Yes, reports and warnings of shortages and issues become more and more frequent. Which honestly, makes me worried.
The fun fact is, I hope that YOU(!) are right. And we are not running out of, cocoa, bananas, fish or what ever.
But I am afraid, that I am right. It doesn't take a genius or a degree in rocket science to see that our current behaviour, isn't really great.
I mean, pfff! Yeah! Runing out of a resources on a planet with finite resuorces? Haha! What a crazy thought! Right? Demanding sustainability? Looking for ways to preserve? Ridiculous!
Like I said, ignorance is bliss I guess ... but there is one good news. It most probably won't have serious effects on you and me. The chances are good that we can continue with it for at least the next 30 years, probably 50. In 50 years I will be 70.
Sucks for the generation that comes after us though.
And going back to the times when a lot of substances which are prohibited today were legally available to the public, what do we see? More or less drug addicts compared to today? The establishment chose to combat substances instead of the degeneracy which caused their abuse because it was a stepping stone to increasing government power.
Interesting that you mention this, because shaming drug addicts as criminals is probably almost as bad like fat-shaming in the US.
Treating addicts and banning a potentially very harmfull substance are two very different things, don't you think? Just because there is a serious problem with drug addicts does not mean that prosecuting large-scale drug trafficking becomes suddenly completely irrelevant.
Quote: (
...) "There is a widely-held belief in America that Holland has a permissive attitude towards drugs; it does not. Rather, the country has adopted a more practical approach.
Large-scale drug trafficking is still vigorously prosecuted. Drug use, however, is considered to be a public-health issue, not a criminal one. Addicts who are caught stealing or breaking other laws are prosecuted, but they are not arrested for possession."
How comes that some places for some reason, deal much better with drug addicts than others? Is it less of a problem for them? Or maybe, because they changed their handling of drug addicts, seeing it more as a symptom and/or illness rather than a crime. The moment you treat them like patients with a problem and not like criminals, the recidivism rate among drug users drops. And the number of drug addicts as well. If the only answer to drug offenders, is to throw them in a prison and shaming them, which can be described as physically and mentally very stressfull, with even easier access to drugs. Is it then really such a big surprise that people continue with their habbit?
This Country Cut Drug Addiction Rates in Half by Rejecting Criminalization
Fifteen years ago, the Portuguese had one of the worst drug problems in Europe.
It can have actually the oposite effect, if you stigmatize and shame people/offenders for something, which has for the most part external reasons.
There is a general tendency in the US, to follow a rather draconic punishment, rather then trying to actually prevent and/or help the people. Shaming criminals for their crime, is extremly common. However, while I do believe in a strong penal system, it is questionable if stronger and more harsh penalities, including jail time, actually lead to less crime in general.
Particularly crimes which have external reasons as cause. Like poverty, or a life crysis. Drug addiction for example, are rather symptoms of a problem rather then their cause, and part of a more complex issue.
Sadly I can't find accurate numbers about recidivism rate. Some go between 30% and even up to 70%. Depending on age, gender, nationality and background. From what I can read in some sources, 50% of the released prisoners in Germany are likely to face jail time again during their lifetime. For the US, some sources claim it's up to 70%. Ex-convictions in the US seem to face very harsh situations in general, after leaving jail, making it extremly difficult to get a normal life.
I do believe that our modern jurisdiction has some flaws. And we kinda like to close our eyes about the issue. In favour for harsher penalities and more draconic laws, which have more to do with the feeling of revenge and emotions, rather than solving the issue.