But... they didn't write the Legion around being fascists.
Writing one element of a character to be a certain way is not "writing them around being fascists". If so, I guess Mickey Mouse is literally how mouses act in real life, seeing as he's written entirely to be a certain way.
Ok, so the group obsessed with "Degeneracy", literally stated by Caesar himself to believe that the individual exists for the sake of the nation, obsessed with hyper-traditionalism, cultural homogeneity isn't fascist.
"It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production." -Caesar
The writers of this game
Totally didn't intend for you to think that the major ideology of Caesar was fascism. That totally wasn't their intention the entire time.
Keep ignoring basic facts about how the game writes Legion if you want.
Which is why I said he has some elements of Imperialism, but it isn't as explicit as other factions and that is a FACT. The other factions are literally written as stereotypes of this ideology. What comes to mind when one thinks Imperialism? British Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Ancient Roman Empire? Legion literally take 2/3rds of their persona from this very stereotype.
First off: you've mentioned the Holy Roman Empire MULTIPLE times now, and I don't think you actually know what it is.
Pretty much the only connection the Holy Roman Empire had to the Romans was the name, and that's mostly because Charlemagne wanted to legitimise his state as a successor state. Politically, culturally, or in pretty much any other way, the Holy Roman Empire was very much a distinct entity.
Also, after the 1000s, it kinda stopped being expansionistic altoghether, given that it effectively operated as a confederation of various states with the Emperor being an elected position. Given that it was barely united, and a lot more resources had to be spent both keeping the Electors happy, and keeping the states content and from warring with one another, it actually had a lot of difficulty being genuinely Imperialist, which is why it didn't engage in Colonialism.
Secondly: NCR materially has to be Imperialist, they're written in such a way that they're political system continuously requires expansion, and the Mojave is just another area they need resources from.
House is an Imperialist because he wants to implement an economic vision for the world with the Mojave as it's capital.
The fact that House is portrayed as less of an Imperialist mostly comes from the fact that he isn't as established, or doesn't have as much of a complex political system as the NCR, not because of actual ideological differences.
Yes he fucking does. Stop lying.
House cares only for HIS territories that HE owns as a corporation. The police force on the Strip is LITERALLY his own robot securitron guard. They are not public, they belong to HIM.
He also doesn't have any form of constitution or concrete law. As long as people aren't causing harm on the strip, he doesn't care. You can shoot McAffery and no-one bats an eye, even Victor who can see you do it.
Yes, Mr House privately owns the Securitron Army. But he doesn't believe in Anarcho-Capitalism, he believes in his specific economic vision of the world, and is willing to forcibly annex and conquer people if if means pushing it is.
The point I was making was that Ideologically, he literally is not an AnCap. He doesn't care about AnCap Ideology, and in fact his ideology comes closer to Technocratic Dictatorship than Anarcho Capitalism.
In order to make the case that House was an AnCap, you'd have to make the case that he literally ideologically believes that, rather than "He owns it privately". Owning your own personal Fiefdom doesn't make you an AnCap.
House only respects property rights insofar as it benefits him, and is more than happy to forcibly annex towns that don't want him there, and tax them without their consent, which is kinda ideologically at odds with what AnCaps proport to believe.
Yes structurally he does run the entire New Vegas strip as a private enterprise.
You even said it yourself. Stop backtracking.
In fact, if you took literally five seconds to read the next line, you'll notice I said "but one that I wouldn't bank too much on, given that House literally, canonically acts as a state that's capable of violent expansionism, taxing his citizens, ect."
I.E, I was saying that you could make some basic comparisons between House and AnCaps, but I don't personally believe they're helpful given that House acts as a state in most ways, and has no interest in respecting any form of NAP, or considering liberties of those outside his rule.
His main interest is centralising power in his own hands. He has no strict ideological commitments to some abstract notions of liberty or property rights, beyond pragmatic benefits. Ideologically, he has nothing in common.
There are literally 13 endings for Freeside alone, 4 of which are possible to achieve with the No Gods No Masters ending. Only one of them involves riots, and that's specifically if you incite violence between the NCR and The Kings.