First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

Remember when the story in Fallout New Vegas could be analysed as an actual story? You know, how it's essentially a parody of modern events in the Middle East? Interesting characters and great dialogue "Thumbs down you son of a bitch". Themes? Those were cool. For me, New Vegas was always about "letting go" (Elijah wanting to begin the world anew, Ulysses struggling to accept the loss of the Divide society, the NCR trying to rebuild the old flawed civilisation and Caesar trying to bring about a Hegelian synthesis to create a new and better (in his opinion) world. But there were other themes. War, love, LGBT relationships, forgiveness, the power of the individual, corruption, redemption and ultimately, a positive message for humanity at the end, that while war never changes, people do. And all of this, all of it, encapsulated in a neat video game about a post-apocalyptic society rebuilding itself in the ruins of Las Vegas, controlled by a computer and run by robots with police faces on them.

Yeah...that was neat.

That's giving that mess of a story in NV way too much credit. The story and the writing were the worst parts about New Vegas. The different factions were very appreciated, but the execution left a lot to be desired.

The only Fallout with a truly interesting main story was the original Fallout, in my opinion.

In Fallout, I originally wanted to help my Vault, but then felt more attached to everyone outside my Vault. By comparison, NV was a jumbled mess that left me not caring what happened to anyone in its world.

As much as I loved new Vegas, I most certainly agree that is giving the story way too much credit.

You can definitely tell the story was written, and then picked back up 10 years later by people who were in different places in their lives by then.
Whoa! Huffington Post teared this game a new one:
LOL! At the outraged, rabid fanboys in the comment section who are mad at Mr. Beres for his "heresy"! Fanboyism truly is a cult.

Time to update the "Indian trash sites whoring for that sweet, sweet clickbait moolah" list. :)

International Business Times
PC World
Huffington Post
Cheat Code Central

That's all I can find right now. If I've missed any please let me know.
Today I learned of the Gaming Hipster. :grin:

Apparently anyone who criticizes Fallout 4 does so to be KEEEEWL.

I've played it for about 6 hours now and while it had some nice moments every single conversation was utter bullshit so far.
Today I learned of the Gaming Hipster. :grin:

Apparently anyone who criticizes Fallout 4 does so to be KEEEEWL.

I've played it for about 6 hours now and while it had some nice moments every single conversation was utter bullshit so far.

Oh really? And I thought we were all just on the payroll for Activision or CD Projekt Red. No wonder I haven't gotten my damn check yet.
Today I learned of the Gaming Hipster. :grin:

Apparently anyone who criticizes Fallout 4 does so to be KEEEEWL.

I've played it for about 6 hours now and while it had some nice moments every single conversation was utter bullshit so far.

Oh really? And I thought we were all just on the payroll for Activision or CD Projekt Red. No wonder I haven't gotten my damn check yet.

Rabid, foaming at the mouth, cultist fanboys say the darnest things.:wink:
I'll just drop this here

I need more of these videos in my life.

The animations there were stellar.

Was that really 30+ seconds of loading time? Maybe I'm spoiled with my ssd, but new vegas and skyrim dont take nearly that long to load for me even with level 50ish save games.
I saw a video a couple of days ago that showed 30-second load times on the PS4. I've heard that PC load times are much faster, though.
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FWIW, the PC issues board at the Bethesda forum is up to 78 threads now. The game's about 20 minutes away from going live in the eastern US - got a feeling the shit's about to get real.

A couple of threads are over there are from people who say they got Pip Boy editions that shipped without Steam keys.
Don't mind me, just standing in the water.


And under water.

But where is the other boob?


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Played the game for 12 hours straight and the writing was worse than a Michael Bay movie.

Dialogues are so forced and cringey I had to skip most of them(you dont lose anything by skipping since most of the talk is summarized at the end most of the time).

They really improved shooting and general feel of combat but forgot to put other things in the game other than shooting and crafting.

Settlement builder is really good and I enjoyed it a lot but its clunky and feels a bit limited(maybe Ill unlock more parts or maybe there will be a dlc about it).

Game crashed 5 or 6 times in that 10 hour marathon, but I dont know how can a game with 2010 visuals crash while Witcher 3 runs on ultra(hairworks off, shadow medium, rest is at max). Also crashed to desktop two times before I could see the main menu when I started game. Loading times were a bit long too.

A 5/10 game at best. A weird mix of Borderlands, Mass Effect, early-access survival game and a Bethesda open world game and not a good rpg in the slightest.

But mods will fix it!!!! XDDDDDD Yeah right.

EDIT: I also liked how they handled the power armor.
I watched some gameplays, no way I'm gonna spend more than 10 euros on this crap. I really, really, liked their take on power armor: the feeling, the simple exoskeleton which can be wore even without all the pieces, the animations... it's pretty cool, but that could be just me and my fixation for big bad armors.
That said, everything else feels like pure shit, starting to quests and ending with a shotgun with literally infinity ammo and no need to reload.