First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

Wow it seems the Steam forums are bitching about the game still. :)
Seems that Steam on Fallout 4 went from 79% to 78%, this is hilarious. I wonder if the negative reviews are going to keep coming? This game is pissing me off with ALL of my ingame settings resetting, I mean seriously how was this released in the state it is in? I'm going to take pictures of bugs and bad dialogue like this:
"Believe you me"? Is that supposed to mean something or are we supposed to believe we're him? I'm finding more reasons to dislike the game by the minute.


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I thought "believe you me" was just an old saying, it's not to be taken literally.

Seems more like throwing words around but maybe you're right. Still I find it weird that the intro video talks about the decline of resources to depletion and everything starting to go to hell but the intro sequence shows us none of that.
"Believe you me" is a grammatically correct way of speaking though people don't really talk like that anymore as it's fairly archaic. A lot of Shakespearean dialogue is in this form as well.
This is why i'm a firm believer that time doesn't always making a product good. People make the same argument that it's because by virtue of the game having a 6+ year development time, then that game must be good.

Nope, Good direction and a team that knows it's priority is what makes the game good. If you have a talented team with money. Time shouldn't be much of an issue unless you are a subsidiary of EA or something. Bethesda publishes and develops their own game. They have 7 years typically to make a game and are incapable to make a good one, least of all functioning one.

I always argue this with dayZ fanboys, That can't accept reality that the game is a piece of shit.
"Critic" scores for Fallout 4 has fallen to 86% for the PC on Metacritic. This is getting really interesting.

I'd rather say that the game's technical problems being highlighted and criticised as interesting rather than some score slightly fluctuating down a notch.
I don't get it, the critic metascore has now slipped to 86, from 87 earlier today, but the number of reviews hasn't changed and is still 19. I'm no INT 10/Science 100 kid, but that can't be right--did some reviewer change their score or sumfink?

As for the alleged removal of negative user reviews on Metacritic, I don't believe that has happened. There are still over 1400 negative ratings and something like 300 that give 0/10s (which is way more than the 10/10s, incidentally). The thing is that the site somehow separates reviews from ratings; there are only some 500 reviews, while, the stated 1400 negative ratings. I know Metacritic sux and all, but I still have kept a fairly close eye on the site (for gloating purposes) and I haven't seen any signs of them erasing any reviews/ratings.

-- Edit: I see that now the number of reviews has increased to 20. The latest is Washington Post which gives a 70. (Review here:

-- Double edit: Reading the review, I can't find any sort of numerical score in it at all. So it seems Metacritic reads the review and then assigns a number that 'feels' right. Considering that they would get away with judging that the review is an 80 or even 85, I have to say that it is rather gutsy of them to assign it a number that is so much lower than the current average, that it actually lowers the game's score.
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"Critic" scores for Fallout 4 has fallen to 86% for the PC on Metacritic. This is getting really interesting.

I'd rather say that the game's technical problems being highlighted and criticised as interesting rather than some score slightly fluctuating down a notch.

I do mainly because Bethesda and other AAA game devs take Metacritic seriously. Metacritic was one of the reasons why Beth didn't give Obsidian their bonus for New Vegas. Karma is a bitch.
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"Believe you me" is a grammatically correct way of speaking though people don't really talk like that anymore as it's fairly archaic. A lot of Shakespearean dialogue is in this form as well.

Think of it as a more polite way of saying "I shit you not." :)
I don't know what the hell the deal is with these double posts from my phone.
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Score on Steam is now a 77%. More and more people are complaining about the bugs, UI, bad story, dialogue wheel, lack of RPG elements and pacing. Still not a word from Bethesda or their PR team.
I'm not sure if all of the reviews qualify as reviews, they're rather marketing stunts. Now I write barley here, but I start to fear to become the troll of "he always talks about the influence of marketing" but I have to do it again. I work in an industry that went through, in the mid 70s early 80s, what the gaming (at least PC gaming, console gaming earlier) industry is going through for the past 12 to 15 years to a point of a complete redefinition of what "best practices" in gaming are to a point where the consumer and the public in general will accept it as best practices while the actuality of it is, to say it straightforward; Absolute garbage from a professional standpoint. There is absolutely no way to beat around the bushes here.

What happens with Fallout is what I call the "FIFA syndrome". In Europe, the FIFA games by EA have been getting good ratings ever since they make them, no matter how bad they were and are. Since the face of journalistic integrity has to be kept on a superficial level, the critique usually deals with generalities that are important, but not vital to the game such as:

- a few bugs here and there
- mediocre voice acting
- unavailable digital diamond gold kryptonite trophy's forged in fire's of Mount Doom in Mordor by no other than Chris Pratt who is on promo tour of being the new face of the Call of Duty franchise.
- graphics that are not 2015 but from 2014 OMG how terrible (When I heard people complained about the F4 graphics I knew instantly it will be a feast for the crows for a lot of news and reviewing websites because this way they can make dumb people look even dumber without dealing with the questions raising concerns about actual gameplay.. you know when you move the mouse and press keys etc. pp.)

It is pleasant criticism for the Company that invested millions in marketing and making the game because it doesn't really go in-depth, and at the same time the bigger-sized magazines and sites won't cut their ties with them, still get exclusive information and material and attract a large amount of people by covering these titles the way they do. Unfortunately journalism in gaming never had the chance to be different when it pertains to the big magazines , this branch of journalism has been held hostage since day one; to agree to not be all too harsh with the big dogs in the industry if you want to keep your benefits.

It has been well established and known for more than a decade and how else could it be? A relatively young industry with its first wave of journalists and reporters- unleashed into the wild full of undiscovered land no serious journalist cared about to explore or saw the chance to make a living from writing about gaming 30+ years ago because there was none! The symbiosis between gaming industry and a lot of reviewers exist since day and what we see at the moment, to finally come back to F4 and co., are the heydays of this.

Some of the reviews posted here, some on Youtube with 30+k views, some I've read myself have "PR-Text" written all over them. I know it! I saw my own former company I worked for doing it, I'm familiar with the wording, the choices of what to cover and what not. It's all over the place and so obvious.

For that reason: Some of the reviews posted really are flat out marketing stunts with worse content than a vacuum cleaner salesman brochure.

The real reviews come from the NMA users here, even if they sometimes consist of a 5 word sentence; they express more what hell is wrong with this game than anything else I've read so far.

To come to an end:

I once saw an interview with Terry Gilliam how he described he was in a screening of "Batman Returns" and after the film a kid next to him said "I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one. Maybe I didn't understand it" and Terry Gilliam responded by saying "No it was the movie. It just wasn't good". So is Fallout 4: it is simply a piece of hack fraud scrap metal


I have not been active on this forum for who knows how long.... maybe you can check my profile and find out and i just recovered my lost account and password to thank you for writing this.

If i am already typing this short thank you note i might as well give my 2 cents on Fallout 4:

(It's worth to mention that i approached this game with a completely open mind, forgiving Bethesda for past insults and the fundamental hate i have for them making Fallout 3)


In the long tradition of taking a huge dump on Fallout fans and gamers in general Bethesda has done it yet again.
Bethesda has delivered a sub mediocre game and yet another disgrace to the Fallout universe.

Fallout 4 is not only the usual Bethesda artistic,technological and poetic piece of shit it's another huge insult to Fallout and RPG games as whole.

I got bored after 2,5 hours of playing this game. It has absolutely nothing to hold me entertained with as i am not at an age no more where i have the time or interest to stockpile items or build a pointless base.
I don't have time to do shitty boring quests and repeat the same boring game mechanics over and over while battling bugs and an awful presentation.
This game does not cater to any of my gaming passions: Not the artistic, not the philosophical , not the action & skill based , not the textual one and definitely not the aesthetic one.
The game is simply boring, empty and has nothing to do with Fallout has meant to me almost 20 years ago.

This is a huge insult but at least many people find it entertaining. Just as many find current Hollywood popcorn movies entertaining.
Times have changed, the morons have multiplied and the bar keeps getting lower and lower as the popular opinion and taste in everything has become shit. This game is just another symptom in a much deeper problem.

Enjoy your Shit. Enjoy Fallout 4.

(Thank you Bethesda for reassuring me i didn't misjudge you, you are indeed one of the most pathetic game studios ever to have faced this earth and i was on to you already back in 2006).
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