an example. On one side, you have comrade Ivan. Comrade Ivan works on an assembly line, his job is to whack the product brought to him with his mighty soviet hammer. Comrade Ivan's salary is one thousand dollars a month.
On the other side, you have his menacing capitalist opressor, Scrooge McDuck. Capitalist pig-dog-duck Scrooge is left with a million dollars after having paid his workers. This vile exploiter provides glorious Comrade Ivan with a place to whack his hammer, purchases all the machinery which allows glorious Comrade Ivan to do nothing but whack his hammer, finds markets to sell the product of glorious Comrade Ivan's whacking, and expands his business, employing more glorious Comrades.
Or as socialists would put it - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, HE JUST SITS THERE.
I honestly can't see how Scrooge's resources can rightfully belong to Comrade Ivan.
I didn't said it had to be comunism, so you just argued against a straw man, but then don't complain about the banksters and society being unfair to you if you don't do anything about it. Here is a hint: do as Iceland did 1 2
Also, there are no natural resources in Europe, but their standard of living is better because they exploit the resources from poor nations. If people in the middle east have their oil taken to Europe and the US and they in turn can't even dream to afford a car, or people go hungry while they export food, or children work all day long to export clothes, it seems only logical they want to be on the receiving end of those products rather than working thier asses off so someone else gets them. Of course you don't see that because you have been blind to the issue your whole life, no one is interested in you knowing how it works.
EDIT: Adding this so there is no double post.
About making meat or fatness illegal: I think drugs, abortion and prostitution should be legalized, their body, their choice, so it's the same with people who want to eat or drink themselves to death.
If they don't want to be helped don't impose your "help" upon them. Now, education in the use of condoms, alcoholism, dangers of tobaco, and a healthy life in general is different, leave those there for whoever wants to benefit from it, just don't force anyone to live the way you do or how you think they should live.
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