Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

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Sduibek said:
Unfortunately no.

I'd really like to get some kind of recruits for this...

I'd actually love to help out on this but I wouldn't know where to start. I saw where someone made a list of things that need to be done and who was doing them. Is there more to do than what's on the list? Do you have a project coordinator of any kind? I could do that much if anything. :wink:

I've been watching this project for a while, came across it shortly after Jordan disappeared and this is actually my first time posting on here. One of the things I could do I guess is try to make the installation of the mod a bit easier. I'm good at reading code and possibly streamlining it but that's about it with programming for me. As with anyone though, I can always learn.
TarkinMX said:
Sduibek said:
Unfortunately no.

I'd really like to get some kind of recruits for this...

I'd actually love to help out on this but I wouldn't know where to start. I saw where someone made a list of things that need to be done and who was doing them. Is there more to do than what's on the list? Do you have a project coordinator of any kind? I could do that much if anything. :wink:

I've been watching this project for a while, came across it shortly after Jordan disappeared and this is actually my first time posting on here. One of the things I could do I guess is try to make the installation of the mod a bit easier. I'm good at reading code and possibly streamlining it but that's about it with programming for me. As with anyone though, I can always learn.
I will get back to you soon on this. If you prefer PM or email versus posting here, let me know.

And thanks for your willingness/offer to help :clap:
Sduibek said:
I will get back to you soon on this. If you prefer PM or email versus posting here, let me know.

And thanks for your willingness/offer to help :clap:

PMing me would be a great way to start.
Is anyone still working on this at present? I would love to help when I have sometime at some point though not sure what I could really do to be honest...
Nineeva said:
Is anyone still working on this at present? I would love to help when I have sometime at some point though not sure what I could really do to be honest...
TarkinMX is yeah, no one else that I'm aware of. For me I just don't have the time at the moment.

What are you skilled at?
What do you enjoy doing?
What are you willing to learn?
TarkinMX is also helping with encounter tables now, I've updated the "current issues" post to reflect this. Also has made a loader although I haven't included it with FIXT yet.

Darek did some work in the past but I don't know if he'll hang around for more.

With tasks here and there, Cubik2k and Lexx may be able to help, as they have in the past.

Nirran has offered to work on the Perks.
Sduibek said:
NovaRain said:
I think he means the "Tell me about" button.
Oh. Yeah I plan on doing without it unless someone else wants to code it for me.

Speaking of which is anyone working on this project currently?

I always enjoyed messing around the "Tell Me About".

E.g. I didn't know what the Nightkin were, but rolling over with the one hiding in the Monastery on the floor above gave me a description - "Nightkin"- in the PipBoy.

And then, when I was a bit stuck, I went all-around asking everyone about the Nightkin. :) Mostly yielded nothing, but the girl (forgot her name) in the Church, instead of giving a generic "know nothing 'bout", was obviously HIDING something, avoiding to tell me who the Nightkin were.
That made me...woah...and get that there is something quite serious going on over there. Quite an amazing experience. :mrgreen: Was very disappointed when I saw that they didn't include the button in FII; hoped to have asked a ton of questions.

For me, it was one of the unique features of the Fallout game and one of the reasons why I loved it so much, it being so unlike the mainstream (despite being able to beat the whole game without ever usin' the feature).

I originally offered WG to be a dialogue writer and write a ton of tell-abouts, which would logically be there but are missing due to game's incompletion.
Hmm. I agree, it definitely changes gameplay feel to get rid of it. I can understand arguments for it and against it.

Any suggestions on what to do about it? I really only see the two options; either someone who knows C/C++ can write a plugin for Sfall that enables the button, or we change it to a dialog tree.

I enjoyed reading your story btw :mrgreen:
I'm getting back to work on this today. Fixing the world map (visual not random encounters), some text files, Pip-Boy entries, and I'm going to look in to the elevators. Haven't done those for Fallout 2 yet so I'll have to learn the process.
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
I'm getting back to work on this today. Fixing the world map (visual not random encounters)...

What do you mean "visual"...
Water being filled in (.MSK and WORLDMAP.TXT edits here), option to have grid on all the square like in Fo1, option to have drawn cities like in Fo1.
You can't just pull in the map from F1, or is the scale different? I realise you will need to mask the oceans, but how will you remove the green city circles from the map?

I was planning to do a line-less version of the F1 map one day, but it's a horrible job, and takes 100s of hours of single pixel fixing. Maybe when conversion is up and running I'll do the job.

.Pixote. said:
You can't just pull in the map from F1, or is the scale different? I realise you will need to mask the oceans, but how will you remove the green city circles from the map?

I was planning to do a line-less version of the F1 map one day, but it's a horrible job, and takes 100s of hours of single pixel fixing. Maybe when conversion is up and running I'll do the job.

What's wrong with this?

Sduibek said:
What's wrong with this?

Looks good, with the just the city circles it makes it easier to remove the green. Play around with selective colour in Photoshop...you will still need to brush over the circle shapes unfortunately.

Is there a way to hide the circles Fallout 2 adds? Jordan's data already has map files without the old drawn cities, but I guarantee fans will want the option to have the old look.

EDIT: Ohhhh WOW. I just did the math and there's 840 squares. For the map :(
That's a lot of encounter table building :x
Sduibek said:
Is there a way to hide the circles Fallout 2 adds? Jordan's data already has map files without the old drawn cities, but I guarantee fans will want the option to have the old look.

EDIT: Ohhhh WOW. I just did the math and there's 840 squares. For the map :(
That's a lot of encounter table building :x

Yep, this is definitely gonna take a while.
TarkinMX said:
Yep, this is definitely gonna take a while.
On the plus side I think we can do a lot of copy and paste for it - i.e. the encounters in Fallout 1 really don't differ that much, so once we have a "template" for things like the scorpion or mutant encounters, they can be copied over and will be almost identical. So luckily it's not like typing the 840 squares out manually each time, mostly just lots of pasting with a few tweaks of specifics.... but still a lot of work.

I tested last night and I know the process for setting it up so I'll send you that if you'd like. Although, for now I'd rather work on the encounter tables on my own, because I want to see what's the easiest way I can tackle it before jumping into it as a whole.

On that note, Cubik2k sent me some scripts for a potentially alternate way of doing encounters so I'll let you know once I've figured out which direction I'll be taking.
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