It supposed to be a crown achievement of the whole series, so it's valid. I don't know if it worthy, rather not, but personally I like it.Sander said:So your point is that any game made as an official sequel is automatically a *worthy* sequel?Innuendo said:It has a IX in a titles doesn't it? So it's a valid sequel. Not my problem they raped it...
What a bunch of horseshit.
a sequel of a spin off is still a legal sequel...Sander said:Oh, you mean Jedi Academy, that *spin-off*.Innuendo said:I'm talking about Jedi Knight and Jeci Academy
Of course it was. They changed the whole system that was used for years. But generally people liked it.Sander said:The point was that it was a very disputed move.Innuendo said:How about that? Just like us regarding Fallout 3?
hmm it's interesting that for you the core element in fallout is the "emulation of pen and paper gameplay". Always thought it was the apocalyptic world/climate of the 50s/dark humor/gameplay mechanisms etc.Sander said:GTA was designed around the idea of running amok in cars, around a town. The perspective was not essential to that design, which it is in the case of Fallout which was designed around the emulation of pen and paper gameplay.Innuendo said:]since when you are an oracle of saying what is the core design and what is not? From 2d to 3d with a change of perspective, just like in our case...
I refuse to accept this. Fuck I hope it's a typo, but if it's not then were are truly screwed here by bethesda.Sander said:Making Fallout an action-RPG. Again: not what Fallout's core design is.Innuendo said:And bethesda is doing what? Making Fallout a racing game?![]()
PS. Crap, I feel like i stired up the hive:/