Gamespy on Fallout fans

Can't say NMA users didn't deserve "SOME" of that verbal lashing. Obviously wishing death doesn't fit in.

Go read through a few posts about how moronic, evil and corrupt Bethesda designers are. I mean, from so many posts in just the News Forum alone, you can find slanderous hate mongering in abundance. Brother None asked who they were making this game for, and I'm not sure why they'd make it for any of you.

He sounds like a wounded kitty because you didn't like Tactics, but you sounded worse before he ever said anything.

It's Gamespy for crying out loud, you're almost in tears over Gamespy!?!?
I was reading the most excellent article about F:PoS on DaC the other day, and all I could think about was how Chucky easily sounded like one of the Bethesda devs (especially now that I think about the nuke catapult. At least we didn't get that before.). But of course, I think that's an insult even to Bethesda (sorry guys).

I wonder if Beth's marketing guys will get their own interviews on GameSpy after FINO:3 comes out.
Jecrell said:
I threw up a little in my mouth reading this news.

Aww you stole my line. So I'll use... "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to." ...Great now we've all threw up a little bit more trying to comprehend that.

FeelTheRads said:
OK, they might be worried if there are people bad-mouthing their products, but don't you think they are happy when popular sites like GameSpy... well, bad-mouth the bad-mouthers?

Unfortunately, that gives them more credibility I think. Because, let's face it, most who listen to these sites are uneducated about the subject, and they'll simply think "Oh, they are mindless haters. They deserve those things said about them".

Oh so true, and I enjoy that since we are the ignorant hateful bigots that we are, we get to be criticized to no end for our defensive/offensive remarks displayed here! Hazaaah! Why do I keep getting "this" image stuck in my head... Vault City comes to mind... I was always an outcast of Vault City... Lousy holier than thou folk.

That or the Vault Boy Outcast image.
Whatever we do, we should all stick together. We're much better as a whole, rather than 10 angry guys on a website.

The staff here at NMA is great at what they do, I don't even know if you ever got credited for the news, articles and so on. :clap: to you guys.

But, have you ever thought about fighting fire with fire? For you see, we have been using gas to fight that fire, and it only got bigger. How about a marketing campaign? How about you guys (I beleive Kharn or Odin are the overlords here) make your own damn PR departament? Spread around the word.

There are many minds that need to be coherced before the enemy hypes them into submission. If we really love this game, let's not let it die. People fought wars for smaller shit.
Thorton said:
Go read through a few posts about how moronic, evil and corrupt Bethesda designers are. I mean, from so many posts in just the News Forum alone, you can find slanderous hate mongering in abundance. Brother None asked who they were making this game for, and I'm not sure why they'd make it for any of you.

He sounds like a wounded kitty because you didn't like Tactics, but you sounded worse before he ever said anything.

Well i certainly dont want them to make _me_ a game - especially after all the latest news on the thing - and i'd love it if theyd stop pretending it has anything to do with the previous titles or that they care about people who liked the first 2 . And to me lashing out against a non-uniform group is in fact the ignorant and more importanlty unprofessional thing to do ...
Smoke_Jaguar said:
Whatever we do, we should all stick together. We're much better as a whole, rather than 10 angry guys on a website.

The staff here at NMA is great at what they do, I don't even know if you ever got credited for the news, articles and so on. :clap: to you guys.

But, have you ever thought about fighting fire with fire? For you see, we have been using gas to fight that fire, and it only got bigger. How about a marketing campaign? How about you guys (I beleive Kharn or Odin are the overlords here) make your own damn PR departament? Spread around the word.

There are many minds that need to be coherced before the enemy hypes them into submission. If we really love this game, let's not let it die. People fought wars for smaller shit.

There are 11 angry visitors on NMA... Eleven! Sheesh! I think it's a reference to a classic Hollywood film? Maybe...

Should we launch a dirty PR campaign as it seems many have upon NMA?

I don't think that would be very constructive in the end. Call me a spineless loser but I'd rather be able to shun those that look down upon me to see their embarrassment when they realize they were wrong... All though, the cattle don't often realize much but, the slaughter house (Bethesda) has to get their meat some way some how.

I do think that we should spread the word. Do everything in our power to get the word out there. Post anti Fallout 3 images on profiles, signatures with links leading to honest explanations of why YOU as the consumer do not support it. Especially since it seems media organizations that report on these products have abandoned the concept of even understanding the definition of what they are.

Quite frankly I'm tired of video gaming media. I am tired of their laziness and their bloated fat ideals... I'm tired of actual reporting, journalism and intelligent thought being disregarded as something from an archaic time. Due to their negligence customers of theirs have been duped by fake companies claiming to be creating a product that they were not. People have lost money and lost trust in the reporting of new games because of their lack of journalism.

I'd pay twice the going rate for a magazine that actually researched and gave informed opinions of the product under review. Unless I'm quite mad and what I have observed is part of my psychosis; I think there are many whom would be interested in a form of gaming media that did bring intelligent thought and discussion to the table instead of this senseless advertisement fluff we get from most gaming media today.
Brother None said:
Could we? Perhaps. Can we? I'm not sure if we are available to invest the time. It's not a bad idea, as such, because it'd probably work, knowing the American legal system, but who amongst us would invest the time and money?

It isn't libel if it's true.

The statement(s) alleged to be defamatory must also be a false statement of fact. That which is name-calling, hyperbole, or, however characterized, cannot be proven true or false, cannot be the subject of a libel or slander claim. The actual malice standard requires that the plaintiff in a defamation or libel case prove that the publisher of the statement in question knew that the statement was false or acted in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity.
Rausch said:
They have some of the finest RPGs ever made. I still break out Fallout once in a while and play it. But if it's a choice between, say, having my eyes poked out with red-hot needles and spending time in the Fallout forums, I'm seriously going with the needles.
Uhm... Dude? You seem to lost your eyes long time ago.

Rausch said:
Y'know, these are people who would love it to be 1998 forever and they want all the ex-Troika guys to come back to it. I mean, the quintessential example of what these people are is when Bethesda got the license and nobody knew anything beyond the fact that hey, Bethesda got the license. A normal person would go "hey, look, an obscure license that really only had critical praise and didn't do all that well in terms of sales has been rescued from the dead by people who love it." And what was their reaction? "Oh, it's going to suck when Bethesda has it...
The avalanche of unrest came after the first promo materials. Scepticism is what dominated before it.

Rausch said:
...You know what? You know nothing, shut up.
Simplification like that can only be taken as idiocy.

For something's sake, how is it possible that such people posses such a poor rhetoric art? I can't understand how did they get into their fuc*ing positions with it? I mean, I'm not a damn Cicero, but then again, I don't have to be - but this guy has to.
FeelTheRads said:
OMG, you are so much better than us. You're gonna have fun! Oh, wow!
Just remember though while you're having that fun, that you are nothing more than another Bethesda blowjob boy.

The point, in case zealots ever want to accept it, is that your tastes are not the only tastes in the world. Really, I know this may be hard to believe, but if you like playing a turn-based game set in three counties of Utah in 2242, and you like miniguns but don't like lasers, and you like the ratio of combat to dialogue to be about 4:1, and you like cars that look more like Buicks than Pontiacs, and you think 50s-style monsters are okay but 50s-style aliens aren't, and you think Max's jacket from Mad Max is okay but the football pad armour isn't, and you don't like it when italics are used in dialogue but you do like it when boldface is used, and you want it to be longer than 100 hours but no longer than 120 hours, and like games to be non-linear but only to a point, and like big cities, but only two because four is too much BUT HEY NOT THAT ONE, and you like the desert but don't mind a little grass BUT HEY NOT THAT MUCH BECAUSE IT'S NOT FALLOUT...I am terribly, terribly sorry, because we are not going to make a game just for you. We're not trying to make a game for everyone. Really, we aren't. But we're not making a game just for you and ten other angry guys with tastes that are narrower than a hallway in a camp of pygmy dwarves.

Ironic that the game four years ago that was reviled by No Mutants Allowed is now the One True Successor to Fallout Fan Circlejerking and the actual sequel is treated with the same batshit reactions as before.

Bravo. Bravo. :clap:
I just love how people call us names because we dare to say it when our beloved Fallout is being ass-raped for the third time. And I love even more people who register here just to call us names because we do not like what we have seen so far from Fallout 3 at all.

"Itz 2007 !!!11!!! FPS f33L t3h winnzor !!!!1! U guyz r ignroants, Itz call3d 3VOLUSHEN ! FUCK 98 !!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolzor"
Ironic that the game four years ago that was reviled by No Mutants Allowed is now the One True Successor to Fallout Fan Circlejerking and the actual sequel is treated with the same batshit reactions as before.

Bravo. Bravo.

FeelTheRads said:
Ironic that the game four years ago that was reviled by No Mutants Allowed is now the One True Successor to Fallout Fan Circlejerking and the actual sequel is treated with the same batshit reactions as before.

Bravo. Bravo.


You have fatally wounded me with your piercing and scathing commentary. My eyes have been truly opened. Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout.
Earlier in this thread (actually it might've been a much older thread, heh) someone mentioned that they didn't want Bethesda making a Fallout game because "they're good at [morrowind, those types of games], not fallout," and I had to bring up something about the game development world that I've noticed in my years: a game development studio (or company) is not necessarily bound by its own precedent as far as its potential goes. For instance, look at the late Clover Studio. They made Viewtiful Joe, a cel-shaded a 2.5d side-scrolling beat-em-up; God Hand, a mature, 3d brawler that pokes fun at all sorts of memes; and Okami, a 3d adventure game done in a very unique cel-shading style based on old Japanese woodblock paintings.

Now, all three of these games may have a similarity here or there, but for the most part, they are completely different, especially in the case of God Hand.

There's EA games, known for its yearly sequels and generally bad games; yet the EA brand can be found on hits such as Burnout and Black, both made by the same development team (Criterion) yet completely different; a racing game and an FPS, respectively.

Is Bethesda good at making elven runes with dragons and such for Morrowind and Oblivion? Yes. Does this automatically mean that they cannot do Fallout 3 justice? No. You guys should give them a chance to do their game development thing. From what they've said, it sounds like they really care about making a good game. They could've just whipped something up in two or three years just to exploit the Fallout name, but they didn't. We have screenshots and, if I remember correctly, a trailer already, yet the game isn't coming out for another 18 months or so. I'm pretty grateful they picked up the license and not some random company like 989 (if they're still around, that is).
vgambit said:
Is Bethesda good at making elven runes with dragons and such for Morrowind and Oblivion? Yes. Does this automatically mean that they cannot do Fallout 3 justice?

No...They WERE good at what they were doing until they did Oblivion, which was an utter piece of crap, a total rapefest of the TES series. It could have been a great game, but it was definitely not, mainly because of its dumbing-down for the console gaming market. It does not automatically mean that they cannot do Fallout 3 justice, but we know enough to see what unfortunate path Fallout 3 is taking : that of a glorified Oblivion.
[quote="Brother None
"hey, look, an obscure license that really only had critical praise and didn't do all that well in terms of sales ].[/quote]

Correction mr (and seeing from what you said, i use that term losely) Rausch, your game didn't sell well, the previous ones didn't do that bad in terms of sales. The guy just seems bitter about something. Did we hurt this guy by saying that Tactics wasn't all that good ? Did we kill his pupies ?
Jonesy, banned for being a lowlife troll. vgambit, banned for actually being wingzero2021.

ssuukk said:
Too bad the guy didn't mention countless NMA threads like:

"The sky in Beth fallout is too blue" (although less blue than in original Fallout)
Wait, you could see the sky in Fallout? Awesome new hack!

In case you hadn't noticed, that criticism was maybe voiced once and related mostly to the art design and colour palette of Beth's Fallout 3, which is at odds with Fallout's colour pallette.

ssuukk said:
"The music sux" (although it is very similar to tanker music, which, magically, doesn't suck).
It's about context, ssuukk. The teaser trailer was an intro movie. Now compare that music to Fallout's intro music. That's very, very different.

To everyone else who's going to take this opportunity to try to argue with us: We do not hate Bethesda because they try to revive Fallout, in fact saying we hate Bethesda is probably too much. We do, by and large, hate what Bethesda is doing to Fallout 3 because it doesn't fit Fallout's original design. And no, 'at least they're doing something' or 'eh, the gameplay never really mattered it's all about the feel anyway' posts are not going to change our minds.
Just to clarify, this clown had nothing to do with the development of Fallout Tactics. He was (apparently) a PR monkey somewhere in the works, and must've really taken offense to the fact that Fallout fans are a hard-sell. Boo-fucking-hoo.