Feminism and why it's bad.

It disturbs me greatly how eager to justify bigotry some people are, they will cling to handpicked statistics and act like these groups they want to justify their hatred for are somehow getting away with something even when they are the ones getting abused the most.... It's funny how similar the extremes of both "wings" act, they just have different goals but are all end up being the same kind of self righteous douche. I mean, seriously, the point of that article is about women getting attacked yet some people take from it "This jsutifies my racism, YES! I AM GOING TO QUOTE IT!" pretty gross.
Oh yeah, it's hilarious. The same people who are usually the first to doubt any rape accusation are now the first to call for "justice".
Oh yeah, it's hilarious. The same people who are usually the first to doubt any rape accusation are now the first to call for "justice".
Yeah, I remember even the big masculine traditionalists defended pornstar James Deen, when everyone started saying he is an abusive, creepy, rapist degenerate. They could have attacked him just as easily, but because the feminists were already doing that, they picked his side. Disappointing, but it is expected. It's just how politics work.

Isn't the right wing also defending Bill Cosby despite his laundry list of rape accusations and a certified confession too?
That's because Republicans wanted him to run for president as their token black friend. However, there's also some BLM types defending him, thinking this is an evil conspiracy by white supremacists. And the usual MRA people.
It's disappointing to me too see a few sexist, hateful, miserable, vile young ladys use the title "feminist" that was actually a group about equality, compassion and unity for not just woman but men as well, and instead now has been trying too turn it into a backward movement that is no different then some racist movement like the KKK which actually regress's society and the country back into the 18th-19th century instead of the future.

Not all feminist are bad though. I have a lot of feminist friends on steam who plays games with me and they absolutely abhor these militant feminists. Most feminists are really educated, open minded woman. Those sexist/hateful ones you are seeing are just ones from youtube, twitter and facebook. You must realize. Those girls are mentally ill and irrational minded individuals. I wouldn't really take anything they say as a word from the feminist movement as most feminists think they are whackjobs. A part of the feminist philosophy is about being an intellectual as well and neither of those militant feminists on youtube broadcasting are intellectuals. They are anti-intellectuals and are just sexist, hatful woman because they are not happy with their life so they are trying to look for people to blame. Just like someone who is unhappy with their life they blame a race for their problems.

Don't get caught up in all the social media garbage. It's just like watching the tv too much. I try to limit my social media time these days :)

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It's disappointing to me too see a few sexist, hateful, miserable, vile young ladys use the title "feminist" that was actually a group about equality, compassion and unity for not just woman but men as well, and instead now has been trying too turn it into a backward movement that is no different then some racist movement like the KKK which actually regress's society and the country back into the 18th-19th century instead of the future.

Not all feminist are bad though. I have a lot of feminist friends on steam who plays games with me and they absolutely abhor these militant feminists. Most feminists are really educated, open minded woman. Those sexist/hateful ones you are seeing are just ones from youtube, twitter and facebook. You must realize. Those girls are mentally ill and irrational minded individuals. I wouldn't really take anything they say as a word from the feminist movement as most feminists think they are whackjobs. A part of the feminist philosophy is about being an intellectual as well and neither of those militant feminists on youtube broadcasting are intellectuals. They are anti-intellectuals and are just sexist, hatful woman because they are not happy with their life so they are trying to look for people to blame. Just like someone who is unhappy with their life they blame a race for their problems.

Don't get caught up in all the social media garbage. It's just like watching the tv too much. I try to limit my social media time these days :)


I'd believe you except they've taken over the universities. If these "moderate feminists" don't do anything to curb radicals then I have no sympathy. This is not just a social media thing, what they actually teach in a gender studies class is no different from the crazies you see on the internet.

I think a lot of the people who say they're against and still call themselves feminists haven't actually studied any feminist works or been apart of the movement. They think its just a passive label for womens rights. Feminism does not have a monopoly on womens rights, humanism and egalitarianism are much better descriptors for true equality seeking people.
Oh yeah, it's hilarious. The same people who are usually the first to doubt any rape accusation are now the first to call for "justice".
Yeah, I remember even the big masculine traditionalists defended pornstar James Deen, when everyone started saying he is an abusive, creepy, rapist degenerate. They could have attacked him just as easily, but because the feminists were already doing that, they picked his side. Disappointing, but it is expected. It's just how politics work.

Isn't the right wing also defending Bill Cosby despite his laundry list of rape accusations and a certified confession too?
That's because Republicans wanted him to run for president as their token black friend. However, there's also some BLM types defending him, thinking this is an evil conspiracy by white supremacists. And the usual MRA people.

I'm not going to say whether he did it or not. However I do find it odd how Stoya accused of him of raping her on twitter (where it is was bound to create a huge outrage) and didn't go to the police. I don't think many rape victims would want their story so public. She also implied it happened on set which doesn't make any sense as there should have been people there to stop him.

They also were involved romantically, so there is a motive for falsely accusing him, especially since she did it publicly and not to the proper authorities.

This case is nothing like Bill Cosby's. There is weird things all about it. I think you guys are not looking close enough to this whole situation. After the tweet there was a complete frenzy from feminists that wanted his blood. All the other side wants is for their to simply be a trial by the proper authorities and not some outraged mob justice.
I'm not going to say whether he did it or not. However I do find it odd how Stoya accused of him of raping her on twitter (where it is was bound to create a huge outrage) and didn't go to the police. I don't think many rape victims would want their story so public. She also implied it happened on set which doesn't make any sense as there should have been people there to stop him.

They also were involved romantically, so there is a motive for falsely accusing him, especially since she did it publicly and not to the proper authorities.

This case is nothing like Bill Cosby's. There is weird things all about it. I think you guys are not looking close enough to this whole situation. After the tweet there was a complete frenzy from feminists that wanted his blood. All the other side wants is for their to simply be a trial by the proper authorities and not some outraged mob justice.

I actually think it makes sense she didn't go to the cops. Sex workers are not believed about such things generally, and I also think people - especially police - have a disdain for sex workers, especially porn stars.
Pretty much she had to accuse him publicly, because James Deen was already known as this big feminist man and was reportedly extremely influential within the industry - so much so that the bosses would probably try to blacklist her if she had complained to them about him, and as I've said, the cops would probably write her off as a crazy person.
There is also the fact that long before this all turned out, James Deen posted a pretty rapey tweet about "surprise sex" or some such - when they linked to that I think it was all but confirmed. Also, remember, it wasn't only that one woman accusing him. Suddenly, people started coming out the woodworks to tell their experiences - I would say too many for it to be an ebul feminist conspiracy.
Also, I think it wasn't Stoya who implied it happened on set, but another woman, can't remember her name. I remember she even said that the other people on the set not only didn't stop it but actually high fived Deen and complimented on his spontaneity. I'd say that's more plausible than you might think, since in order to work on a porn set one would probably have to be either a sociopath or some creepy pervert.
I also think people - especially police - have a disdain for sex workers, especially porn stars.
in order to work on a porn set one would probably have to be either a sociopath or some creepy pervert.

Nice job proving your own point there. ;)

We don't make decisions based on a bunch of public hearsay and outrage. "She said" doesn't mean anything "Rumors" don't mean anything. I think one of the others "Joanna"? was also a former ex of his. This all looks like a bad celebrity brake up.

At least ten other women accused him of abusive behaviour and none of them were ex-girlfriends. In any case, unless you know all the facts, this is all a moo point.
Oh yeah, it's hilarious. The same people who are usually the first to doubt any rape accusation are now the first to call for "justice".

Let's use the homeless people and impoverished pensioners we never cared about in the first place, as argument against refugees!

Gota love hiopocrisy.
I also think people - especially police - have a disdain for sex workers, especially porn stars.
in order to work on a porn set one would probably have to be either a sociopath or some creepy pervert.

Nice job proving your own point there. ;)
Meh, I meant the technical personnel on set and the actual people that oversee the whole industry. The actors and actresses are another matter entirely.
It's disappointing to me too see a few sexist, hateful, miserable, vile young ladys use the title "feminist" that was actually a group about equality, compassion and unity for not just woman but men as well, and instead now has been trying too turn it into a backward movement that is no different then some racist movement like the KKK which actually regress's society and the country back into the 18th-19th century instead of the future.

Not all feminist are bad though. I have a lot of feminist friends on steam who plays games with me and they absolutely abhor these militant feminists. Most feminists are really educated, open minded woman. Those sexist/hateful ones you are seeing are just ones from youtube, twitter and facebook. You must realize. Those girls are mentally ill and irrational minded individuals. I wouldn't really take anything they say as a word from the feminist movement as most feminists think they are whackjobs. A part of the feminist philosophy is about being an intellectual as well and neither of those militant feminists on youtube broadcasting are intellectuals. They are anti-intellectuals and are just sexist, hatful woman because they are not happy with their life so they are trying to look for people to blame. Just like someone who is unhappy with their life they blame a race for their problems.

Don't get caught up in all the social media garbage. It's just like watching the tv too much. I try to limit my social media time these days :)


I'd believe you except they've taken over the universities. If these "moderate feminists" don't do anything to curb radicals then I have no sympathy. This is not just a social media thing, what they actually teach in a gender studies class is no different from the crazies you see on the internet.

I think a lot of the people who say they're against and still call themselves feminists haven't actually studied any feminist works or been apart of the movement. They think its just a passive label for womens rights. Feminism does not have a monopoly on womens rights, humanism and egalitarianism are much better descriptors for true equality seeking people.

Yeah. True. If you observe this woman though I personally think she is mentally ill. But un-diagnosed because she probably believes she is completely normal. I can tell she is very emotionally thin for an adult. She almost appears to me as someone with a full blown Borderline Personality Disorder. Although I'm no doctor and incapable to making that claim. I just find it interesting to observe some of these crazy feminists behavior. A lot of them seem like they have personality and emotional disorders.

If anyone read this dont take this the wrong way. I love helping out the mentally ill. I have a cousin who has Bi Polar and another with BPD. Just saying when you have someone who is seriously mentally ill and they are un-diagnosed they can be very difficult to deal with if not medicated or getting proper treatment.

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Why is it again the task of a feminist to do something/shut up a radical feminist again though?
Why is it again the task of a feminist to do something/shut up a radical feminist again though?

In reality, every ideological movement is defined by its lowest, most contemptible adherent. For example, the far right Jobbik in my homeland pretends to be simple people who communicate unfortunate truths and want to protect hard working people of any ethnicity. However, they have several militias associated with them, and there is one particularly vile one who, funnily enough, attack ethnic Hungarians most of all, not the jews or the roma they claim to be fighting against. Also there are brazen Holocaust deniers, and people who claim the roma are a biological weapon sent by the jews. The leaders of Jobbik denounce these things, but they're the ones who dogwhistled and pandered to them all the way since they broke into the mainstream. In essence, when these elements are not moderated, and even embraced and accepted, any movement is diseased, even when they claim to be enlightened and claim to fight for sympathetic goals.
In reality, every ideological movement is defined by its lowest, most contemptible adherent. For example, the far right Jobbik in my homeland pretends to be simple people who communicate unfortunate truths and want to protect hard working people of any ethnicity. However, they have several militias associated with them, and there is one particularly vile one who, funnily enough, attack ethnic Hungarians most of all, not the jews or the roma they claim to be fighting against. Also there are brazen Holocaust deniers, and people who claim the roma are a biological weapon sent by the jews. The leaders of Jobbik denounce these things, but they're the ones who dogwhistled and pandered to them all the way since they broke into the mainstream. In essence, when these elements are not moderated, and even embraced and accepted, any movement is diseased, even when they claim to be enlightened and claim to fight for sympathetic goals.

Jobbik is an extremist political party that tries to play down the extremism despite it being more than obvious. This is similar to feminism how?
Jobbik is an extremist political party that tries to play down the extremism despite it being more than obvious. This is similar to feminism how?

In the way that both are movements seemingly based on one ideology. The proper intersectionalist feminists claim that they are for the rights of everyone, and they want to free men from toxic masculinity. Why should anyone believe them when there's another frothing at the mouth idiot who says #killallwhitemen and brags about male tears of impotent rage (sounds like they don't respect men who cry, they prefer toxic masculinity after all, lel) or whatever? The same way no one's gonna believe a Republican saying he just wants everyone, regardless of color, to have a chance to make something of themselves, while there are guys in his party who used the n-word on record and want to repeal the Civil Rights Act.
It disturbs me greatly how eager to justify bigotry some people are, they will cling to handpicked statistics and act like these groups they want to justify their hatred for are somehow getting away with something even when they are the ones getting abused the most.... It's funny how similar the extremes of both "wings" act, they just have different goals but are all end up being the same kind of self righteous douche. I mean, seriously, the point of that article is about women getting attacked yet some people take from it "This jsutifies my racism, YES! I AM GOING TO QUOTE IT!" pretty gross.

What's even more gross is that instead of focusing on the people who actually attacked those women, everyone seems to be going full damage control and throwing blame at right wing extremists.

Let's start by calling the problem what it really is. It's not just "some women getting attacked", or as the lefty feminists like to put it "women getting attacked by men". It's European women being assaulted by Muslim immigrants. Not nazis, not Marine Le Pen, not Putin, Muslim immigrants.

And the more PC bullshit the media tries to paint everything with, the greater the backlash is going to be.
And the more PC bullshit the media tries to paint everything with, the greater the backlash is going to be.

From what I hear the German lefturds started mocking people who were worried that this was gonna be the new norm, implying that everyone who's worried is a nazi. These antifa scum are the ones who don't care about anyone's rights, they just care about their feels, and using their disgusting cry bully tactics to silence everyone. And then they presumably retreat back into their gated communities, carefully avoiding any immigrant neighborhoods. Not that I like the right wing politicians who are outraged now, but at other times are working to make marital rape legal, but come on. And they're wondering why people flock to populists.
The funny thing is I talked to some of these trash (on the internets, not irl, fortunately these people are mocked and bullied in Hungary) and they are literally unable to acknowledge that their great multicultural dream will lead to another Yugoslav war. They say that the common working person who has to live in the culturally enriched neighborhoods and are naturally suffering are the real evil and their voting rights should be taken away. Looking at all this and the way 2016 started, I'd say it's likely we're going to see a massive shitstorm this year. Especially with the US elections.