I'm not sure HOW someone can miss that it's GROTESQUE psychological abuse to cock tease someone, and then proceed to REMOVE their genitals. Obviously, the brief dry humping wasn't torture, but the torment and agony that it instilled, that otherwise would NOT have been instilled (at least to any such degree) had the tease of happiness not preceded cannot be overlooked. His imprisonment wouldn't have destroyed Theon as much had he not been allowed to escape, only to be hunted down. Likewise, his mutilations wouldn't have impacted him as much had other ploys not been implemented to briefly raise his hopes before knocking them down, disastrously.
TorontRayne said:
More titties=More viewers. Isn't it obvious? Game of Thrones is actually all about the titties. I'm surprised the Dragons don't have tits. Of course it's too much to ask for a little bush now and again. Show more bush.
Really though, I feel sorry for Greyjoy. Poor fucker shoud have stayed with the Starks, but he felt like pleasing a father who fucking hates him. Now he is stuck in a dungeon getting shit jammed into his fingernails, not to mention the whole Braveheart treatment. The Kingslayer is now my favorite character with his recent arc. Almost makes me forgive him for the fucked up shit he did to old Ned. Well...Lannisters do have to look after their own don't they?
Can't say I blame him for doing what he had to. The whole Lannister family is having some issues atm. This is the first I have heard of a chosen one though. Must be further ahead in the series?
No, the Prophesized whatevers have already been touched upon. But unlike the books, the TV show didn't place particular emphasis on them. For instance, Melissandre always refers to Stannis as the so-called Warrior of Light, which is one of the variants of these similar prophesies. The DVDs have expanded history extras that explain that most of the origins of the prophesized whatever was from a myth that a single blessed warrior "cast away the darkness", which is largely considered to mean whoever it was who figured out how to kill the White Walkers and ultimately end the Long Night. The history of the Got/IAF World is MASSIVE, and naturally it's hard to cram all of that information into each episode without just mentioning them in passing to such a soft degree that you just forget all about them. Those DVD extras are a nice and helpful touch, however.
As for Theon... Yeah, I do consider him a pitiful character. During his reign of Winterfell, you really grow to utterly detest the guy, but once he falls, you realize he just made a horrible mistake. Not a mistake to take lightly, but still you can recognize that deep down he meant well, and he's still a not-so-bad person, but he's experiencing a hell that no one deserves. I'm rather curious how they're going to show Theon, because the TV version of his torture has been OBSCENELY censored (and I don't mind... what we've got already makes me sick, at times), because he loses TONS of body parts at Ramsay's behest. The actor had to lose a lot of weight to play the role for season 3, but I wonder if they'll CGI him, or just change the level of torture he receives to omit most of it, so that the role can continue to BE physically playable (without having to Gollum him up in CGI).
What strikes me as odd is that I just can't find myself liking Jaime. It doesn't matter how much good he HAS done, nor will continue to do, but I just don't like him. Too proud. He didn't attack Ned because his family demanded it, he did it because 1) He loves his little brother and he wasn't going to let Tyrion's abduction slide, and 2) He wanted to fight Ned, and he found the perfect excuse and opportunity to do it. Under most circumstances, under most "typical" stories in a similar setting, I'd love a character who acts like that, and in the end we find out to be a more-or-less morally acceptable person. But he's just too damn smug and self-centered and proud for me to like him. I liked watching his duel with Brienne, because you saw how he truly enjoyed fighting, and had he not been bound and starved and out of practice, he might have effortlessly bested her, but he enjoyed the fight for a brief time despite his handicaps. I know that, like Sandor Clegane (The Hound), he's FAR from the most morally reprehensible character around (that trophy goes to his sister, hands down), but... I just can't come to like the guy. =/