Game of Thrones

What. You'd have to have a pretty amazingly weird sexuality if you considered being cock teased anything more than an inconvenience at most. Having someone rub their vageen on your dick might be frustrating, but it's laughable to think that a guy who's had shit rammed through his fingertips wouldn't just laugh at this whole charade. Showing Theon what he wants and then taking it away from him doesn't work here. He doesn't want to fuck. He wants to fucking escape this insane guy who's caught him somewhere and is torturing him. The fake escape attempt is perfect in that regard, this is just stupid.

I agree completely about the unfounded Lost fears though.
The dry humping wasn't the torture, the torture right after it was the torture. The sex was just to confuse him and build up his hopes before abruptly breaking him down again. Not that I didn't roll my eyes when they were trying to seduce him. I'm all for T&A, but at times seems like they are cramming it in a bit to meet a quota for HBO. "Good episode, but can you flash more titties for our male 18-35 demographic?"
well they still have to find a way how to get titties in to battle scenes though. Maybe soldiers raping women? That would work.
More titties=More viewers. Isn't it obvious? Game of Thrones is actually all about the titties. I'm surprised the Dragons don't have tits. Of course it's too much to ask for a little bush now and again. Show more bush.

Really though, I feel sorry for Greyjoy. Poor fucker shoud have stayed with the Starks, but he felt like pleasing a father who fucking hates him. Now he is stuck in a dungeon getting shit jammed into his fingernails, not to mention the whole Braveheart treatment. The Kingslayer is now my favorite character with his recent arc. Almost makes me forgive him for the fucked up shit he did to old Ned. Well...Lannisters do have to look after their own don't they?

Can't say I blame him for doing what he had to. The whole Lannister family is having some issues atm. This is the first I have heard of a chosen one though. Must be further ahead in the series?
Theon is such a fucking retard. You can't go back and forth between fucking countries, especially when one thinks you're an idiot and you attacked the CASTLE of the other country!

I never felt sorry for him.

The Kingslayer on the other hand I agree with you about. That story he tells in the bath is so far for me the best moment in season 3. After that I couldn't feel worse about him losing his hand.
I'm not sure HOW someone can miss that it's GROTESQUE psychological abuse to cock tease someone, and then proceed to REMOVE their genitals. Obviously, the brief dry humping wasn't torture, but the torment and agony that it instilled, that otherwise would NOT have been instilled (at least to any such degree) had the tease of happiness not preceded cannot be overlooked. His imprisonment wouldn't have destroyed Theon as much had he not been allowed to escape, only to be hunted down. Likewise, his mutilations wouldn't have impacted him as much had other ploys not been implemented to briefly raise his hopes before knocking them down, disastrously.

TorontRayne said:
More titties=More viewers. Isn't it obvious? Game of Thrones is actually all about the titties. I'm surprised the Dragons don't have tits. Of course it's too much to ask for a little bush now and again. Show more bush.

Really though, I feel sorry for Greyjoy. Poor fucker shoud have stayed with the Starks, but he felt like pleasing a father who fucking hates him. Now he is stuck in a dungeon getting shit jammed into his fingernails, not to mention the whole Braveheart treatment. The Kingslayer is now my favorite character with his recent arc. Almost makes me forgive him for the fucked up shit he did to old Ned. Well...Lannisters do have to look after their own don't they?

Can't say I blame him for doing what he had to. The whole Lannister family is having some issues atm. This is the first I have heard of a chosen one though. Must be further ahead in the series?
No, the Prophesized whatevers have already been touched upon. But unlike the books, the TV show didn't place particular emphasis on them. For instance, Melissandre always refers to Stannis as the so-called Warrior of Light, which is one of the variants of these similar prophesies. The DVDs have expanded history extras that explain that most of the origins of the prophesized whatever was from a myth that a single blessed warrior "cast away the darkness", which is largely considered to mean whoever it was who figured out how to kill the White Walkers and ultimately end the Long Night. The history of the Got/IAF World is MASSIVE, and naturally it's hard to cram all of that information into each episode without just mentioning them in passing to such a soft degree that you just forget all about them. Those DVD extras are a nice and helpful touch, however.

As for Theon... Yeah, I do consider him a pitiful character. During his reign of Winterfell, you really grow to utterly detest the guy, but once he falls, you realize he just made a horrible mistake. Not a mistake to take lightly, but still you can recognize that deep down he meant well, and he's still a not-so-bad person, but he's experiencing a hell that no one deserves. I'm rather curious how they're going to show Theon, because the TV version of his torture has been OBSCENELY censored (and I don't mind... what we've got already makes me sick, at times), because he loses TONS of body parts at Ramsay's behest. The actor had to lose a lot of weight to play the role for season 3, but I wonder if they'll CGI him, or just change the level of torture he receives to omit most of it, so that the role can continue to BE physically playable (without having to Gollum him up in CGI).


What strikes me as odd is that I just can't find myself liking Jaime. It doesn't matter how much good he HAS done, nor will continue to do, but I just don't like him. Too proud. He didn't attack Ned because his family demanded it, he did it because 1) He loves his little brother and he wasn't going to let Tyrion's abduction slide, and 2) He wanted to fight Ned, and he found the perfect excuse and opportunity to do it. Under most circumstances, under most "typical" stories in a similar setting, I'd love a character who acts like that, and in the end we find out to be a more-or-less morally acceptable person. But he's just too damn smug and self-centered and proud for me to like him. I liked watching his duel with Brienne, because you saw how he truly enjoyed fighting, and had he not been bound and starved and out of practice, he might have effortlessly bested her, but he enjoyed the fight for a brief time despite his handicaps. I know that, like Sandor Clegane (The Hound), he's FAR from the most morally reprehensible character around (that trophy goes to his sister, hands down), but... I just can't come to like the guy. =/
I don't like Theon, because he was an idiot. Though, i also really don't like the torture. I even find it hard to watch, because I can't stop imagining how it would be if it happens to me. Somehow I still wish someone would come and rescue him now.
Lexx said:
I don't like Theon, because he was an idiot. Though, i also really don't like the torture. I even find it hard to watch, because I can't stop imagining how it would be if it happens to me. Somehow I still wish someone would come and rescue him now.

I'm sure that's the point - at first he made you think that Theon's too ambitious, then outright nasty so you'd hate him. And now he's testing how far it'll have to go before you'll like Theon agaim. Or at least feel sorry for him
BonusWaffle said:
Wow. this weeks ending is probably the most shocking scene ive ever seen on a tv show.
I've been waiting almost since the start of the TV show for this scene just to see people's reactions.
Oh for fucks sake, I don't want to watch it anymore, it is pissing me off. Everyone is dying but not the ones I want to see dead.
well thats the point where I want to see the fucking dragons in action finally, toasting a few people. Well whole armies actually.
Lexx said:
Oh for fucks sake, I don't want to watch it anymore, it is pissing me off. Everyone is dying but not the ones I want to see dead.
It goes back and forth. You'll see some of the people you'd most like be rooting for get their way in a big way, and you'll see the people you want to get their comeuppance will get their just taste of karma. Like Tyrion from Season 2 got the power and influence that he deserved, but then he got knocked down at the end, and he's been returned to a punching bag status this season. Joffrey experienced powerlessness in front of Tywin for a few brief moments (which was kind of an odd scene, since it's not like we're rooting for Tywin, but it's still nice to see Joffrey realize he's not the one in control, there). A few characters you're more than likely rooting for will soon rise to prominence, and (if not next week's episode, then early into Season 4) a certain character you're undoubtedly BEGGING to see punished will find themselves on the receiving end of the "fuck you" stick.

As for me, I couldn't care less about how Tywin's power seems to keep growing, or that Tyrion and Varys' plans keep getting stiffled, or that Joffrey feels untouchable because of the infuriatingly blindly loyal guards he's surrounded by. It's Cersei who earns every fucking ounce of my spite. I just DESPISE her, and watching her get her way, only for her way to simply fuck things up worse, simple sends me into a rage. She's the character I truly can't wait to see get utterly and humiliatingly ruined.
[spoiler:d0b2ba6d4b]I'm well aware that she loses her seat as Queen Regent and becomes imprisoned, but unlike some here, I'm confident she's getting out of that mess, and returning to her nefarious and rage-inducingly incompetent power-mongering ways, due to the intervention of her champion, Ser "Robert Strong". Not to mention that the prophecy regarding her, which has been true thus far, specifies that she outlives ALL of her children, and her 2 younger ones are still alive and well. Her walk of shame isn't enough to satisfy me. I want to see her end, and I want that end to accompany the knowledge that all of her machinations will have undoubtedly fall apart. I'd LOVE to see her die by Arya's hands, though I do wonder if that will ever happen. Still, I side with that tiny group that speculates that Arya, not Tyrion, is the "valonqar" that haunts Cerser's dreams. Well, we'll see.... =)[/spoiler:d0b2ba6d4b]
I haven't even seen a single episode of season 3, but reading how mad people are getting makes up for that.

Lexx said:
Oh for fucks sake, I don't want to watch it anymore, it is pissing me off. Everyone is dying but not the ones I want to see dead.

I had the same reaction when I first read it. Hell, it was even worse, in the books as [spoiler:8a8a9a0fb1] it also implied Arya got killed, albeit the gruesome fetus-stabbing wasn't in the books. [/spoiler:8a8a9a0fb1]

Only thing I can say is, keep watching. The Starks aren't the only ones who suffer.

Being the only one of my friends in the know about that event, the reactions were long awaited, and did not dissapoint. I've had to console two people already over the fact that it does get better for the Starks. Whenever I lied ot not remains to be seen :p

Still, it was pretty gut-wrenching even if I knew it was coming. Michelle Fairley (Catelyn) acted that scene perfectly, and I'm also gonna miss Robb's actor, he's so much better than Jon's IMO. I loved how the producers lulled people in a false sense of security with Ned jr (very nice touch by them), Arya coming and the facetious Grandpa Walder. Then BAM.
Ilosar said:

Lexx said:
Oh for fucks sake, I don't want to watch it anymore, it is pissing me off. Everyone is dying but not the ones I want to see dead.

I had the same reaction when I first read it. Hell, it was even worse, in the books as [spoiler:962b101443] it also implied Arya got killed, albeit the gruesome fetus-stabbing wasn't in the books. [/spoiler:962b101443]

Only thing I can say is, keep watching. The Starks aren't the only ones who suffer.

Being the only one of my friends in the know about that event, the reactions were long awaited, and did not dissapoint. I've had to console two people already over the fact that it does get better for the Starks. Whenever I lied ot not remains to be seen :p

Still, it was pretty gut-wrenching even if I knew it was coming. Michelle Fairley (Catelyn) acted that scene perfectly, and I'm also gonna miss Robb's actor, he's so much better than Jon's IMO. I loved how the producers lulled people in a false sense of security with Ned jr (very nice touch by them), Arya coming and the facetious Grandpa Walder. Then BAM.

I agree, except that the actress who plays lady Stark is any good. That is, any time she raises her voice it's strains my belief. Otherwise she's great. Besides that who the hell says, 2 seconds after your family being slaughtered: "Just let us go and we'll forget about this, no biggie."

Also, why doesn't mr King in the North have ANY precautions against this sort of thing. He's winning against the richest house in the land, wouldn't he expect a backstab? Wouldn't he expect them to get all underhanded on him? I would have a big bodyguard shadow me at all times, especially in the court of a man who's family's loyalty is in question.

And, whilst not a bad episode I was very surprised that they ended this season AGAIN with stark people dying and suffering. That worked as an anticlimax at the end of the first season but this time it loses power as it's the same trick, simply played up even more.

Looking forward to seeing the reaction to this in the story, and who might now stand up to the boy king and the lannisters.
The whole cutting scene was pretty corny imo, looked kind of strange. Though at least i won't see them again, because the drama parts with Rob Stark were getting tedious
Akratus said:
Also, why doesn't mr King in the North have ANY precautions against this sort of thing. He's winning against the richest house in the land, wouldn't he expect a backstab? Wouldn't he expect them to get all underhanded on him? I would have a big bodyguard shadow me at all times, especially in the court of a man who's family's loyalty is in question.
Simply put, it all made perfect sense in the books, but some omissions made the TV presentation seem a little questionable.

For one thing, the events of the Red Wedding were a violation of Guest Right, a sacred custom in Westeros that had, until then, NEVER been broken. Once Lord Frey shared his bread and salt, that was supposed to seal the deal that his guests were safe. So NO ONE saw this coming for that very simple reason. Also bear in mind that the Starks are PATHOLOGICALLY honor-bound people. Northerners in general are much more strict to live by social codes, but the Starks of the North were the family who embodied these characteristics the most extremely. Robb letting his guard down and not expecting underhanded backstabs was because he was an honorable, direct and honest person. He was physically a Tully, but personality-wise he was damn near a carbon copy of his father. Just like Ned, who failed to protect his House during the Stark Purge of King's Landing BECAUSE he was approaching the coup in a direct and honest fashion- thus exposing himself to the underhanded deceit awaiting him -Robb did precisely the same thing. He COULDN'T have seen it coming, because such dishonesty just wasn't in his nature.

As for the bodyguard... he DID have one, but the actor wasn't present for seasons 2 and 3, so the character wasn't around, sadly. That character being Greatjon Umber. For those who may have forgotten the character, he was that giant of a man who Grey Wind bit 2 fingers off of when he briefly challenged Robb's leadership in Season 1, only to laugh off the whole thing and end up being one of Robb's strongest supporters, and also, in the TV show, was the first to bend the knee to Robb as his new King in the North. He was seated at the banquet with Robb, when the Freys and Boltons turned on the Northern Loyalists, and he was one of the targets of the massacre that managed to put up a very commendable, strong resistance. However, obviously, his efforts failed to save King Robb. In the show, Blackfish Tully essentially covered an amalgamation of his role and that of the Greatjon.

Following the massacre, lots of people's attitudes changed about old customs and how reliable such things as Guest Right even are (especially where the Freys are concerned), and a growing sentiment shows up where people talk of seeing all of the atrocities committed against the Starks with the phrase, "The North Remembers", and I liked seeing a hint of this in the preview for the season finale with Tyrion commenting "The Northerners will never forget this". Indeed, they won't... =)