Game Informer Fallout 3 article scans

The Dutch Ghost said:
Bethesda lost a serious chance here, they could actually have made their very own PA game, taking place in a world of their own design, which could have attracted a portion of the Fallout fans who want to sate their interest in a PA game during the long wait.
Bethesda didn't lose any chance in making Fallout 3 as opposed to a new post-apocalyptic series. I realize that those of you who think they're bending the series over and brutally raping it may not be particularly pleased with their reasoning for getting the Fallout license, but here's the most obvious reason it went down like it did:

1. Press. It's the difference between "Read more about [Name], Bethesda's new post-apocalyptic RPG!" and "Read more about Bethesda's Fallout 3!" Now, Fallout wasn't some huge blockbuster everyone played, but it's also something more than just a cult classic, so even if someone had absolutely no idea what Fallout was could find out fairly quickly that it was a CRPG series held in extremely high regard. It's just an advertising thing.

2. Assuming it wasn't all #1: they wanted to make a game in Fallout's setting. Not kind of like it, but exactly like it, because they're fans. You know, maybe not "true fans" or "real fans" like you guys, but they could've just liked the setting and wanted to do their own thing with it.

flat6 said:
Jesus tittyfucking Christ that nuclear-powered car exploding pisses me off. The first thing the engineers of such a car would do before ever releasing it would be to make sure that in the event of a crash it wouldn't blow up. Fuck, all nuclear technology is designed that way

All normal cars are designed that way. This is movie/videogame rules. In real life, a car wouldn't blow up because you shot it a bunch or knocked it around a bit. Not that that makes it right, but if you want an explanation, it's because most people are dumb enough to expect cars in games to blow up if they keep shooting them, and Fallout's cars were powered by fusion, so... that's where it comes from. I'm more concerned about why they had to trigger a nuclear explosion to kill two ants, myself. :lol:

What follows will be long.

I've sat back and watched this thread trudge along for a bit more now. At this point, I see my previous suggestion of helping make the game the best it can be is never going to happen. The huge "DON'T COLLABORATE" post was pretty crazy, like someone was really concerned that some of you might try to get Bethesda to have an accurate portrayal of the Fallout setting, which is bad for some reason. Actually, I'm aware of the reason. I'll just toss this out here: this game is going to be extremely high rated and sell a ton regardless of what you guys do, even the setting is completely different from Fallout's. That's because it made by Bethesda, which is considered the CRPG maker in the market right now - I know you guys don't agree, and I'm not particularly fond of TES either, but that's the way it is. Of course, as I said, I'm beyond expecting any of you to try to steer Bethesda towards keeping the setting intact.

Now, before I go any further, I'm going to say that a few (read: not all, most of you are fine) of you are far too hostile to criticism (or agreeing with Bethesda). For example, don't call people "plants" for thinking Bethesda's game looks good. I'm not sure whether or not those of you who do this actually think Bethesda's hiring people to come here and argue with you, or that no one could possibly think the game actually looks good unless they were from Bethesda, or whether it's just a vapid insult. Not calling people "fucking stupid" would be nice, too, though let's stick to the completely psycho-irrational name-calling before we try to get rid of the generic "I disagree with you so hard raaaaaargh" name-calling.


The fundamental disagreement here is pretty obvious - the "yea" people, largely people who signed up to say it, think the setting is more important than anything else - again, effectively Tycho of PA's opinion:
I consider myself a fan of Fallout, at any rate I did before, and I was grieved to see it ransacked at the hands of an increasingly desperate Interplay. But it's become clear that what makes it Fallout to me is very different than it is for other fans. We ran into the same issue with Tribal War over Tribes 2, culminating in a brutal conflict that pitted gamer against gamer. As it relates to Fallout, I am distinguished from what you might call the Orthodox fan of the series. One is that I simply believe that elements like Turn-Based and Isometric were artifacts of their time. There is nothing wrong with them mechanically, they do not want for elegance, and the genre is still going strong in Japanese titles that I play and enjoy. But I'm not going to create a religion out of it because tiled environments happened to be expedient a million fucking years ago.

Fallout is not - for me - defined by its perspective. It's defined by the unique setting, and the meaningful, satisfying choices I can make to affect that setting. I don't care where the camera is. If those things are intact, they can put the camera in geosynchronous Goddamn orbit.
The "nays," by and large the entire forum here, think that the gameplay is equally important as both are part of the original design, as outlined here.

This should simply be a disagreement. I'm fine with people who think the gameplay is equally important thinking Fallout 3 is a piece of shit abomination. I'm fine with them wanting nothing to do with the game and actively hoping it fails miserably. An opinion is an opinion. I think it's silly - just an opinion - but I don't care enough to argue about which opinion is better.

What is grating here - other than the ridiculous ad hominem - is the idea that Fallout 3 is actually objectively an unworthy sequel, or whatever other variations on that there have been. First, there's the semantic side. It's a patently false assertion. It is quite obviously objectively true that Fallout 3 is not following Fallout's design. I mean, I shouldn't even have to explain why. It is not objectively true that Fallout 3 is not worthy of the Fallout name, unless you define "not worthy" to be "not following the original design," which no one does. Whether or not you think it's a worthy sequel is irrelevant; you cannot say that it objectively goes one way or the other. You guys are going to think it's not a worthy sequel because it doesn't follow the game design (and possibly for setting issues, if they aren't cleaned up by release), but plenty of people will think it's a worthy sequel if it just has the same atmosphere, a close or near-close setting, and lives up to the previous games in terms of quality (i.e., quality of the product, not quality of "turn-based isometric hexagonal combat," which obviously is going to be rather nonexistent in Fallout 3).

Now, before the next part, let me reiterate that I'm fine with the opinion that the gameplay model is just as important as the setting, atmosphere, tone, and whatever else stuff. I don't want this to be misinterpreted as thinking that I'm not. I am.

The next thing is that the idea that the design plan is the end-all be-all explanation of what Fallout is or should be. It is not. Anyone who thinks so is... perhaps a millenia behind in art criticism. It's the intentional fallacy - the idea that the author or artist's original plan or statement of intent defines the piece. It does not. They're separate.

The last time I brought this up that's all I said, and I was told I was going for the "it's all relative" (everything's subjective) route. I'm not. There are only two groups of critics who would do that. The first is the postmodern deconstructionist bunch, and I'm not going to get into that because the entire premise is that there is no point or meaning in anything, which uh... is not what I'm aiming for here, and is not that largely accepted among rational folk anyway. The other is reader-response criticism, the strong version of which basically says "what's important is whatever you take from it, regardless of anything else." That's not what I'm talking about either because it's also not that largely accepted among rational folk - just because all some jackass got from The Great Gatsby was that women can't drive doesn't mean that's what it is - even if that's what most people do without thinking about it. So I'm going to give a history lesson here so we're absolutely clear on what I'm talking about.

Look up the phrase "intentional fallacy" anywhere and you'll see what I'm talking about. It's from the New Critics (actually a pretty old movement at this point; "New" is just part of the name). They came up with the idea that what the author says doesn't mean squat when it comes to analysis of a piece. Analyze the piece time and time again, picking up on intricacies as you go, to determine the meaning. Not "take whatever you want from it"; "amass evidence to make your case." There's a lot they did, but the idea behind the intentional fallacy is that just because the author tells you that something means "X" doesn't mean the piece was designed in a way that made in plausible for something to mean "X." Take Kate Chopin's pro-feminist The Awakening. After tremendous criticism from the press, she released a statement that effectively said "everything feminist in there was purely accidental, I assure you." It was actually sarcastic, of course, but that was her published statement of intent, and the intentional fallacy dictates that the book's themes are strictly not to be interpreted as pro-women's rights, when anyone reading the book and actually getting evidence from the text would see it was obviously an intensely feminist piece from start to end.

But then, that's a case where we know that wasn't her intent, right? Well, there's the reductio ad absurdum for you. If Fitzgerald said "The Great Gatsby" was about "squirrels, and lots of 'em," and then continued to say that for the rest of his life, deadpan serious, to the point where it became clear he was actually insane, it wouldn't mean the book was about squirrels just because he said it. His statement of intent means nothing. The intentional fallacy also has the nasty side effect of disregarding works if we do not have the original plans and we do not have a statement of intent. If the only thing that matters is what the piece was supposed to be, and we don't know what it was supposed to be, the only purely logical conclusion is that nothing we know about the piece matters. So the New Critics say "fuck the author, fuck what he wants, what matters about the piece is what the evidence points to." And if the evidence doesn't point towards what the creator intended, that means nothing more than that the creator was deficient in some manner or another.

Of course, the New Critics were something of extremists. More recent movements, like the New Historicists, think that the context of the piece, including what the author intended, should be considered where appropriate. Not as some ultimate definition, but as a decent starting point - if the context, plans, and/or statement of intent are reasonable and relevant, they should be considered and even given a little bit of extra weight.

But the idea that "whatever the author says is what the piece means" is long, long dead. Even the original historicists didn't judge art this way - they judged it as nothing more than a product of its time. I am not aware of any artistic movement - current, recent, or archaic - that thinks the author's intent is the only important or even most important thing to consider.

Now, I'm not going to make an argument for the setting of Fallout being more important. Not now. Because there is a high probability - not based on you guys in particular, but people in general - that at least some people are going to think that either games aren't art, or take an anti-intellectual stance and dismiss all art critics as pompous (this works best if the art critics are French). But the idea that the gameplay was as integral to the game as the story because the original design outlined both is absurd. Again, the gameplay can be as integral to the game as the story. I'm not making an argument about that at the moment. But the "But the original design!" argument is full of holes and would never be accepted anywhere outside these forums by anyone with even a passing interest in analysis, criticism, or discussion of art, as art. If your opinion is still that the author's intent is the most important thing, you can of course keep saying it, because it's your opinion. But it's a completely irrational and groundless opinion. Whether or not that bothers you is, well, up to you.
I don't like it because the Fallout series are RPGs, and Fallout 3 appears to be as much FPS as RPG. I have lots of FPS games, post apoc, pre-apoc, aliens, guns. I have very few good RPGs, especially good modern RPGs. I feel the validation of the design change to a more FPS oriented game design is another note in the death song of the entire genre of CRPGs. Is that a valid opinion?
override367 said:
I don't like it because the Fallout series are RPGs, and Fallout 3 appears to be as much FPS as RPG. I have lots of FPS games, post apoc, pre-apoc, aliens, guns. I have very few good RPGs, especially good modern RPGs. I feel the validation of the design change to a more FPS oriented game design is another note in the death song of the entire genre of CRPGs. Is that a valid opinion?
Are you asking me? Yes. Hold out hope though; these things are cyclical to some extent. Personally, I doubt pure CRPGs will ever become as popular as FPS games, because they don't have the same mass market appeal... but if we're still seeing new adventure games coming out, we'll see new CRPGs too.
BB said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Bethesda lost a serious chance here, they could actually have made their very own PA game, taking place in a world of their own design, which could have attracted a portion of the Fallout fans who want to sate their interest in a PA game during the long wait.
Bethesda didn't lose any chance in making Fallout 3 as opposed to a new post-apocalyptic series. I realize that those of you who think they're bending the series over and brutally raping it may not be particularly pleased with their reasoning for getting the Fallout license, but here's the most obvious reason it went down like it did:

1. Press. It's the difference between "Read more about [Name], Bethesda's new post-apocalyptic RPG!" and "Read more about Bethesda's Fallout 3!" Now, Fallout wasn't some huge blockbuster everyone played, but it's also something more than just a cult classic, so even if someone had absolutely no idea what Fallout was could find out fairly quickly that it was a CRPG series held in extremely high regard. It's just an advertising thing.

2. Assuming it wasn't all #1: they wanted to make a game in Fallout's setting. Not kind of like it, but exactly like it, because they're fans. You know, maybe not "true fans" or "real fans" like you guys, but they could've just liked the setting and wanted to do their own thing with it.

flat6 said:
Jesus tittyfucking Christ that nuclear-powered car exploding pisses me off. The first thing the engineers of such a car would do before ever releasing it would be to make sure that in the event of a crash it wouldn't blow up. Fuck, all nuclear technology is designed that way

All normal cars are designed that way. This is movie/videogame rules. In real life, a car wouldn't blow up because you shot it a bunch or knocked it around a bit. Not that that makes it right, but if you want an explanation, it's because most people are dumb enough to expect cars in games to blow up if they keep shooting them, and Fallout's cars were powered by fusion, so... that's where it comes from. I'm more concerned about why they had to trigger a nuclear explosion to kill two ants, myself. :lol:

What follows will be long.

-Holy fuck snipe-

Let's get it right since Beth got it fucking wrong in more ways than one. The cars in F1/F2 are power by micro fusion/fusion cells. Not fission (nuclear) reactors. Fusion is fusing atoms together. This is not atomic power like a nuke. It is adding two or atoms together. It is a clean energy and we all live by it every day. It is how the Sun works. They (many nations) are trying to make a viable fusion reactor in France. They don't explode the way a nuke does unless they are a super massive star or super nova. Their radio activity is way low compared to fission and have way shorter half lives. If a fusion reactor blew it would be near harmless to anyone outside the plants perimeter. See this link for very good details. Fusion power Fission is called in layman's terms it's called splitting an atom. Fission When this happens in quantity you get a chain reaction and a nuclear reactor. When it's an uncontrolled (Intentional or not) you get 1.) a meltdown (See 3 mile island) or 2.) a nuclear bomb. Shooting the cars in F1, F2, or FINO:3 (Fallout in name only :3) should do nothing. Even if it did they should have popped when they got nuked by the big ones. So Beth is fucking stupid on that one. Also real life cars can explode if you shot at the fuel tank repeatedly and hot lead and sparks ignite the leaking fuel. Exploding fusion cars indeed.

As for the Beth plants. It's is rather strange that all of a sudden newbs start popping up saying how much they love FINO3. The ratio of newbs who love to suc...I mean love Bethesda to those with views like most members here is amazing. At this rate this site should be pro Beth in a few weeks. Say your pretty new here spouting off how great Beth's FINO:3 is...Hrmm
First off I want to say kudos to BB for taking his time to write off his thoughts in such a lengthy and argumentative post.

Now, I don't have this kind of time on my hands, so I'll be brief. It has occured to me, after taking all the evidence so far into consideration, from the use of the Ink Spots in the teaser to the Nuclear Catapult, that the devs over at Bethesda are not the bad guys I thought they were.

Honestly, I came to understand that they *really* do want to please the fan base, but they just don't know how. They are not without talent, wit, or character, but they aren't big on any either.
They can't leave all the work behind they did for TES, just because this is a new game for them. It's like all of your last four ex-girlfriends were sisters. You can't just fuck a new girl and pretend the sisters didn't exist.

And, of course, no contest here, no game studio is fit to compete with BIS, as far as I'm concerned. They are the thing we miss, it's not only Fallout.
That article is unnerving, how could Bethesda be so detached from this series? I saw a few interesting similarities between it and the original game but not enough to make up for the fact that the interface looks horrendous and the gameplay sounds like an idiotic attempt to try appeasing hardcore fans of the series when they really are gearing it for consoles.

further more, I think more attention should be brought to their massacre of the star trek license... fairly good indication of the way the fallout series is heading.
Slicerdicer said:
Let's get it right since Beth got it fucking wrong in more ways than one. The cars in F1/F2 are power by micro fusion/fusion cells. Not fission (nuclear) reactors. Fusion is fusing atoms together. This is not atomic power like a nuke. It is adding two or atoms together. It is a clean energy and we all live by it every day. It is how the Sun works. They (many nations) are trying to make a viable fusion reactor in France. They don't explode the way a nuke does unless they are a super massive star or super nova. Their radio activity is way low compared to fission and have way shorter half lives. If a fusion reactor blew it would be near harmless to anyone outside the plants perimeter. See this link for very good details. Fusion power Fission is called in layman's terms it's called splitting an atom. FusionWhen this happens in quantity you get a chain reaction and a nuclear reactor. When it's an uncontrolled (Intentional or not) you get 1.) a meltdown (See 3 mile island) or 2.) a nuclear bomb. Shooting the cars in F1, F2, or FINO:3 (Fallout in name only :3) should do nothing. Even if it did they should have popped when they got nuked by the big ones. So Beth is fucking stupid on that one. Also real life cars can explode if you shot at the fuel tank repeatedly and hot lead and sparks ignite the leaking fuel. Exploding fusion cars indeed.
I'm a physics major. :) I know how fusion and fission work. You're right; it is completely wrong. Like how in Spiderman 2 one of the main things was that the fusion reaction might go out of control, when in real life that is exactly what a fusion reaction will not do (also, "putting out" nuclear fusion with water - yeah, uh huh).

I noted that the whole thing was unrealistic and stupid in my post, though, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I was just explaining why they were having it do that; not that it happening made any sense. As for a normal car, Mythbusters had a thing about that, where they repeatedly shot the fuel tank of a car with different kinds of bullets. They couldn't get it to explode, although they did manage to get it to catch on fire when they used a tracer round from far enough away that the round ignited, so if the tank hadn't already been shot up that potentially might have caused an explosion. With normal bullets, though, it's extremely improbable for a car to explode. Not impossible, but I wouldn't put any bets on it.
Slicerdicer said:
As for the Beth plants. It's is rather strange that all of a sudden newbs start popping up saying how much they love FINO3. The ratio of newbs who love to suc...I mean love Bethesda to those with views like most members here is amazing. At this rate this site should be pro Beth in a few weeks. Say your pretty new here spouting off how great Beth's FINO:3 is...Hrmm
I'm here because I was linked directly to the discussion here. I imagine it's the same for some of the others - these forums have a reputation, and with the first details about FO3 being released and it not being turn-based... can you see where I'm going with this?

I imagine others simply wandered in here after being linked to the scans.

But if it makes more sense to you to think that Bethesda is paying us all money to post at odd hours of the day from different locations in the country (or world, if there are any new international posters), well, who am I to say otherwise? In fact, I should probably ask Bethesda about it; I would love to get paid for this. All it is to me right now is arguing with strangers while I have some free time from my real low-paying jobs, neither of which actually entails me doing what I was told I would be doing.

Now really - if everyone here was like the last two or three posters, more people would be sympathizing with you guys over Bethesda. If it's "we've been waiting for this game for years, expecting it would be a turn-based isometric game, and Bethesda's let it down - plus, they have the license, so there won't ever be an (official) Fallout 3 like the one we want," people would be on your side. I mean, there's that too, but when I got linked here I saw like ten pages of "ORC ORC ORC" and stuff about the game was going to suck so hard. Anger and snarkiness instead of disappointment (there were a few that were just disappointed, don't get me wrong). That's where NMA's reputation comes from.

Of course, given that not acting angry and snarky about it probably wouldn't change anything about the game either, you're entitled to do what you want. But it dragged the rest of us in too. Really, I'm pretty much ready to hit the road at this point - that is, until I get the inevitable post that tries to do a point-by-point rebuttal, except actually just separates the post into different portions so they can curse me out a different way each time, at which point I'll inevitably be back because while I can stand someone tryinig to deconstruct my arguments calmly and rationally, I don't generally like letting people screaming insults at the top of their lungs feel as though they've actually won or accomplished anything. Unless the screaming is done ironically, I suppose.

Probably going to go to sleep for the time being, though.
BB said:
The intentional fallacy also has the nasty side effect of disregarding works if we do not have the original plans and we do not have a statement of intent. If the only thing that matters is what the piece was supposed to be, and we don't know what it was supposed to be, the only purely logical conclusion is that nothing we know about the piece matters. So the New Critics say "fuck the author, fuck what he wants, what matters about the piece is what the evidence points to." And if the evidence doesn't point towards what the creator intended, that means nothing more than that the creator was deficient in some manner or another.

Fortunately, what we know of the subject at hand, and it's purpose as intended by it's creators (emulating a pnp table-top rpg environment), happens to be reinforced by all evidence, that can be gleaned from picking the the game how does intentional fallacy apply in this case?
So BB, with so much words you're telling us to ignore the fact, that we actually got 2 games pointing toward the 'authors' intention to use TB/ISO and somehow making something that resembles a PnP-Game, and that we shouldn't rely on the old design documents because on or another critic would have seen flaws in on or another thing, but never in both? *laughs*....
Sorry but you somehow missed a point in your long post.

By the way, what do you try? Do you really try to compare the gameplay with bolts and gears, so to say, with camera works?
That would be wrong, as the gameplay is part of the experience while a picture in a movie is something that should deliver the experience...

So i hope i misunterstood what you wrote, because otherwise i would have to count you towar the 'idiotic intellectual'. The people who good a lod of knowledge, but who can't get links or do something right with them...
And i simply don't want to do this, because overall i somehow liked you post...
Those were very good posts, BB. I honestly don't know what else to say about them, but it's something that needed to be said. There needs to be more people like you around here to balance things out.

There, I said it.

And this stupid bullshit about plants really needs to stop. I live near BethSoft, I've talked to some of them, does that make me a plant too?

Certainly seems like better criteria than just Wild-Ass-Guessing EVERY newbie who waltzes in, doesn't it? But on to more important matters...

Smoke said:
It has occured to me, after taking all the evidence so far into consideration, from the use of the Ink Spots in the teaser to the Nuclear Catapult, that the devs over at Bethesda are not the bad guys I thought they were.
I've taken a few steps back, and I've honestly come to this conclusion as well- it's taken far longer than it should have, but it happens. I deal with it.

If they were intent on fucking us over, they'd simply have done it without a word. There wouldn't even be any nods in our direction, and there's certainly been more than that that's come our way. Beth's trying, they just don't seem to get it.

"It". That's "It". They're missing "It". Problem is, what the hell is "It"?!

Smoke said:
Honestly, I came to understand that they *really* do want to please the fan base, but they just don't know how. They are not without talent, wit, or character, but they aren't big on any either.
So the problem seems to be, they're filling the gaps in their knowledge with what they DO know how to do, or what they can easily mimic, which leads into your next point...

Clanner said:
They can't leave all the work behind they did for TES, just because this is a new game for them.
Yeah. I don't know... I'm just tired. But yeah.

All of my anger roots from the fact that this game, to me, screams:

Take Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 4...
Add a pinch of Gears of War...
A tablespoon of Oblivion...
And a light seasoning of Fallout for flavor.

Really. That's what I can't get over. It may be a fun game in the end, I just don't think it should be labeled the third entry in the main series.

Spin-off? That'd be fine with me. I've gotten over it. It doesn't make me think OH GOD FOBOS at a glance, though there are pieces of it. Like the Fatman... but still. Call it Resident Fallout, Fallout: Battle for DC, even Fallout Gaiden if it comes to that. Whatever the hell you want. Just not Fallout 3.

But that won't happen, will it? People are going to look at "Fallout 3", and think "This is what it's all about". That this "Fallout 3" is going to be labeled the culmination of all the other entries, and everyone will APPLAUD THEM for it. Regardless of how much that's actually true. And they'll expect more.

That sickens me, somehow.

Irrational? Yeah. Sure, I've never been a CRUSADER (No Remorse) about defending Fallout, like some of the gang. That doesn't mean I haven't flown off the handle a few times.

But still...

Why the hell am I so afraid of it, that I'd be sickened by it? It's not like the franchise is my baby, or anything. I haven't laid down one line of code for it, anything. All I've invested is time.

So WHY do I feel so invested in it? Why the hell do I identify so much with a game? If I could figure that out, I'd have the key to everything. Maybe understand the meaning of life.

Edit: Nonsensical post is indecipherable tautological skill +1
Series8217 said:
I hear Baldur's Gate 3 is going to be a first-person shooter.

:roll: Bethesda...
WTF? I'm gonna buy it! I heard the reincarnated Imoen will carry humongous arrow-catapult weapon through the sewers cleaning the infested holes full of zombies! Isn't that kuewlest thing eva?

Now, time for some personal revenge... Beth, you sure as hell keep your underwear tight.
Now really - if everyone here was like the last two or three posters, more people would be sympathizing with you guys over Bethesda. If it's "we've been waiting for this game for years, expecting it would be a turn-based isometric game, and Bethesda's let it down - plus, they have the license, so there won't ever be an (official) Fallout 3 like the one we want," people would be on your side.

Not true BB, there are expectations that can only carry on with the reinforcement that everything NMA says is evil, that would be the case no matter what. Case in point is the trailer, most comments were positive about it generally and negative about specific points, yet the cries that the NMA baddies were defiling the virginal Bethesda were everywhere on the internet.

Still can I post what you've written, after you make revision and add whatever you want to add on my blog as an article? I'm having a lot of difficulties to get a critical view of the community reaction to put up, in order to balance other things that I want to put up that are more negative to Bethsoft.

It's not that I agree with you on the main point you try to make, I believe a teleological interpretation of an entertainment/art piece is perfectly valid in the gaming world, but it allows my readers to have a critical view on events, I don't like to support conformism in any sense.

So what do you say? Private message me if you want, thanks in advance.
I know you can't base any opinions on other than that's been shown so far, but remember the 1st concept art picture (the one in the desert with the gas station) and the Paradise Falls one.. Why would they ask the artist to create these pictures, if they wouldn't have areas like that in the game?

Obviously, Bethesda couldn't show off the whole game in a one-hour preview, and unfortunately, they showed us what I believe is most likely part of the endgame setting (D.C). I know, it's all wild guesses from my side, but I think that the large amount of supermutants is not standard in Fallout 3, but mainly limited to what I believe is part of the endgame.

IMO, Beth should have showed us the desert/wasteland setting, which I strongly believe is there (because of the concept art), in which there are no supermutants to be found, and lots of brown/yellow emptyness instead. Beth just made a bad decision showing us parts of the game that's not representative for the whole thing. That's what I keep telling myself, at least... :)

In short: I think there are very Fallouty wasteland-areas in the game, as indicated in the concept art, and I believe that all the missing Fallout atmosphere (or "It") is to be found in those areas.
Xaxidus said:
and I believe that all the missing Fallout atmosphere (or "It") is to be found in those areas.

... along with ammo for the nuclear egg launcher and the gondola that takes you to Waterworld.

Honestly though.. it does seem like Bethesda is TRYING to make it a "Fallout" game (granted, with some compromises for the modern blockbuster video game scene) but just doesn't have the talent on the team to make it happen. Obviously there is only gain for them to make things like equipment, environments, and organizations (*coughbrotherhoodcough*) fit in with true Fallout canon.. they would appeal to Fallout fanboys, and nobody else would notice the difference. So why not do it? I think this is the best they can do. :x
Franchises and the Zeitgeist

OK, I couldn't resist joining up to add to this 46-page thread, not that anyone is paying attention at this point.

Although there is very little substantive information in the GI article, there is enough to let me know that I will not play this game, not that I ever expected to. This is an FPS game. I don't and can't play FPS games -- I have no reflexes, and the engines tend to give me motion sickness. For me it's not a role-playing game if my character with 10 agility is dependent on my personal -1 abilities. I expect that any 3rd person version will be Oblivion-style: the same game play with the camera zoomed back further so you see the back of your head, not just your hands, so VB's effectively correct that there's no difference there.

I expected no less, partly because this is Bethesda, and the sort of game they do, but mostly because the Zeitgeist has passed me by and relegated the sort of games I like to play to the dungheap of history. And this relentless march of fashion has effectively killed the possibility of the Fallout franchise being continued in any meaningful way, at least by most mainstream publishers. [I'll save my small ray of hope for the end of this rant.]

I completely agree with the underlying argument in "Glittering Gems of Hatred" -- that Fallout is a franchise, one that carries with it certain expectations that go beyond the mere ownership of rights. When the Baltimore Colts decamped to Indianapolis, fans had every right to feel betrayed. When Coca-Cola, which clearly owns its own product, decided to cater to the Pepsi generation with "New Coke", they got an aimed shot to the groin from their core audience, who had expectations of what Coke should be, although they surely had no ownership rights.

Way beyond both the Coke and Pepsi generations, today's Red Bull console-raised gamers demand action and their idea of awesome 3D graphics (a matter of taste -- I actually PREFER the looks of Fallout, and if Bethesda's art is so great, why are modders always having to do "better heads," "better textures", etc.?). Reflex action and graphic displays are everything that the Fallout franchise is NOT about.

I agree with the opinion of those who state that Bethesda is trying to make a nod to Fallout, within its limited parameters, but it doesn't really know how. The mere fact of the nuclear catapult shows that. It's not just the stupidity of using nuclear weapons against foes in sight of your naked eyes -- there's also the fact that in the Fallout sensibility, it wouldn't be "nuclear," it would be "atomic." The term "nuclear" didn't come into fashion until the mid-60's or later.

Most of you guys aren't old enough to remember, hence the constant references I see here to Fallout having a 50's comic sensibility. It's not 50's, it's actually postwar 40's and pulp magazines. The InkSpots songs used in Fallout 1 (and now 3) are from 1940 and 41, respectively. While the Louis Armstrong song "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" was from 1951, that was still the 40's, if you're talking about style and Zeitgeist and not strict chronological decades. In any case, it was still the Atomic Age, and people were simultaneously anticipating the World of Tomorrow and fearing atomic destruction from the Reds.

The terminology is wrong, the color palettes are wrong, the game mechanics are inappropriate to the franchise, and the designers have no feel for the era they're supposed to be drawing on. There's little to no indication of dialogue, but what there is doesn't capture the Fallout I knew. There may be an acceptable game here, particularly to those too young to be attached to the original, just as "New Coke" might actually have been an acceptable soft drink. It just wasn't Coke, and I'm not buying it.

Time will tell whether Bethesda will make an ignominious retreat to "Fallout Classic" (or perhaps sell the rights to someone with more respect for or a greater grasp of the franchise's origins). It's possible that the new generation might like Fallout Red Bull enough that Bethesda will be proved "right".

On the other hand, my tiny ray of hope -- do all the people who say isometric is dead, and 3D can only be done in this style really think that Diablo III will be a first-person shooter?

Feel free to flame me for my inability to adapt -- 3 or 4 decades from now, if you're still around, you'll probably feel the same way.
BB said:
Now, I'm not going to make an argument for the setting of Fallout being more important. Not now. Because there is a high probability - not based on you guys in particular, but people in general - that at least some people are going to think that either games aren't art, or take an anti-intellectual stance and dismiss all art critics as pompous (this works best if the art critics are French). But the idea that the gameplay was as integral to the game as the story because the original design outlined both is absurd. Again, the gameplay can be as integral to the game as the story. I'm not making an argument about that at the moment. But the "But the original design!" argument is full of holes and would never be accepted anywhere outside these forums by anyone with even a passing interest in analysis, criticism, or discussion of art, as art. If your opinion is still that the author's intent is the most important thing, you can of course keep saying it, because it's your opinion. But it's a completely irrational and groundless opinion. Whether or not that bothers you is, well, up to you.
And you're basing this 'the original intent is useless' largely on an example that does not correlate with Fallout's development.
Let me reiterate: the Fallout developers have, even *during* development, stated very clearly what they set out to do.
Now you can run around and scream 'Whaaa, that's not what I care about because that's not what Fallout needs to be', but that's all bullshit. I'm not talking about how critics will assess this or what the general consensus is. I'm talking about *how* this game was designed. In other words: what are the basic tenets that led to its construction.
And yes, then the original design intent is extremely important.

concernedcitizen: For you and everyone else taking the 'but it's just about if someone may like the game' line: let me reiterate yet again that that's a ridiculous line, since all it states is that it'd be fine if Fallout 3 were a football game, as long as it had the Fallout setting.
BB said:
It's just an advertising thing.
Yeah which goes to show it wasn't really about being fans at all.

BB said:
2. Assuming it wasn't all #1: they wanted to make a game in Fallout's setting. Not kind of like it, but exactly like it, because they're fans. You know, maybe not "true fans" or "real fans" like you guys, but they could've just liked the setting and wanted to do their own thing with it.
And what about the setting do you think they liked? A gritty realistic Post apocalyptic world, Fearsome monsters, Futuristic tech and kooky weapons? That's what comes across from the article and previous comments. Do you not think they could of made their own IP with all that without crossing any copyright boundaries? After all that's what the Fallout creators had to do with Wasteland. Or is it more a case of they saw the IP up for sale, thought of the advertising and name recognition angle and how the setting fit with the direction they wanted to move into (modern fantasy rather than high fantasy) and snapped it up because all the hard work about creating an imaginary world and it's denizens had already been done.

BB said:
The huge "DON'T COLLABORATE" post was pretty crazy, like someone was really concerned that some of you might try to get Bethesda to have an accurate portrayal of the Fallout setting, which is bad for some reason. Actually, I'm aware of the reason.
Actually I did say why in the post or are you using intentional fallacy to read more into it? For one thing they've had years to get it right. They've had years of us posting here and there about what we want to see, and how to make a Fallout game. If they haven't listened so far what makes you think they're going to start listening now? Especially given their track record at listening to the fans of their own IP and those of another cult, Star Trek.

BB said:
I'll just toss this out here: this game is going to be extremely high rated and sell a ton regardless of what you guys do, even the setting is completely different from Fallout's. That's because it made by Bethesda, which is considered the CRPG maker in the market right now - I know you guys don't agree, and I'm not particularly fond of TES either, but that's the way it is. Of course, as I said, I'm beyond expecting any of you to try to steer Bethesda towards keeping the setting intact.
If the gameplay isn't right why care if the setting is intact? The article says they are trying to avoid the twitch gamer route, that's a hell of a lot of their casual Oblivion fan base they're alienating. Fallout was critically acclaimed, part of the reason they bought the IP, so if the setting is wrong then there's a good chance that Fallout 3 could be critically panned. Well from the press they don't control that is.

I've said that us die-hard fans won't do much if anything to kill this game, that'll be down to Beth producing a bad game that doesn't sell to the masses. That we should start thinking about saving Fallout 4, and if it tanks and we've helped get the setting just right (assuming they listen to us) or even if it's successful their pr department will say we got the game we asked for. And if other developers are taking note, either way it'll make it harder to get a decent TB iso in depth rpg made in the future, not just a good Fallout game.

BB said:
The fundamental disagreement here is pretty obvious - the "yea" people, largely people who signed up to say it, think the setting is more important than anything else - again, effectively Tycho of PA's opinion:
To quote yourself;
BB said:
An opinion is an opinion. I think it's silly - just an opinion

BB said:
Fallout is not - for me - defined by its perspective. It's defined by the unique setting, and the meaningful, satisfying choices I can make to affect that setting. I don't care where the camera is. If those things are intact, they can put the camera in geosynchronous Goddamn orbit.
Again to quote yourself;
BB said:
An opinion is an opinion. I think it's silly - just an opinion

BB said:
Look up the phrase "intentional fallacy" anywhere and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Intentional Fallacy is the fallacy, something invented by intellectuals to cover up the fact they didn't get it.

BB said:
But the idea that "whatever the author says is what the piece means" is long, long dead. Even the original historicists didn't judge art this way - they judged it as nothing more than a product of its time. I am not aware of any artistic movement - current, recent, or archaic - that thinks the author's intent is the only important or even most important thing to consider.
So? What's that got to do with gameplay? We are talking interactive entertainment here, not a book, movie, painting or sculpture. How many game reviews concentrate solely on reviewing the story and setting? Previews maybe, but actual reviews. They'll also talk about the controls, and the ai, level design because they are equally if not more important. I like a good story with my game, good art direction but if the gameplay is bad I'll probably never get to see how it all plays out because I'd of given up playing it. On the other hand a game with good gameplay but a poor story or no story can still be fun and keep people coming back for more. Games are closer to sports than art, sure they have art elements and how those are incorporated are important to what makes a really great game stand out from the pack, but if the gameplay isn't right it be standing behind not in front of the pack.

BB said:
Now, I'm not going to make an argument for the setting of Fallout being more important.
Funny I thought you had been.

BB said:
anti-intellectual stance and dismiss all art critics as pompous (this works best if the art critics are French).
It's not anti-intellectual, I'm sure most intellectuals think that as well. :)

BB said:
But the idea that the gameplay was as integral to the game as the story because the original design outlined both is absurd.
The idea that it isn't is absurd. Okay if gameplay isn't important and you keep telling developers this the game industry is going to get even more screwed up than it already is. The next gen of consoles, the Playstation 4, the Xbox 720, the Wiiii will come preloaded with half a dozen game engines. A shooter, a racer, a platform jumper etc and the game developers will just release story, texture, model and map packs. Basically mods, and when a new engine comes along it will mean time to upgrade to a new console. Is that what you really want because if the setting is all that's important and makes a game for you then that's all you'll need.

BB said:
But the "But the original design!" argument is full of holes and would never be accepted anywhere outside these forums by anyone with even a passing interest in analysis, criticism, or discussion of art, as art. If your opinion is still that the author's intent is the most important thing, you can of course keep saying it, because it's your opinion. But it's a completely irrational and groundless opinion. Whether or not that bothers you is, well, up to you.
Except games aren't just art. They maybe a form of art but not just art and it isn't intellectual art critics that need pleasing but gamers. To say that the original design doesn't matter for a game series is completely irrational, because games are designed, they aren't free flowing artistic pieces that spring from the artist's mind fully formed.
Sander said:
concernedcitizen: For you and everyone else taking the 'but it's just about if someone may like the game' line: let me reiterate yet again that that's a ridiculous line, since all it states is that it'd be fine if Fallout 3 were a football game, as long as it had the Fallout setting.
If there is anyone on the planet who actually would enjoy a Fallout Football game, who am I to tell them that they're not allowed to? It's absolute lunacy from where I stand of course, and I wouldn't call it a worthy addition to the Fallout line, but that's what I'm driving at, I don't imagine anyone who actually did want a Fallout Football game would actually care at all what I thought.

What I think is ridiculous here, is that anyone can somehow expect to define for others what they should enjoy in a game, or what they should want to experience again from the original Fallout games. This approach extends to a lot of things in life. Every day I see people with different preferences, who read books and get different messages, who interpret songs differently, who wear different clothes and enjoy different sports. Out of basic courtesy (and an awareness of the futility in attempting it), I do not try to convince these people that they should think and act as I do. I don't know how many different ways I can say it, and I am at a loss as to how this can be lost on you. Your individual perspective, or even the collection of perspectives shared by regulars here in combination with the game's designers, on the important parts of Fallout are not a factor in determining mine, and as such, you can't beat my perspective down by pushing yours.

What you would demand from a new Fallout game does not overrule what anyone else wants from it, myself included. If they're satisfied with a game where you can throw rocks at children and that's all it takes for them to call it Fallout, then good for them. In the same way, if you want something which does not deviate from the original gameplay mechanics, that's great too, and good luck with that one. Similarly, if all I'm really keen on is a game which drawns upon some of the setting and character established in the first two games, be it removed from the original gameplay or not, then that's my call. I don't expect everyone to agree, and I can definitely understand that in their eyes, what I'm hoping for won't be "worthy". I can live with that, as I am able to understand that the people's expectations vary, and wouldn't dream of attempting to tell someone exactly what it is they should want. It confuses me that this same degree of understanding is not extended in response to my views. Is the intent here seriously to somehow "disprove" what it is that I have decided I want in the game, or what it is that I like about Fallout games in the first place? What you're telling me over and over is that what I want from a Fallout game does not live up to what you want. I get it already, and it doesn't make a difference.