First time out of the vault

Anarchosyn said:The speed at which human cultures do anything is HIGHLY accelerated in todays world. Looking further back in history, it really did take people ages to do anything. Technological progression moved at a snails pace, as did trade and exploration.
I've got to really disagree with you on this. Humans have always explored extensively and often with very primative means. Look at the changes in the United States between the Colonial 1770s to the 1970s. The nation was very quckly explored, canals dug, roads built, rails laid, and citys popped up by the hundreds.
People in the Fallout universe have access to tech and knowledge far surpassing 1770's colonialists - heck most of them have have technology surpassing 1970s Americans. Neon lights, servant/defense robots, advanced medicine, energy weapons, robo dogs, Vaults, and GECKS, etc...
Once there is a bit of working tech, in one generation that technology can be used to multiply itself several times over. That's why I'm glad to see NCR actually looking like a sort of nation, because really such a thing would likely have developed 100 years earlier.
I'd like Fallout to keep it's wasteland vibe, but do it by setting the games on the fringes of the expanding edge of various nationstates. So, as Fallout NV has a wester feel, where civilize life is back toward Californa (opposite of American west situation), future games can have an even more established nation off the map, while we explore New Orleans in the NCR's Louisiana Purchase from a less organized Florida based nation that needs the funds supplies to resist the invasion of a carribian or appilacian power.
Basically, I'm glad to see the universe expand and develope and I hope that they continue to make it do so is a realistic fashion.