Innuendo said:
So your telling me that an rpg must be isometric?
And yet another straw man.
Final warning: stop trolling.
To clarify: no, I'm not telling you that at all. I'm telling you that a full Fallout game must be isometric.
Innuendo said:
Why do you limit fallout to this point of view???
Because the isometric viewpoint is part of the core design.
What are you, reading-impaired?
Innuendo said:
Why can't be embrace it to a full 3d environment?
Yet again, the isometric viewpoint in no way conflicts with 3d.
Innuendo said:
And how do you see the world? From a camera on a helicopter in the air, or with your own eyes? IMO fpp is far more realistic than isometric view.
Realistic, maybe, but Fallout isn't about realism.
Innuendo said:
Did you bloody play Deus Ex? Each objective can be accomplished in different ways: Stealth, shooting, hacking, peacefully... It all depended on you how you played the game. Moreover the game had multiply endings and it had a freedom of customising you character (skills, augmentations). The way I see it, its a regular rpg.
It had RPG elements. To call it a full RPG is retarded, since it barely abstracted from player reflexes or skills. It also did not give you a *lot* of free choice and consequences.
Innuendo said:
Behold, the all mighty
wikipedia. Read first paragraph.
Don't be a retard. Wikipedia is not the be-all-end-all of definitions.
Also, maybe you should read the *entire* first paragraph, including the last sentence:
"their choices shape the direction and outcome of the games."
Innuendo said:
ok I'll give you another example: Worms

That's two
*Yet again* I'll respond that citing two little examples is not the same as somehow proving that isometric in 3D is impossible to do well.
Innuendo said:
I'm not a blood plant... But what I can't accept is the way you people judge this game more that a year before it's realise... How can you judge it???
We can judge it based on the information we know.
Innuendo said:
For me Fallout is no defined by isometric view, by it's the plot, freedom, the world, rpg elements (stats and so on), npcs, turn based combat...
It's all those elements put together that made it a cult title.
Yes, *all those elements*. Including the viewpoint and the combat.
Innuendo said:
I don't give a damn if it's fpp, tpp, turnbased or real time, as long as every piece of the game fits together like it did in Fallout 1/2.
Right. And those pieces also include first-person view and turn-based combat.