Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

That would be boring Gonzalez. People hiding what they really believe only causes conflict after all; better to know where someone stands than pander to pathetic feelings.
I don't think shaming people for being asses is boring, on the contrary, I find it particularly gratifying. Who doesn't like to take the moral high ground, especially when it's made so easy by asses being asses? I mean, there is people who actually look out for insanely moralistic causes just so they can get to do it more often.

In a nutshell, fat people don't need your help, they don't want it and they are not asking for it, so you are not helping anyone, you are just being an ass. And shaming overwheigth is more likely to lead perfectly healthy people to have eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia rather than making overwheigth people lead a healthy life.

If someone wants to loose wheigth they'll find the motivation themselves, if not, they'll find any kind of justification not to regardless of your shaming. If severe punitive laws don't keep drug users from consuming, what makes you think your shaming is going to stop nation wide obesity figures? Not to mention it's their body, their choice, at least they don't bother anyone with their stinking smoke, like tobacco smokers, or drive a car under the influence and kill people, like alcoholics. Nevertheless smoking and getting wasted are often seen like "cool" things. So yeah, fuck that.
Thought about this some more.
Aparantly not.

Came to a different conclusion.
Sadly you did.

Society should fat shame a lot more.
Even if it doesn't help? Why continue with something that doesn't help, only hurts people and leads to even more issues. Like hitting the wrong people - see bulimia. As it has been proven countless times.

Fuck if it increases suicides.
Yeah! It's not like it effects you, right? Who cares what happens with other people. Except if it suddenly hits someone you know. Than it's bad.

Its needed to remind people its bad for them.
That never was the problem. Ever cared to look at advertising? How many fat people do you see there.

Ask your self this, do you really want a solution that is actually helpfull? Or do you just love the idea of easy solutions that don't fix anything in the end and just make the situation worse.

Shaming fat people is kinda like as succesfull like telling people with serious depressions to toughen up, and simply decide to feel better from now on.
I don't think shaming people for being asses is boring, on the contrary, I find it particularly gratifying. Who doesn't like to take the moral high ground, especially when it's made so easy by asses being asses? I mean, there is people who actually look out for insanely moralistic causes just so they can get to do it more often.

In a nutshell, fat people don't need your help, they don't want it and they are not asking for it, so you are not helping anyone, you are just being an ass. And shaming overwheigth is more likely to lead perfectly healthy people to have eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia rather than making overwheigth people lead a healthy life.

If someone wants to loose wheigth they'll find the motivation themselves, if not, they'll find any kind of justification not to regardless of your shaming. If severe punitive laws don't keep drug users from consuming, what makes you think your shaming is going to stop nation wide obesity figures? Not to mention it's their body, their choice, at least they don't bother anyone with their stinking smoke, like tobacco smokers, or drive a car under the influence and kill people, like alcoholics. Nevertheless smoking and getting wasted are often seen like "cool" things. So yeah, fuck that.

Let's be honest though, Obesity is the direct result in tax payers subsidizing health in the billions to treat these easily avoidable diseases and deaths.

I can understand frustration of some people and i don't think a family member who changes the life style of their child to a healthy one is fat shaming nor is bringing it up.
Obesity has social, economic, health factors attached to it.
People don't get fat in order to fuck taxpayers over.

Here's the thing about solidarity: It's not something we plan, or parse out to the most deserving. How are you in the end more or less deserving of solidarity? You fell and broke your leg? Fuck your leg, learn to walk better - no solidarity for you. Got pneumonia? Screw you, wear a scarf. Depressed? Grow a pair. Genetic deficiency? You're holding us back, think of the taxpayer.
And you, fattie. Youuu
Screw that, I want a tax rebate for every time my wife serves me brown rice, kale and quinoa. Although I'm not sure a govt that doesn't balance the budget and runs a 19 Trillion dollar deficit has any grounds to lecture citizens on the responsibility of 'calories consumed minus calories burned' surplus of weight gain.

Seriously eat some kale, you couldn't get obese on kale if you tried. Ain't no brown rice at the casino's all you can eat buffet, is there? Kale kale kale. It's not necessary or good to indulge yourself all the time. Eat some kale for christ's sake. Organic. Gluten Free. No artificial colors, flavors or additives.

What's with all this shame hysteria? I don't get it, I'm shameless, it's a tremendous way to live your life.
I think the issue, as it usually is with these types of things, is that people are misinterpreting information. As the obesity epidemic is studied, scientists have uncovered various genetic factors that increase or decrease the chance of becoming obese, as well as upbringing, psychology, chemical imbalances, etc.

This leads to people erroneously believing that, if they have one such condition (self-diagnosed or otherwise) then they cannot possibly be faulted for being fat, when in fact it just means they'd have to put a little more effort than the average person into being thin (of course, special cases exist, but I assume we're not talking about those).

That's not to say that you should be a dick to fat people just because they're fat; they don't have to change for you, you're not the boss of them. But on those special occasions where you meet some fanatic on the internet (at least in my experience, I've never heard the term 'fat-shaming' being used in its intended context unironically in a real-life situation) the size of the Isle of Skye saying that telling them to get thin is fat-shaming, that's an entirely different issue. That's about their health and, although it shouldn't really be any of your business, they should at least take the advice from their friends and family.

In the end, this is simply another in an endless line of basic human decencies being overblown into full-on rights campaigns by people on the Internet with too much time on their hands. It's probably a self-worth thing.

As a side note, OP also mentioned children throwing fits about it. Children are impressionable and usually just parrot whatever they read or hear, so if a child has, say, a tumblr account (as they do these days) and reads about fat-shaming, then the parent's priority isn't with convincing them that being unhealthily fat is nothing to laugh at, but rather that they shouldn't believe everything they read or hear.
I'm going to assume most of you are from the US where health care is a luxury, not a right, because "how much the govt makes me pay in taxes because of all those fat people instead of keeping the money for myself" is probably the least of people's worries in countries where we have a propper public health system.

Geez, the media has really traumatized you guys with the whole obamacare controversy.

Nigths: If you don't like your wife's cooking dump her and get a new one, or do the cooking yourself, don't know what other advice to give you ;)

Seriouslu though, I had an history teacher who divorced, mainly, according to him, because his wife kept serving him aubergenes for dinner all the time.

Also, seriously? Eat nothing but kale? That's your solution? Be misserable for the rest of my life? I rather die of a saturated fat induced massive hearth attack.

Also, for those who speak Spanish, this is a funny as hell related sketch XD

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The point being that it's ineffective use in tax payers money. 4.8 billion dollars could be used to probably help rebuild Detroit or more importantly spend that money on more comprehensive health courses that takes into account, sex ed (Which some states still try to enforce that autistic abstinent shit.) How to read nutritional lables, BMI, BMR, Different life styles and a diets. Feeding kids in the lunch with non-prossed foods.

Also, The united states has the affordable health care act in place, so you got that. not perfect and needs work. But you got that. None implied tax payers are deliberately being targeted by a malignant malicious boogie man. They're probably mad because the money is counter productive and does nothing more than make a money hole. Just like people get pissed off when roads and side walks aren't properly attended too and fluids erosion fucks it all up.

On a side note, Saturated fats might not be as bad as some people think. Though health studies mean fuck all because the amount of "good" and "bad" studies changes almost every few weeks. but here is a video if anyone is interested in different fats.

School lunch seems to be a very common thing in the US - I think? Not so much in Germany though. Or at least it wasn't 15-20 years ago, when I was still in school. No clue how things are today.

But I am curious about something.

My question is, do teenagers in the US have actually to attend classes for housekeeping, or something similar, in their school? You know, needle work, cooking that sort of stuff. When I was a teenager, we all had to take those. Girl or boy, didn't matter. Same with technical classes, woodwork and the like. Everyone had to take those. After 2 or 3 years you had to chose between them though, and do your exam in the class you chose. Most of the girls have gone for cooking/needlework, while most of the boys for the technical stuff.

Maybe food, how to prepare it, it's history and more importantly the industry behind it and all that stuff should become a more important topic in US schools? If it isn't already, no clue. I guess it would not hurt if it was more of a topic everywhere. In Europe as well.

I have the feeling that a lot of children, in general I mean, simply don't know enough about food. Like how many havn't even seen all the different kinds of vegetables and fruits, that you can actually get and prepare. Or what it tastes like. So most people end up with the same kind of food and get empty calories as their energy source, instead of a more balanced diet. Simply because that's all they know.
I can't believe we are still talking about taxes. Seriously, when did the discussion turned into spenditure in the US health system? How much is spent on treating lung cancer, should smoking be illegal then? Are you going to tell people how they should live their lives and what to put in ther bodies just because you don't want to pay taxes?

A conscientization campaing about unhealthy habits is one thing, but from then on leave the choice of a healthy lifestyle for those who want it, don't shame people for their choices and don't try to impose lifestyles only because you want to pay less taxes or thinking money should go somewhere else.

And I say it again, this is not even a discussion in other nations, in any case, propose to invest more money in conscientization campaigns hoping to save more money in the long run.

I mean, in the US people go nuts about mandatory vaccination or fluorization of water, saying it's their choice and their bodies, but better shame people for choosing to eat a cheeseburger.
I can't believe we are still talking about taxes. Seriously, when did the discussion turned into spenditure in the US health system? How much is spent on treating lung cancer, should smoking be illegal then? Are you going to tell people how they should live their lives and what to put in ther bodies just because you don't want to pay taxes?
Well, taxes aside, but it could very well become the reality you know. Not because of money. But simply because the planet won't support anymore this behaviour.

You say, no way? Imagine what the world might be in 70 years. If humans, particularly the rich nations, simply continue with their behaviour. It's no secret by now that the mass production of almost everything kills this planet. Particularly factory farming.

Does it sound so unrealistic that one day smoking, and even meat, will become outlawed. Like, completely I mean. Alright! Half of the planet is seriously fucked up, 5 billion people just died. We have no choice. No more meat for the next 30 years or so.

We simply reached a situation, where we might soon enough have no other choice. Our decisions as individual do have impacts.

We aren't killing the planet. Not to paraphrase George Carlin or anything, but we aren't. We're rampaging humanity, and that is different.

I'm not just nitpicking, because it means we can continue - and even increase consumerism, mass consumerism, further - much, much further. Nobody will outlaw meat, and if they do, it will only be a means to provoke a massive illegal trade, similar to drugs. If we continue the capitalist path, we won't outlaw a damn thing again, unless outlawing generates income. When it comes to drugs, that's a good example of the latter.

In the end, we can tear every living thing out of the ground, and leave everything domesticated, and exist on a planet made of people and cows, if it comes to that. Survival is relative, and consumerism is psychological. We would sell painted rocks for the next 1000 years, just like we today trade with colored pieces of cloth, and flattened lumps of nickel.

Okay, I AM nitpicking, I am also veering the topic off track. Sorry, them autie impulses.
Well, taxes aside, but it could very well become the reality you know. Not because of money. But simply because the planet won't support anymore this behaviour.

That's some pure unadulterated bullshit right there, good sir. Green fear-mongers have been secreting such verbal diarrheas for half a century, and they have been proven wrong every time.

You say, no way? Imagine what the world might be in 70 years. If humans, particularly the rich nations, simply continue with their behaviour. It's no secret by now that the mass production of almost everything kills this planet. Particularly factory farming.

Exactly how is it killing the planet?

Does it sound so unrealistic that one day smoking, and even meat, will become outlawed. Like, completely I mean. Alright! Half of the planet is seriously fucked up, 5 billion people just died. We have no choice. No more meat for the next 30 years or so.

How would you even enforce such ridiculous laws? Let alone the fact that those cows/pigs/chicken will seriously mess up the ecosystems they are located in unless slaughtered.

We simply reached a situation, where we might soon enough have no other choice. Our decisions as individual do have impacts.

Again, how do you figure that? Sequences from stoner movies don't exactly count as evidence.
So just showing reality is already a stoner movie? Oh well. Heh, yeah. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

You are probably one of those factions that also believes smoking is healthy, because it says biologically grown tobacco, right?

Just because a lot of the shit hasn't reached us yet, doesn't mean it's not real, you know? Cause and effect and that stuff? It always hits the lowest part of the food chain first. And that's right now for the most part simply the third world. However, you don't have always even to go to Africa, to see some of the effects. - Just ask the fishers and population near the Louisiana Coast.

How could an whole industry and our behaviour ever be possibly doing something bad, right?

Agricultural practices, mechanized farming techniques, one-crop agriculture as ways to increase profit. How could possibly the behaviour of millions of people be even relevant. It's not like it never ever has lead to any issues. True?

In the mid 1900s, the most popular banana in the world—a sweet, creamy variety called Gros Michel grown in Latin America—all but disappeared from the planet. At the time, it was the only banana in the world that could be exported. But a fungus, known as Panama Disease, which first appeared in Australia in the late 1800s, changed that after jumping continents. The disease debilitated the plants that bore the fruit. The damage was so great and swift that in a matter of only a few decades the Gros Michel nearly went extinct.

Now, half a century later, a new strain of the disease is threatening the existence of the Cavendish, the banana that replaced the Gros Michel as the world's top banana export, representing 99 percent of the market, along with a number of banana varieties produced and eaten locally around the world.

And there is no known way to stop it—or even contain it.


But if even people like Stephen Hawking are worried about the effects, it should give you something to think about. Scientists. People that are used to work with facts. And many of them warn us that our CURRENT behaviour, is leading us right into ecolocial catastrophes on a global scale.

I mean, if you use only logic, than it should be already pretty obvious that our current path, is one of self destruction. When I say "killing the planet", than I of course mean, killing it for us. Making it uninhabitable for a large part of the population.

The great parcific garbage patch, overfishing, Livestock's role in deforestation, the effects of factory farming on the enviornment. Yeah. All propaganda. Those images? They must be fake. Oh well. Why should my behaviour be ever bad.

You might decide not to care about all that shit, but you would have to be pretty ignorant to denny that it's really happening. And that it is getting worse.

But meh ... it's all propaganda I guess. Pfff! Our lifestyle beeing the issue? Yeah! You lost your leg already, but that's no reason to stop smoking.
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Just to clarify my position in this, in case I am contributing too directly - I am strongly opposed to a capitalistic overconsumption of the planet. It destroys the environment, and causes ecological collapses of unprecedented scales.
My point is that this is not necesarily a big problem for the "method" of capitalism. If anything, they could market, brand and sell ecological collapse (which is kind of what they do currently, and plan to do more of in the future)
I have a perfect solution for all your problems: Comunism.

No, seriously. You want a regime powerful enough to ban meat consumption despite it would mean the diasppearance of an entire industry grown out of the public demand for meat products, and force everyone to be a vegan? Communist dictatorship is your solution, and all those who don't agree will be sent to a re-education camp.

Look at East Germany, they had only one single car model. Why? Having different models to choose from is a waste of resources! It's nature friendly!

So there, force everyone to live in a comunist dictatorship and you wont have to worry about saving the nature or squandering resources anymore!